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The ClC-3 chloride channel and osmoregulation in the European Sea Bass, Dicentrarchus labrax ArchiMer
Bossus, Maryline; Charmantier, Guy; Blondeau-bidet, Eva; Valletta, Bianca; Boulo, Viviane; Lorin-nebel, Catherine.
Dicentrarchus labrax migrates between sea (SW), brackish and fresh water (FW) where chloride concentrations and requirements for chloride handling change: in FW, fish absorb chloride and restrict renal losses; in SW, they excrete chloride. In this study, the expression and localization of ClC-3 and Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) were studied in fish adapted to SW, or exposed to FW from 10 min to 30 days. In gills, NKA-alpha 1 subunit expression transiently increased from 10 min and reached a stabilized intermediate expression level after 24 h in FW. ClC-3 co-localized with NKA in the basolateral membrane of mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) at all conditions. The intensity of MRC ClC-3 immunostaining was significantly higher (by 50 %) 1 h after the transfer to FW,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ClC-3 chloride channel; Na+/K+-ATPase; Dicentrarchus labrax; Osmoregulation; Osmosensing.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Low temperature has opposite effects on sex determination in a marine fish at the larval/postlarval and juvenile stages ArchiMer
Vandeputte, Marc; Clota, Frederic; Sadoul, Bastien; Blanc, Marie-odile; Blondeau-bidet, Eva; Bégout, Marie-laure; Cousin, Xavier; Geffroy, Benjamin.
Temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) can be observed in multiple reptile and fish species. It is adaptive when varying environmental conditions advantage either males or females. A good knowledge of the thermosensitive period is key to understand how environmental changes may lead to changes in population sex ratio. Here, by manipulating temperature during development, we confirm that cold temperature (16°C) increases the proportion of fish that develop as females in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) until 56 days posthatching, but show that it has an opposite effect at later stages, with the proportion of males reaching ~90% after 230 days at 16°C. This is the first observation of opposite effects of temperature at different time periods...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dicentrarchus labrax; Fish; Sex ratio; Temperature-dependent sex determination; Thermosensitive period; TSD.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Inter-individual variability in freshwater tolerance is related to transcript level differences in gill and posterior kidney of European sea bass ArchiMer
L'Honoré, Thibault; Farcy, Emilie; Blondeau-bidet, Eva; Lorin-nebel, Catherine.
Acclimation to low salinities is a vital physiological challenge for euryhaline fish as the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. This species undertakes seasonal migrations towards lagoons and estuaries where a wide range of salinity variations occur along the year. We have previously reported intraspecific differences in freshwater tolerance, with an average 30% mortality rate. In this study, we bring new evidence of mechanisms underlying freshwater tolerance in sea bass at gill and kidney levels. In fresh water (FW), intraspecific differences in mRNA expression levels of several ion transporters and prolactin receptors were measured. We showed that the branchial Cl-/HCO3- anion transporter (slc26a6c) was over-expressed in freshwater intolerant fish,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Intraspecific variation; Osmoregulation; Freshwater acclimation; Ion transporters; SLC26A6; NKCC; PRLR.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Ion uptake pathways in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax ArchiMer
Blondeau-bidet, Eva; Hiroi, Junya; Lorin-nebel, Catherine.
Ion uptake mechanisms are diverse in fish species, certainly linked to duplication events that have led to the presence of a multitude of paralogous genes. In fish, Na+ uptake involves several ion transporters expressed in different ionocyte subtypes. In the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax, several key transporters potentially involved in Na+ uptake have been investigated in seawater (SW) and following a 2 weeks freshwater (FW) acclimation. Using gel electrophoresis, we have shown that the Na+/H+-exchanger 3 (nhe3, slc9a3) is expressed in gills and kidney at both salinities. Quantitative realtime PCR analysis showed a significantly higher nhe3 expression in fresh water (FW) compared to SW. Its apical localization in a subset of gill ionocytes in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Teleost; Osmoregulation; Ion transporters; Na+ uptake; NHE3; NCC2.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Effect of salinity and temperature on the expression of genes involved in branchial ion transport processes in European sea bass ArchiMer
Masroor, Waliullah; Farcy, Emilie; Blondeau-bidet, Eva; Venn, Alexander; Tambutté, Eric; Lorin-nebel, Catherine.
The responses of European sea bass to temperature increase and salinity decrease were investigated measuring mRNA expression levels of main genes involved in ion transport. Juvenile fish were pre-acclimated to seawater (SW) at 18 °C (temperate) or 24 °C (warm) for two weeks and then transferred for two weeks to either fresh water (FW) or SW at the respective temperature. Unlike temperate conditions, there is no change in Na+/K+-ATPase α1a (nka α1a) and Na+/H+ exchanger 3 (nhe3) mRNA expression following FW transfer in warm conditions. This is linked to the high expression of these genes in warm SW compared to temperate SW. Na+/Cl−-cotransporter (ncc2a) expression however is increased following FW transfer in temperate and warm conditions. Main transporters...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dicentrarchus labrax; Ion transporter; Gill; MRNA expression; Thermal acclimation; Salinity.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Salinity stress from the perspective of the energy-redox axis: Lessons from a marine intertidal flatworm ArchiMer
Rivera-ingraham, Georgina A.; Nommick, Aude; Blondeau-bidet, Eva; Ladurner, Peter; Lignot, Jehan-herve.
In the context of global change, there is an urgent need for researchers in conservation physiology to understand the physiological mechanisms leading to the acquisition of stress acclimation phenotypes. Intertidal organisms continuously cope with drastic changes in their environmental conditions, making them outstanding models for the study of physiological acclimation. As the implementation of such processes usually comes at a high bioenergetic cost, a mitochondrial/oxidative stress approach emerges as the most relevant approach when seeking to analyze whole-animal responses. Here we use the intertidal flatworm Macrostomum lignano to analyze the bioenergetics of salinity acclimation and its consequences in terms of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Energetic balance; Flatworms; Live-imaging; Mitochondrial membrane potential; Osmoregulation; RNS; ROS.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Effects of fasting and re-alimentation on gill and intestinal morphology and indicators of osmoregulatory capacity in genetically selected sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) populations with contrasting tolerance to fasting ArchiMer
Alix, Maud; Blondeau-bidet, Eva; Grousset, Evelyse; Shiranghi, Ainaz; Vergnet, Alain; Guinand, Bruno; Chatain, Beatrice; Boulo, Viviane; Lignot, Jehan-herve.
Fasting and refeeding occur naturally in predators but this is largely ignored when dealing with farmed fish. Therefore, the effects of 3-week fasting and re-alimentation (2.5% of the individual body mass) were investigated using two genetically selected populations (F2 generation) of 250 g juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Blood osmolarity, gill and intestinal morphology and expression of the sodium pump (Na+, K+-ATPase, NKA) were studied on two phenotypes showing different degrees of body mass loss during food deprivation: one group losing body mass rapidly during fasting (F +) and the other one limiting body mass loss during the same period (F-). Blood osmotic pressure significantly decreases due to re-alimentation in both groups, but this...
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Ano: 2017 URL:
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