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Guía técnica para la identificación de invertebrados epibentónicos asociados a los bancos de vieira patagónica (Zygochlamys patagonica)en el Mar Argentino OceanDocs
Bremec, C.; Marecos, A.; Schejter, L.; Lasta, M.L..
Technical guide to identify epibenthic invertebrates associated to Patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica)beds in the Argentine Sea, SW Atlantic. A catalogue of the invertebrate species that conform the by-catch of the Patagonian scallop fishery is presented and a descriptive technical note with basic information on the organisms considered is included.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Marine invertebrates; Zoobenthos; Taxonomy; Vernacular names; By catch; Check lists; Scallop fisheries; Taxonomy; Zoobenthos; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Caracoles marinos de interés pesquero. Moluscos gasterópodos volútidos. OceanDocs
Lasta, M.L.; Roux, A.; Bremec, C..
The main morphologic characteristics, the ecology and fishing interest of the volutid gastropod species of the Argentine Sea are described. The species considered are Adelomelon brasiliana, Adelomelon ancilla, Adelomelon beckii, Odontocymbiola magellanica and Zidona dufresnei.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine molluscs; Organism morphology; Geographical distribution; Gastropod fisheries; Landing statistics; Geographical distribution; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Resultados del análisis de una campaña de investigación pesquera, sobre comunidades bentónicas asociadas a bancos de mejillón (Mytilus edulis platensis D'Orb.)en costas de Buenos Aires, Argentina. OceanDocs
Bremec, C.; Roux, A..
Macrobenthic sampling was carried out during the survey of mussel beds (Mytilus edulis platensis, D'Orb)at the continental shelf of Buenos Aires province (Argentina)(EH-06/93, INIDEP). 47 samples were obtained with a hard bottom dredge between 18 m and 64 m depth;sedimentological samples were also collected in every station. The following descriptors were used: Maxime Dominance, Relative Dominance, Relative Presence (Bouderesque, 1971), Specific Diversity(H')(Shannon Weaver, 1963)and Evenness (J')(Pielou, 1966)Faunistic associations and areas of distribution were defined usingcluster analysis (UPGMA, Q and R modes)(Legendre Legendre, 1979).The community structure of the benthic macrofauna associated to mussel beds was defined for a coastal area between...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zoobenthos; Fishery surveys; Dredged samples; Zoobenthos; Http://
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Vieira patagonica (Zygochlamys patagonica King & Broderip, 1832): una nueva pesquería en la plataforma continental argentina. OceanDocs
Lasta, M.L.; Bremec, C..
Patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica King Broderip, 1832): A new fishery in the Argentine continental shelf. We present preliminary information on a new fishery of patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica King Broderip, 1832) in the Argentine Continental Shelf. A research program was conducted jointly by INIDEP and a fishing company during 1995 with the F/V Erin Bruce. The vessel, fishing equipment and processing on board are described. A total of 7235 fishing tows were performed during 246 days at sea. Seven new beds were located between 38º 50' S and 42º 30' S, along the 100-m isobath. Beds are discrete. Differences in the size structure by bed suggest that recruitment consists of sporadic pulses. Proportion of scallops and invertebrate by-catch...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Scallop fisheries; Commercial fishing; Catch/effort; Fishing grounds; Size distribution; Potential resources; Fishing grounds; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Moluscos bivalvos y gasteropodos OceanDocs
Lasta, M.L.; Ciocco, N.F.; Bremec, C.; Roux, A..
The main life history characteristics, ecology and fishing interest of bivalve and gastropod species from the Argentine Sea are described. Exploited bivalve species are: mussel Mytilus edulis platensis, cholga Aulacomya ater, tehuelche scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus, Patagonian scallop Zygochlamys patagonica. Bivalve species irregularly exploited are: yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides, purple clam Amiantis purpurata, hard shell clam Ameghinomya antiqua and wedge shell Donax hanleyanus. It is also presented information on species of potential interest: clams Eurhomalea exhalbida and Pitar rostratus, half naked pen shell Atrina seminuda, 'geoduck' Panopea abbreviata, razor shells Solen tehuelchus, Ensis macha, Tagelus plebeius, and flat oyster Ostrea...
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Marine molluscs; Potential resources; Life history; Ecology; Geographical distribution; Literature reviews; Life history; Ecology; Geographical distribution; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Epibionts on Flexopecten felipponei (Dall, 1922), an uncommon scallop from Argentina OceanDocs
Schejter, L.; Bremec, C..
Flexopecten felipponei (Dall, 1922) is a non-commercial, seldom reported pectinid from the SW Atlantic Ocean. In this contribution we review its taxonomy, describe epifaunal species and their levels of encrustation, and discuss the composition of the macrobenthic assemblage where this scallop Iives. Eighteen epibiont taxa were observed to Iive on the valves of these scallops. The most frequent and abundant epibionts on F. felipponei were serpulids, barnacles, and oysters. Although both valves were encrusted, the left valves had higher percentages of coverage. The benthic community contained 69 invertebrate taxa that generally charaeterize other mid-shelf bottorns between 37°S and 39°S. Eight pea crabs of the species Tumidotheres maculatus (Say, 1818)were...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Benthos; Taxonomy; Community composition; Benthos; Taxonomy; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Brachiopoda collected in the Western South Atlantic by R/V Shinkai Maru cruises (1978-1979) OceanDocs
Roux, A.; Bremec, C..
Brachipods dredged during the cruises Shinkai Maru IV, V, X and XI (1978 - 1979)on the Western South Atlantic in the Argentine Continental Shelf in 36 sampling stations are here reported. Terebratella dorsata (Gmelin), Magellania venosa (Solander)y Liothyrella uva (Broderip)have been recorded in a depth range of 55 to 189 meters in a area which extends from 36°32'S to 54°30'S and from 55°30'W to 68°42'W. Brachiopod localities and brief ecological and geographical distribution aspects are mentioned.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Benthos; Geographical distribution; Benthos; Geographical distribution; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Areas ícticas costeras en la Zona Común de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya (ZCPAU) y en el litoral de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 1994 OceanDocs
Lasta, C.A.; Bremec, C.; Mianzan, H.W..
Demersal fisheries evaluation data obtained during the cruise H-13/94, in the areas of El Rincón (Buenos Aires Prov., Argentina) and the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone, are analyzed. Species distribution areas are defined through cluster analysis among stations (Q mode), using Bray-Curtis index applied to species abundance data: number of individuals/mn2 and t/mn2. Regarding coastal resources are dynamic and opportunistic, information.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Demersal fisheries; Coastal fisheries; Marine fish; Ecological distribution; Demersal fisheries; Coastal fisheries; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Característica y dinámica de la explotación de corvina rubia (Micropogonias furnieri) durante la zafra invernal, años 1995 a 1997. OceanDocs
Lasta, C.A.; Carozza, C.R.; Suquelle, P.; Bremec, C.; Errazti, E.; Perrotta, R.G.; Cotrina, C.P.; Bertelo, C.; Boccanfuso, J..
Whitemouth croaker Micropogonias furnieri fishery during three intensive fishing seasons in the outer area of the La Plata River (Argentina-Uruguay) is analyzed. Resource exploitation in the South Atlantic area shows a general retraction of the distribution range and an isolation of the La Plata River stock where most of the fishing effort concentrates. The species market evolution brought about, for Argentina and Uruguay, an important shift in its dynamics as of 1992, when the product insertion in Asiatic markets generated an important commercial attraction and a subsequent increase in the fishing effort by the argentine inshore coastal fleet. This caused a change in the fishery development in Argentina and the establishment, in winter, of a fleet...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal fisheries; Fishery management; Catch/effort; Landing statistics; Marketing; Fishery management; Marketing; Coastal fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Pesquerías de bivalvos: mejillón, vieiras (tehuelche y patagónica) y otras especies OceanDocs
Ciocco, N.F.; Lasta, M.L.; Bremec, C..
Fisheries of the mussel Mytilus edulis platensis, the tehuelche scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus and Patagonian scallop Zygochlamys patagonica are described. Information about catches of purple clam Amiantis purpurata in San Matias Gulf, mussel Aulacomya ater ater and hard shell clam Ameghinomya antiqua in San José Gulf is also presented. Regarding mytilus fishery, it is observed that the main catches were situated in Faro Querandí and Quequén beds (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina), where high densities occured in an area between 35 and 60 m depths. Those beds were exploited until the production was no more commercially interesting. The tehuelche scallop is a very well known resource from the Argentine Sea and its fisheries from San Matías and San José...
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Mussel fisheries; Scallop fisheries; Clam fisheries; Fishery surveys; Catch/effort; Fishing grounds; Fishing grounds; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Mapeo sinóptico del macrobentos asociados a la dieta en fondos de alimentación de la corvina rubia Micropogonias furnieri en el área de El Rincón, Noviembre, 1994 OceanDocs
Bremec, C.; Lasta, M.L..
The faunistic characteristics in feeding grounds of Micropogonias furnieri, considering many relationships with the diet of the species in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone, are studied. Benthos was collected in 33 sampling stations during the reseach cruise H-13/94, between 9-44 meters depth in the area El Rincón (Buenos Aires Prov., Argentina), with hard bottom and Picard dredges. Cluster analysis (Q mode, Sorensen index) was applied to these data and to the invertebrate by-catch obtained in 58 demersal hauls. Frequency size distribution of mussels in its distribution area is also presented. Stomach contents of 177 specimens of white croaker were studied from the percentage of ocurrence frequence of every alimentary item. Present results and...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zoobenthos; Nursery grounds; Stomach content; Zoobenthos; Nursery grounds; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Análisis de la flota dedicada a la pesca de corvina rubia y distribución de tallas del desembarque. Período 1992-1995 OceanDocs
Carozza, C.R.; Perrotta, R.G.; Cotrina, C.P.; Bremec, C.; Aubone, A..
This work deals with the structure and efficiency of the fleet fishing white croaker in Argentina. Results show that there exist two strata delimited by 17.25 m length and 345 HP vessels. The most efficient is constituted by those of smaller dimensions. During 1992-1995 landings were sampled and subsequently analyzed. A decrease in mean length landed and an increase of juveniles presence were detected. The situation coincided with an increment of catches, landings, fishing effort, exports and the fleet activities in "El Salado" area (35° 57' - 36° 57' LS).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing vessels; Catch/effort; Catch statistics; Fishing vessels; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Ecological boundaries in estuaries: macrobenthic ß-diversity in the Rio de la Plata system (34-36°S) OceanDocs
Giberto, D.A.; Bremec, C.; Cortelezzi, A.; Rodrigues Capitulo, A.; Brazeiro, A..
In this study, we analyse spatial patterns of macrobenthic communities of the Río de la Plata system, and assess the species turnover or beta diversity and its relationship with environmental gradients. Macrobenthic samples and physico-chemical parameters were collected from 20 sampling sites along a transect of 560 km, including the freshwater (FW), estuarine (ES)and marine (MA)sectors. Three main assemblages corresponding to the above mentioned sectors were defined with multivariate analysis (cluster, MDS). In total 134 taxa were recorded, 81 in MA, 33 in FW and 38 in ES, represented mainly by polychaete, mollusc and crustacean species. Depth, salinity and clay showed the strongest correlation with the observed faunal patterns (pw=0.62; BIO-ENV...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Macrobenthos; Assemblages; Brackishwater environment; Estuaries; Estuaries; Macrobenthos; Brackishwater environment; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The Invasive Rapa Whelk Rapana venosa (Valenciennes 1846): Status and potential ecological impacts in the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina-Uruguay OceanDocs
Giberto, D.A.; Bremec, C.; Schejter, L.; Schiariti, A.; Mianzan, H.W.; Acha, E.M..
Recent range extensions of the invasive rapa whelk Rapana venosa, biological data of the population and possible ecological impacts on the food webs of the Rio de la Plata estuary are presented. A total of 41 rapa whelks and 21 egg capsules were collected between February 2004 and March 2006. Specimens were found all over the mixohaline waters of the estuary, with records off Montevideo, Samborombon Bay and off Punta Rasa. Specimens ranged between 28 and 120 mm shell length. Almost all R. venosa presented epibionts all over the shell, suggesting an exposed lifestyle. Egg-masses were attached to specimens of R. venosa, debris and plastic garbage. The spatial distribution of R. venosa within the estuary was coupled with the spatial distribution of Mactra...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Estuaries; Introduced species; Predators; Food webs; Estuaries; Predators; Food webs; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Analisis de la captura incidental asociada a la pesqueria de vieira patagónica Zygochlamys patagonica OceanDocs
Bremec, C.; Lasta, M.L.; Lucifora, L.O.; Valero, J..
The faunistic composition of invertebrate by-catch associated with the Patagonian scallop Zygochlamys patagonica fishery before its development were studied. Analyzed material was sampled from catches performed in different beds with the F/V Erin Bruce during 1995, all of them in undisturbed areas, in the Argentine continental shelf. Macrofaunal species were identified, weighted and percentages of presence estimated. By-catch invertebrate species were determined for every bed, mainly invertebrates without present commercial value. This baseline information is considered a useful tool to detect structural changes in the benthic communities in relation to the conservation of possible substrates of recruitment of this resource and to estimate the evolution of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Scallop fisheries; Benthos; Fishing grounds; Benthos; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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