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Isolation and identification of feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus in Southern Brazil BJM
Henzel,Andréia; Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto; Lautert,Cláudia; Martins,Mathias; Lovato,Luciane Teresinha; Weiblen,Rudi.
Feline calicivirus (FCV) and feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1) are the two primary causes of upper respiratory tract disease in cats. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the distribution of FCV and FHV-1 among the feline population of several counties in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. To this end, conjunctival and nasal swabs were collected from 302 cats from different locations, including households, breeding catteries, veterinary clinics, animal hospitals and experimental research facilities. The samples were collected between July 2006 to June 2009. The virus isolation was performed in CRFK cells and, subsequently, the identification was confirmed by PCR. FCV, FHV-1, or both were isolated from 55 cats from 28 different locations. FCV alone was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: FCV; FHV-1; URTD; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Selection and characterization of brivudin resistant bovine herpesvirus type 5 BJM
Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto; Santos,Cyndia Mara Bezerra dos; Weiblen,Rudi; Flores,Eduardo Furtado.
Bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) is the agent of meningoencephalitis, an important disease of cattle in South America. The neuropathogenesis of BoHV-5 infection is poorly understood and most previous research focused on the role of envelope glicoproteins in neurovirulence. Thymidine kinase (TK) is a viral enzyme necessary for virus replication in neurons and, therefore, represents a potential target for virus attenuation. The selection and characterization of BoHV-5 variants resistant to the nucleoside analog brivudin (BVDU), which selects TK-defective viruses is here described. Several BVDU-resistant clones were obtained after multiple passages in tissue culture in the presence of BVDU and one clone (BoHV-5/R-27) was further characterized. The selected...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: BoHV-5; Thymidine kinase; Drug resistant; Brivudin.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Stable expression and potential use of West Nile virus envelope glycoproteins preM/E as antigen in diagnostic tests BJM
Cargnelutti,Juliana Felipetto; Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto; Weiblen,Rudi; Flores,Eduardo Furtado.
West Nile virus (WNV) envelope glycoproteins preM/E were stably expressed in baby hamster kidney cells and tested as antigen in a fluorescent antibody assay for WNV antibodies. Sera from horses, mice and chicken immunized with an inactivated WNV vaccine and, less consistently, sera from horses acutely infected with WNV, reacted specifically with viral antigens present in preM/E-expressing cells.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: West Nile virus; WNV; M/E glycoproteins; Stable expression; Diagnostic.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Clinical and virological characteristics of calves experimentally infected with a Brazilian isolate of bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1a Ciência Rural
Quadros,Luana Marchi; Jardim,José Conrado dos Santos; Merchioratto,Ingryd; Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto.
ABSTRACT: To study the pathogenicity of the Brazilian bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) type 1a 241.10 isolate, four calves were intranasally inoculated with a viral suspension containing 107.2 TCID50 mL-1. One calf was left uninoculated and kept in contact with the other calves to investigate viral transmissibility. After inoculation, the animals were monitored daily for clinical signs of infection. The presence of the virus in the blood and nasal secretions was confirmed by virus isolation in cell culture. White blood cells were quantified prior to and every 3 days after infection, and the presence of antibodies was checked every 7 days, starting at day 0 until day 42 post-inoculation (pi). After infection, nasal and ocular serous secretions were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calf; Experimental infection; Pestivirus; Bovine; BVDV.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Equine infectious anemia in the western region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Ciência Rural
Barzoni,Cristiane Santin; Nogueira,Daniele Martinez Pereira; Marques,Gisele Dias; Diehl,Gustavo Nogueira; Pellegrini,Débora da Cruz Payão; Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto.
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to characterize the outbreaks of equine infectious anemia (EIA) identified, between the years 2009 and 2015, in the western region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We identified 26 positive horses on 24 properties. Each positive property was considered an outbreak of the disease. The diagnoses were made using the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test as a part of the sanitary checks conducted during animal transportation or certification of the horse´s sanitary status. The positive properties included farms or horse barns, and the infected animals were used for ranch work, sports, or reproduction. One outbreak was identified in animals that were being illegally transported from Argentina to Brazil. Fifteen outbreaks...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Transboundary disease; Illegal transport; EIA; Passive surveillance; Virus.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Immunogenicity in sheep of Uruguayan commercial vaccines against bovine alphaherpesvirus 1, 5 and bovine pestiviruses Ciência Rural
Merchioratto,Ingryd; Aurélio,Alana de Almeida; Villela,Janice Machado; Stone,Nicole Vieira; Roman,Isac Junior; Traesel,Carolina Kist; Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto.
ABSTRACT: The serological responses induced by four commercial inactivated Uruguayan vaccines against bovine alphaherpesviruses (BoHV)-1 and -5 and bovine pestiviruses (BVDV-1, BVDV-2, and HoBiPeV) were evaluated in sheep. Thirty-seven sheep were immunized twice (day 0 and 25) and their serum samples were tested at different intervals (days 0, 25, 40, 60, and 90) post-vaccination (PV). Among the four vaccines tested, only one (G4) could induce the production of moderate neutralizing antibody titers against BoHV-1 and -5 and BVDV-1 and -2. The G3 vaccine showed a neutralizing serological response against the bovine alphaherpesviruses only. The G1 and G2 vaccines produced extremely low levels of antibodies in a few vaccinated animals only (geometric mean...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Serology; Neutralizing antibodies; Vaccine response; Reproductive disease.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Sarcoide equino associado ao papilomavírus bovino BR-UEL-4 Ciência Rural
Anjos,Bruno Leite dos; Silva,Mariana Sá e; Diefenbach,Aline; Brito,Marilene de Farias; Seppa,Gilberto dos Santos; Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto.
Um equino, sem raça definida, macho com três anos de idade apresentou múltiplos nódulos na pele, em diversas regiões do corpo. As lesões localizavam-se predominantemente nos lábios, nas bochechas, na região submandibular e na região inguinal direita. Os tumores caracterizavam-se como sarcoides dos tipos misto, fibroblástico, verrucoso e oculto. Histologicamente apresentaram proliferação de fibroblastos dérmicos, muitas vezes ulcerado, com ou sem hiperplasia pseudoepiteliomatosa da epiderme e formação de pequenos grupos isolados de fibroblastos neoplásicos na derme superficial. Três amostras de tecido foram submetidas à extração de DNA e amplificação por PCR com oligonucleotídeos iniciadores genéricos direcionados para uma região interna do gene L1 dos...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Doenças de equinos; Patologia; Papilomavírus bovino; BR-UEL-4; Sarcoide; PCR.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Hydatidosis, cysticercosis, and tuberculosis rates in bovine slaughtered under state sanitary inspection in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Ciência Rural
Bica,Roque Fernando Pinheiro; Copetti,Marina Venturini; Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto.
ABSTRACT This study sought to evaluate the occurrence of lesions suggestive of hydatidosis, cysticercosis, and tuberculosis in animals slaughtered under sanitary inspection of the Divisão de Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal (DIPOA), in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Condemnation data between the years 2009 and 2017 were obtained from Secretaria da Agricultura Pecuária e Irrigação (SEAPI) and presented according to the administrative regions established by SEAPI. In that period, 7,509,544 cattle were slaughtered and condemnations occurred in all regions of the state at varying levels. The mean condemnation values showed the presence of hydatidosis in 523,399 (6.97%), cysticercosis in 92,277 (1.23%), and tuberculosis in 10,595 (0.14%) cattle carcasses....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Meat inspection; Cysticercosis; Hydatidosis; Zoonosis..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Enfermidade gastroentérica e respiratória em bezerros inoculados com amostras brasileiras do vírus da diarréia viral bovina tipo 2 (BVDV-2) Ciência Rural
Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto; Scherer,Charles Fernando Capinos; Flores,Eduardo Furtado; Weiblen,Rudi; Barros,Claudio Severo Lombardo de; Langohr,Ingeborg Maria.
Duas amostras brasileiras do vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina tipo 2 (BVDV-2) foram inoculadas em bezerros com o objetivo de avaliar a sua virulência e estudar a patogenia da infecção. Previamente à inoculação, os animais foram imunodeprimidos com dexametasona. Quatro bezerros com idades entre 45 e 90 dias (grupo A) foram inoculados com a amostra SV-260 (n=2) ou LV-96 (n=2) e quatro bezerros com 6 a 8 meses de idade foram inoculados com a amostra SV-260 (grupo B). Após a inoculação, os bezerros do grupo A apresentaram anorexia, depressão, hipertermia, sinais de infecção respiratória e diarréia profusa, acompanhada de melena em dois animais. Os sinais respiratórios e digestivos progrediram, e os animais morreram ou foram sacrificados in extremis entre os dias...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina tipo 2; BVDV-2; Infecção experimental.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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