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Comparison of synthetic turbulence approaches for blade element momentum theory prediction of tidal turbine performance and loads ArchiMer
Togneri, Michael; Pinon, Grégory; Carlier, Clement; Choma Bex, Camille; Masters, Ian.
Turbulence is a crucial flow phenomenon for tidal energy converters (TECs), as it influences both the peak loads they experience and their fatigue life. To best mitigate its effects we must understand both turbulence itself and how it induces loads on TECs. To that end, this paper presents the results of blade element momentum theory (BEMT) simulations of flume-scale TEC models subjected to synthetic turbulent flows. Synthetic turbulence methods produce three-dimensional flowfields from limited data, without solving the equations governing fluid motion. These flowfields are non-physical, but match key statistical properties of real turbulence and are much quicker and computationally cheaper to produce. This study employs two synthetic turbulence generation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: BEMT; SEM; Sandia; Tidal turbines; Turbulence; Simulation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Account of ambient turbulence for turbine wakes using a Synthetic-Eddy-Method ArchiMer
Pinon, Gregory; Carlier, Clement; Fur, Arnaud; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Riyoalen, Elie.
The present paper aims at describing the use of a Synthetic-Eddy-Method (SEM), initially proposed by Jarrin et al. [12], in the 3D Lagrangian Vortex method framework. The SEM method is used here in order to generate a far-field incoming flow with a prescribed ambient turbulence intensity. However, for the account of the diffusive term in the Navier-Stokes equations, a classical Particle Strength Exchange model with a LES eddy viscosity is used. Firstly, the general characteristics of the Synthetic-Eddy-Method will be presented together with its integration in the framework of the developed 3D unsteady Lagrangian Vortex software [27]. The capability of the ambient turbulence model to reproduce a perturbed flow that verifies any turbulence intensity I∞ and...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Iterative solver approach for turbine interactions: application to wind or marine current turbine farms ArchiMer
Mycek, Paul; Pinon, Gregory; Lothode, Corentin; Dezotti, Alexandre; Carlier, Clement.
This paper presents a numerical investigation for the computation of wind or marine current turbines in a farm. A 3D unsteady Lagrangian vortex method is used together with a panel method in order to take into account for the turbines. In order to enforce the boundary condition onto the panel elements, a linear matrix system is defined. Solving general linear matrix systems is a topic with important scientific literature. But the main concern here is the application to a dedicated matrix which is non-sparse, non-symmetric, neither diagonally dominant nor positive-definite. Several iterative approaches were tested and compared. But after some numerical tests, a Bi-CGSTAB method was finally chosen. The main advantage of the presented method is the use of a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Iterative solver; Bi-GCSTAB; Preconditioner; Lagrangian vortex method; Wind turbine; Marine current turbine.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A stochastic method to account for the ambient turbulence in Lagrangian Vortex computations ArchiMer
Choma Bex, Camille; Carlier, Clement; Fur, Arnaud; Pinon, Gregory; Germain, Gregory; Rivoalen, Elie.
This paper describes a detailed implementation of the Synthetic Eddy Method (SEM) initially presented in Jarrin et al. (2006) applied to the Lagrangian Vortex simulation. While the treatment of turbulent diffusion is already extensively covered in scientific literature, this is one of the first attempts to represent ambient turbulence in a fully Lagrangian framework. This implementation is well suited to the integration of PSE (Particle Strength Exchange) or DVM (Diffusion Velocity Method), often used to account for molecular and turbulent diffusion in Lagrangian simulations. The adaptation and implementation of the SEM into a Lagrangian method using the PSE diffusion model is presented, and the turbulent velocity fields produced by this method are then...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ambient turbulence; Synthetic Eddy Method; Lagrangian method; Turbulence; Vortex method; Wake.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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A Synthetic turbulence model for numerical simulation of marine current turbine ArchiMer
Carlier, Clement; Pinon, Gregory; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Rivoalen, Elie.
The ambient turbulence intensity is a key factor in the study of marine current turbines. Indeed recent studies have shown that ambient turbulence intensity highly modifies the behavior of horizontal axis marine current turbines. Consequently numerical simulations have to represent the ambient turbulence or at least its effects on the performance and wake of the turbines. This paper presents the latest numerical developments carried out at LOMC in collaboration with IFREMER in order to take into account the effects of ambient turbulence.
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Simulation du comportement d’hydroliennes : modélisation de l’influence de la turbulence ambiante et des effets d’interaction ArchiMer
Carlier, Clement.
The development of marine current turbines arrays has been an active research topic for some years. However, many studies are still necessary in order to fully understand the behaviour of such arrays. One of these studies is the impact of the ambient turbulence on the behaviour of marine current turbines. Indeed recent studies have shown that ambient turbulence intensity highly modifies the behaviour of horizontal axis marine current turbines. Consequently numerical simulations have to represent the ambient turbulence or at least its effects on the performance and wake of the turbines. An other one of these studies is the assessment of interaction effect between turbines in close proximity. In order to highlight these interaction effects, experiments were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Simulation numérique; Hydrolienne; Turbulence ambiante; Synthetic-Eddy-Method; Hydroliennes en interaction; Essais expérimentaux; Sillage; Performance.; Numerical computations; Marine current turbine; Ambiant turbulence; Synthetic-Eddy- Method; Interacting turbines; Experimental trials; Wake; Performence.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Three tidal turbines in interaction: An experimental study of turbulence intensity effects on wakes and turbine performance ArchiMer
Gaurier, Benoit; Carlier, Clement; Germain, Gregory; Pinon, Grégory; Rivoalen, Elie.
The development of marine current turbine arrays depends on the understanding of the interaction effects that exist between turbines in close proximity. Moreover, the ambient turbulence intensity also plays a major role in the behaviour of tidal turbines. Thus it is necessary to take ambient turbulence into account when studying interaction effects between several turbines. In order to highlight these interaction effects, experiments have been carried out in the IFREMER flume tank. These experiments focus on interactions between three horizontal axis turbines. This paper presents the experimental results obtained for three configurations with two ambient turbulence intensity rates. The results are presented in terms of turbine wakes and performance. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine current turbine; Performance; Wake; Turbulence; Array interaction; Experiment.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Caractérisation expérimentale et numérique d’hydroliennes : études de deux hydroliennes en interaction ArchiMer
Carlier, Clement; Pinon, Gregory; Mycek, Paul; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Rivoalen, Elie.
The development of marine current turbines arrays still needs nowadays many studies among which we can find the study of interactions between devices. In order to highlight these interactions effects, experiments were carried out in the IFREMER’s (Boulogne-sur-Mer) flume tank. Those experiments used 3-bladed horizontal axis marine current turbines prototypes, regulated in rotation speed. To complete these experiments, a three-dimensional numerical tool is developed at the LOMC (Université du Havre) to simulate one or more turbines in a free upstream current. We present hereafter the numerical and experimental results obtained in the scope of the study of elementary interaction between two turbines axially aligned with the upstream current.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Une "synthetic-eddy-method" pour représenter la turbulence ambiante dans des simulations numériques d'hydroliennes : validation avec des essais expérimentaux ArchiMer
Carlier, Clement; Fur, Arnaud; Pinon, G; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Rivoalen, E.
Le developpement de fermes d'hydroliennes est un sujet de recherche actif depuis quelques annees. Cependant, des etudes sont encore necessaire pour comprendre le comportement de tels parcs. Un des sujets porte sur l'influence de la turbulence ambiante sur les machines. Des etudes recentes ont ainsi montre que le taux de turbulence ambiant d'un ecoulement modifiait enormement le comportement des turbines. En consequence, les simulations numeriques se doivent de reproduire l'effet de la turbulence ambiante, du moins son influence sur les performances et sur le sillage des turbines. Ce papier presente les derniers developpements numeriques realises dans le but de prendre en compte les effets de la turbulence ambiante sur le comportement d'hydroliennes a axe...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Etude expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’hydroliennes à axe horizontal ArchiMer
Carlier, Clement; Mycek, Paul; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Pinon, Gregory; Rivoalen, Elie.
Le développement de fermes d'hydroliennes a suscité et suscite toujours de nombreuses études parmi lesquelles figure l’étude des effets d'interactions entre les machines. Afin de comprendre ces effets d'interactions des essais expérimentaux ont été effectués dans un bassin à houle et courant sur des maquettes d’hydroliennes 3 pales à axe horizontal, régulées en vitesse de rotation. Ces essais portent sur la caractérisation du fonctionnement d’une, puis de deux hydroliennes alignées avec le courant à partir de mesure de performance et de sillage. En parallèle, un code numérique tridimensionnel est développé pour modéliser une ou plusieurs hydroliennes dans un écoulement. On présente ici les résultats numériques et expérimentaux, obtenus pour deux points de...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Energies marine; Hydroliennes; Simulation numérique; Méthode vortex; Méthode lagrangienne; Essais expérimentaux.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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