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Early effects of estrogen on the rat ventral prostate BJMBR
García-Flórez,M.; Oliveira,C.A.; Carvalho,H.F..
Complex interactions between androgen and estrogen (E2) regulate prostatic development and physiology. We analyzed the early effects of a high single dose of E2 (25 mg/kg body weight) and castration (separately or combined) on the adult 90-day-old male Wistar rat ventral prostate. Androgen levels, prostate weight, and the variation in the relative and absolute volume of tissue compartments and apoptotic indices were determined for 7 days. Castration and exogenous E2 markedly reduced ventral prostate weight (about 50% of the control), with a significant reduction in the epithelial compartment and increased stroma. The final volume of the epithelium was identical at day 7 for all treatments (58.5% of the control). However, E2 had an immediate effect, causing...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apoptosis; Estrogen; Prostate; Stereology; Tissue kinetics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Aggrecan structure in amphibian cartilage BJMBR
Covizi,D.Z.; Carvalho,H.F..
The structure of the large proteoglycan present in the bullfrog epiphyseal cartilage was studied by immunochemical and biochemical methods. The isolated monomer showed a polydisperse behavior on Sepharose CL2B, with a peak at Kav = 0.14. Chondroitin sulfate chains were identified by HPLC analysis of the products formed by chondroitinase digestion and mercuric acetate treatment. These chains have approximately 38 disaccharides, a Di45:Di68 ratio of 1.6 and GalNAc4S + GalNAc4,6S are the main non-reducing terminals. Keratan sulfate was identified by the use of two monoclonal antibodies in Western blots after chondroitinase ABC treatment. A keratan sulfate-rich region (~110 kDa) was isolated by sequential treatment with chondroitinase ABC and proteases. We...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aggrecan; Bullfrog; Cartilage; Chondroitin sulfate; Epiphyseal cartilage.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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The prima donna of epigenetics: the regulation of gene expression by DNA methylation BJMBR
Santos,K.F.; Mazzola,T.N.; Carvalho,H.F..
This review focuses on the mechanisms of DNA methylation, DNA methylation pattern formation and their involvement in gene regulation. Association of DNA methylation with imprinting, embryonic development and human diseases is discussed. Furthermore, besides considering changes in DNA methylation as mechanisms of disease, the role of epigenetics in general and DNA methylation in particular in transgenerational carcinogenesis, in memory formation and behavior establishment are brought about as mechanisms based on the cellular memory of gene expression patterns.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Epigenetics; DNA methylation; Inheritable changes in gene expression; Transgenerational carcinogenesis; Environmental influence on memory formation.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Death switch for gene therapy: application to erythropoietin transgene expression BJMBR
Souza,D.S.; Spencer,D.M.; Salles,T.S.I.; Salomão,M.A.; Payen,E.; Beuzard,Y.; Carvalho,H.F.; Costa,F.F.; Saad,S.T.Olalla.
The effectiveness of the caspase-9-based artificial "death switch" as a safety measure for gene therapy based on the erythropoietin (Epo) hormone was tested in vitro and in vivo using the chemical inducer of dimerization, AP20187. Plasmids encoding the dimeric murine Epo, the tetracycline-controlled transactivator and inducible caspase 9 (ptet-mEpoD, ptet-tTAk and pSH1/Sn-E-Fv’-Fvls-casp9-E, respectively) were used in this study. AP20187 induced apoptosis of iCasp9-modified C2C12 myoblasts. In vivo, two groups of male C57BI/6 mice, 8-12 weeks old, were injected intramuscularly with 5 µg/50 g ptet-mEpoD and 0.5 µg/50 g ptet-tTAk. There were 20 animals in group 1 and 36 animals in group 2. Animals from group 2 were also injected with the 6 µg/50 g iCasp9...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gene therapy; Erythropoietin; Death switch; Caspase 9; AP20187; Anemia.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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