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Expanding Tara Oceans Protocols for Underway, Ecosystemic Sampling of the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface During Tara Pacific Expedition (2016-2018) ArchiMer
Gorsky, Gabriel; Bourdin, Guillaume; Lombard, Fabien; Pedrotti, Maria Luiza; Audrain, Samuel; Bin, Nicolas; Boss, Emmanuel; Bowler, Chris; Cassar, Nicolas; Caudan, Loic; Chabot, Genevieve; Cohen, Natalie R.; Cron, Daniel; De Vargas, Colomban; Dolan, John R.; Douville, Eric; Elineau, Amanda; Flores, J. Michel; Ghiglione, Jean Francois; Haentjens, Nils; Hertau, Martin; John, Seth G.; Kelly, Rachel L.; Koren, Ilan; Lin, Yajuan; Marie, Dominique; Moulin, Clementine; Moucherie, Yohann; Pesant, Stephane; Picheral, Marc; Poulain, Julie; Pujo-pay, Mireille; Reverdin, Gilles; Romac, Sarah; Sullivan, Mathew B.; Trainic, Miri; Tressol, Marc; Trouble, Romain; Vardi, Assaf; Voolstra, Christian R.; Wincker, Patrick; Agostini, Sylvain; Banaigs, Bernard; Boissin, Emilie; Forcioli, Didier; Furla, Paola; Galand, Pierre E.; Gilson, Eric; Reynaud, Stephanie; Sunagawa, Shinichi; Thomas, Olivier P.; Thurber, Rebecca Lisette Vega; Zoccola, Didier; Planes, Serge; Allemand, Denis; Karsenti, Eric; Planes, S.; Banaig, B.; Boissin, E.; Iwankow, G.; Allemand, D.; Zoccola, D.; Reynaud, S.; Beraud, E.; Djerbi, N.; Forcioli, D.; Furla, P.; Gilson, E.; Mcmind, R.; Ottaviani, A.; Rottinger, E.; Rouan, A.; Zamoum, T.; Flume, B. C. C.; Pogoreutz, C.; Voolstra, C. R.; Rothig, T.; Ziegler, M.; Paoli, L.; Ruscheweyh, H-j; Salazar, G.; Sunagawa, S.; Flores, J. M.; Koren, I; Trainic, M.; Lang-yona, N.; Vardi, A.; Conan, P.; Ghiglione, J-f; Pujo-pay, M.; Galand, P. E.; Hochart, C.; Audrain, S.; Bourgois, E.; Hertau, M.; Lancelot, J.; Monmarche, D.; Moulin, C.; Moucherie, Y.; Trouble, R.; Boss, E.; Bourdin, G.; Haentjens, N.; Karp-boss, L.; Douville, Eric; Agostini, S.; Mitsuhashi, G.; Kitano, Y.; Da Silva, O.; Dolan, J. R.; Gorsky, G.; Lemee, R.; Lombard, F.; Pedrotti, M-l; Cronin, D.; Sullivan, M.; Armstrong, E.; Aury, J-m; Barbe, V; Belser, C.; Carradec, Q.; Labadie, K.; Le-hoang, J.; Noel, B.; Poulain, J.; Wincker, P.; Klinges, G.; Vega-thunder, R.; Bonnival, E.; De Vargas, C.; Henry, N.; Marie, D.; Romac, S.; Pesant, S.; Miguel-gorda, M.; Thomas, O. P.; Bowler, C.; Friedrich, R.; Cassar, N.; Lin, Y.; John, S. G.; Kelly, R. L.; Cohen, N. R.; Reverdin, G.; Filee, J..
Interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere occur at the air-sea interface through the transfer of momentum, heat, gases and particulate matter, and through the impact of the upper-ocean biology on the composition and radiative properties of this boundary layer. The Tara Pacific expedition, launched in May 2016 aboard the schooner Tara, was a 29-month exploration with the dual goals to study the ecology of reef ecosystems along ecological gradients in the Pacific Ocean and to assess inter-island and open ocean surface plankton and neuston community structures. In addition, key atmospheric properties were measured to study links between the two boundary layer properties. A major challenge for the open ocean sampling was the lack of ship-time available...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Neuston/plankton genomics/taxonomy/imaging; Aerosols; NCP; IOP; Trace metals; Microplastic.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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