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Adaptive response: some underlying mechanisms and open questions Genet. Mol. Biol.
Dimova,Evgeniya G.; Bryant,Peter E.; Chankova,Stephka G..
Organisms are affected by different DNA damaging agents naturally present in the environment or released as a result of human activity. Many defense mechanisms have evolved in organisms to minimize genotoxic damage. One of them is induced radioresistance or adaptive response. The adaptive response could be considered as a nonspecific phenomenon in which exposure to minimal stress could result in increased resistance to higher levels of the same or to other types of stress some hours later. A better understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying the adaptive response may lead to an improvement of cancer treatment, risk assessment and risk management strategies, radiation protection, e.g. of astronauts during long-term space flights. In this mini-review...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adaptive response; Oxidative stress; DNA repair up-regulation; DNA-binding proteins; Antioxidant defense system.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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