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Decoupling light harvesting, electron transport and carbon fixation during prolonged darkness supports rapid recovery upon re-illumination in the Arctic diatom Chaetoceros neogracilis ArchiMer
Lacour, Thomas; Morin, Philippe-israël; Sciandra, Théo; Donaher, Natalie; Campbell, Douglas A.; Ferland, Joannie; Babin, Marcel.
During winter in the Arctic marine ecosystem, diatoms have to survive long periods of darkness caused by low sun elevations and the presence of sea ice covered by snow. To better understand how diatoms survive in the dark, we subjected cultures of the Arctic diatom Chaetoceros neogracilis to a prolonged period of darkness (1 month) and to light resupply. Chaetoceros neogracilis was not able to grow in the dark but cell biovolume remained constant after 1 month in darkness. Rapid resumption of photosynthesis and growth recovery was also found when the cells were transferred back to light at four different light levels ranging from 5 to 154 µmol photon m−2 s−1. This demonstrates the remarkable ability of this species to re-initiate growth over a wide range...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arctic microalgae; Polar night; Diatom; Darkness; Photosynthesis; Growth rate; Temperature.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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