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Microbial impact of small tributaries on water and shellfish quality in shallow coastal areas ArchiMer
Riou, Philippe; Le Saux, Jean-claude; Dumas, Franck; Caprais, Marie-paule; Le Guyader, Soizick; Pommepuy, Monique.
This study aimed to investigate the impact of small tributaries on seawater and shellfish quality in coastal area subjected to brief episodes leading to fecal contamination. Escherichia coli and F-RNA-specific bacteriophages were selected as fecal indicators and astroviruses were chosen as being representative of pathogens in the human population during winter viral epidemics. A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model was built to simulate the current and dispersion in the model domain, which includes areas uncovered at low tide. The model also includes decay rates to simulate microorganism behavior and assess the influence of fecal input on shellfish quality. The originality lies in the fact that specific features of the study area were considered. Modeling...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Shellfish; Astrovirus; F RNA specific; E. coli; Seawater fecal contamination; Modeling.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Modelling larval dispersal and settlement of the reef-building polychaete Sabellaria alveolata: Role of hydroclimatic processes on the sustainability of biogenic reefs ArchiMer
Ayata, Sakina-dorothee; Ellien, Celine; Dumas, Franck; Dubois, Stanislas; Thiebaut, Eric.
The honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata forms biogenic reefs which constitute diversity hotspots on tidal flats. The largest known reefs in Europe, located in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (English Channel), are suffering increasing anthropogenic disturbances which raise the question of their sustainability. As the ability to recover depends partly on the recolonization of damaged reefs by larval supply, evaluating larval dispersal and the connectivity between distant reefs is a major challenge for their conservation. In the present study, we used a 3D biophysical model to simulate larval dispersal under realistic hydroclimatic conditions and estimate larval retention and exchanges among the two reefs of different sizes within the bay. The model takes into...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Mont Saint Michel; English Channel; Modelling; Larval settlement; Larval transport; Connectivity; Biogenic reefs; Sabellaria alveolata.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Projet Velyger (2008-2010) : Observer, Analyser et Gérer la variabilité du recrutement de l’huître creuse en France. Rapport de synthèse ArchiMer
Pouvreau, Stephane; Bernard, Ismael; Le Souchu, Pierrick; Huvet, Arnaud; Talarmain, Eric; Auby, Isabelle; Maurer, Daniele; Barbier, Claire; Tournaire, Marie-pierre; D'Amico, Florence; Rumebe, Myriam; Neaud-masson, Nadine; Bedier, Edouard; Martin, Anne-genevieve; Claude, Serge; Langlade, Aime; Bouget, Jean-francois; Hitier, Benoist; Stanisiere, Jean-yves; Breerette, Stephane; Robert, Stephane; Guilpain, Patrice; Seugnet, Jean-luc; Guesdon, Stephane; Soletchnik, Patrick; Le Moine, Olivier; Dumas, Franck; Quemener, Loic; Barbot, Stephane; Repecaud, Michel; Mille, Dominique; Geay, A; Bouquet, Anne-lise.
L’ostréiculture constitue la principale activité aquacole française. Cette activité de quasi-monoculture, basé sur l’élevage de l’huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas, repose en grande partie sur le recrutement naturel de l’espèce qui assure 70% des besoins en jeunes huîtres (naissain). Or, depuis une dizaine d'années, dans les bassins d'Arcachon et de Marennes-Oléron, principaux centres de captage français pour l’huître creuse, la collecte du naissain ou captage devient encore plus variable qu’auparavant: à des années de captage presque nul (par exemple les années 2002, 2005, 2007) succèdent des années où il est surabondant (par exemple les années 2003 ou 2006). En parallèle, et probablement en raison du progressif réchauffement des eaux, la reproduction de...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Un nouveau modèle couplé vagues-courant 3D : développement et validation ArchiMer
Bennis, Anne-claire; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Odaka, Tina; Dumas, Franck.
A numerical model coupling the three-dimensional oceanic circulation, thanks to the MARS3D model, and the sea state computed by the WAVEWATCH III model, is developed in order to study the hydrodynamic of the nearshore zone. The main principle of the coupled model based on the coupler PALM and the necessary modifications made for the coupling procedure to both numerical codes are described. First tests in horizontal two-dimension are made and they allowed us to develop a primary version. For three-dimensional flow, we show that the coupled model must solve the quasi-Eulerian velocity. In fact, a coherent analytical form of the wave forcing for the Lagrangian velocity does not exist. This point is illustrated by one example with large errors in comparison...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisation couplée; Circulation côtière; MARS3D; WAVEWATCH III.; Wave-current modeling; Nearshore zone; MARS3D; WAVEWATCH III.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Tide-surge interaction in the English Channel ArchiMer
Idier, Deborah; Dumas, Franck; Muller, Heloise.
The English Channel is characterised by strong tidal currents and a wide tidal range, such that their influence on surges is expected to be non-negligible. In order to better assess storm surges in this zone, tide-surge interactions are investigated. A preliminary data analysis on hourly surges indicates some preferential times of occurrence of large storm surges at rising tide, especially in Dunkerque. To examine this further, a numerical modelling approach is chosen, based on the 2DH shallow-water model (MARS). The surges are computed both with and without tide interaction. For the two selected events (the November 2007 North Sea and March 2008 Atlantic storms), it appears that the instantaneous tide-surge interaction is seen to be non-negligible in the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Comment représenter les mouvements de la mer : introduction à l’hydrodynamique côtière et à sa modélisation ArchiMer
Le Gendre, Romain; Dumas, Franck; Lefevre, Jérôme; Loubersac, Lionel.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Synthèse hydrobiologique du site électronucléaire de Flamanville ArchiMer
Dreves, Luc; Lampert, Luis; Abernot, Chantal; Martin, Jocelyne; Arzel, Pierre; Dumas, Franck; Latrouite, Daniel; Schlaich, Ivan; Woehrling, Daniel.
This synthesis report assesses the current state of the marine hydrobiological knowledge acquired in the surroundings of the Flamanville electronuclear site (north-west of Cotentin), in the framework of the various project and monitoring programs in the pelagic, benthic and halieutic domains carried out on this site since 1976. Each domain is divided, as much as necessary, into different study areas such as hydrobiology, phytoplankton, microbiology, crustacean larvae or macrophyte algae. For each area, a series of parameters, considered as representative of the evolution of this area, is studied. In this way, for the hydrological area, the sea water temperature and salinity, the mineral nutriment concentrations, the holagen compounds and the boron are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pelagos; Halieutique; Benthos; Surveillance; Synthèse; Flamanville; Centrale nucléaire.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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PREVIMER: Downscaling from MyOcean regional scale to coastal scale ArchiMer
Pineau-guillou, Lucia; Dumas, Franck; Petton, Sebastien; Garreau, Pierre; Herbert, Gaelle; Charria, Guillaume; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Debreu, Laurent.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Modelling larval dispersal of the king scallop (Pecten maximus) in the English Channel: examples from the bay of Saint-Brieuc and the bay of Seine ArchiMer
Nicolle, Amandine; Dumas, Franck; Foveau, Aurelie; Foucher, Eric; Thiebaut, Eric.
The king scallop (Pecten maximus) is one of the most important benthic species of the English Channel as it constitutes the first fishery in terms of landings in this area. To support strategies of spatial fishery management, we develop a high-resolution biophysical model to study scallop dispersal in two bays along the French coasts of the English Channel (i.e. the bay of Saint-Brieuc and the bay of Seine) and to quantify the relative roles of local hydrodynamic processes, temperature-dependent planktonic larval duration (PLD) and active swimming behaviour (SB). The two bays are chosen for three reasons: (1) the distribution of the scallop stocks in these areas is well known from annual scallop stock surveys, (2) these two bays harbour important fisheries...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: King scallop; English Channel; Numerical model; Lagrangian transport; Planktonic larval duration; Swimming behaviour.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Phytoplankton versus macrophyte contribution to primary production and biogeochemical cycles of a coastal mesotidal system. A modelling approach ArchiMer
Plus, Martin; Auby, Isabelle; Maurer, Daniele; Trut, Gilles; Del Amo, Y.; Dumas, Franck; Thouvenin, Benedicte.
This study presents an assessment of the contributions of various primary producers to the global annual production and N/P cycles of a coastal system, namely the Arcachon Bay, by means of a numerical model. This 3D model fully couples hydrodynamic with ecological processes and simulates nitrogen, silicon and phosphorus cycles as well as phytoplankton, macroalgae and seagrasses. Total annual production rates for the different components were calculated for different years (2005, 2007 and 2009) during a time period of drastic reduction in seagrass beds since 2005. The total demand of nitrogen and phosphorus was also calculated and discussed with regards to the riverine inputs. Moreover, this study presents the first estimation of particulate organic carbon...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Primary production; Macrophyte; Phytoplankton; Biogeochemical cycle; Physical-ecological coupled model; Arcachon bay.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Fast hydrodynamic model for medium- and long-term dispersion in seawater in the English Channel and southern North Sea, qualitative and quantitative validation by radionuclide tracers ArchiMer
Bailly Du Bois, Pascal; Dumas, Franck.
The database for medium- and long-term model validation using Sb-125 released by the La Hague reprocessing plant includes 1400 measurements performed between 1987 and 1994 in the English Channel and the North Sea and data for each release since 1982. Antimony-125 has a conservative behaviour in water masses over a period of several years. These data can be used qualitatively and quantitatively to compare the measured concentrations with the calculated ones and quantities of tracers. Tritium measurements are also available for model calibration. A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model has been developed to allow repetitive long-term simulations. This model uses a database of residual tidal currents calculated using the Lagrangian barycentric method [Salomon,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North Sea; English Channel; European Continental Shelf; Tritium; Sb 125; Radioactive tracer; Wind stress; Calibration; Modelling.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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TRANSMER, un modèle hydrodynamique rapide et précis pour la simulation à moyen et long terme des transferts de radionucléides en Manche et dans le sud de la Mer du Nord ArchiMer
Bailly Du Bois, Pascal; Dumas, Franck.
TRANSMER hydrodynamic model simulates dispersion of dissolved substances in seawater at the scale of the English Channel and the south of the North Sea with a mesh size of one kilometre and a time step of 30 minutes. It has been qualitatively and quantitatively validated by 1400 measurement of 125Sb in seawater. This model evaluates the medium- and long-term consequences of releases of soluble pollutants in the marine ecosystem under normal or accidental conditions, at a very low computation cost (it takes less than one hour to simulate one year).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: English Channel; North Sea; Radionuclide; Concentration; Dispersion; Dissolved substances; Seawater; Hydrodynamic model; Modèle; Sb 125; Dispersion; Mer du Nord; Manche.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Mesoscale and Sub-Mesoscale structures observed during High resolution surveys in Western Mediterranean Basin ArchiMer
Garreau, Pierre; Dumas, Franck; Louazel, Stephanie; Correard, Stephanie.
The Mediterranean Sea is often referred as a “pocket ocean” exhibiting many processes that are primary interest the global ocean circulation given the opportunity to investigate a large panel of oceanic features in a relatively restrained area. Recent field experiments based on the multi-plateform integrated monitoring MOOSE or on intensive targeted experiment HYMEX revisited the hydrology and the dynamics of the Western Basin. Such approaches emphasized the ubiquity of the fine scale dynamics in the Mediterranean dynamics. An overview of the observed processes during 5 recent fields experiments are  presented and discussed regarding meso- and submeso-scale processes.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mesoscale phenomena; Western Mediterranean; Fronts.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Modélisation hydrodynamique de la dispersion à court terme dans une mer macrotidale: validation par des mesures à haute résolution de radiotraceurs solubles ArchiMer
Bailly Du Bois, Pascal; Dumas, Franck.
DISPRO project aims to validate hydrodynamic models dispersion parameters by field data for the short-term (hours to week) and short distances (100 meters to 30 km). This project is based on a 2D instantaneous currents model with a mesh size of 110 m, coupled with high frequency field data collected in the release plume. At this step of the works, measurements confirm the reliability of the model during six hours following a release. This validation made possible developpement of models with known incertitude to simulate dispersion of dissolved substances in realistic conditions for normal or accidental situations in macrotidal seas.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Validation; Tritium; Dispersion; North sea; Hydrodynamic model; Validation; Tritium; Dispersion; Manche; Modèle.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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The role of models in assessing the impact of sewage overflows on feacal water contamination ArchiMer
Riou, Philippe; Le Saux, Jean-claude; Dumas, Franck; Le Guyader, Soizick; Le Goff, R.; Maheux, Frank; Lamort, Laure; Pommepuy, Monique.
Climate change contributes to local weather modifications such as storm events and heavy rainfall, and in particular, changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme storm and rainfall events. Observations have indicated that rainfall-runoff processes, like sewage overflow may induce fecal contamination in coastal water. Pathogens present in runoff water could therefore contaminate shellfish and be responsible for food-borne disease outbreaks. Mathematical models for this were used to predict the effect of climate modifications on shellfish quality. Using a hydrodynamic model, simulations of water quality conditions under a variety of storm event scenarios were run and are presented here for a harvesting area in France. Major storm events occurring in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modeling; Seawater fecal contamination; E. coli; Virus; Shellfish; Climate change.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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In-situ database toolbox for short-term dispersion model validation in macro-tidal seas, application for 2D-model ArchiMer
Bailly Du Bois, P.; Dumas, Franck; Solier, L.; Voiseux, C..
Appropriate field data are required to check the reliability of hydrodynamic models simulating the dispersion of soluble substances in the marine environment. This study deals with the collection of physical measurements and soluble tracer data intended specifically for this kind of validation. The intensity of currents as well as the complexity of topography and tides around the Cap de La Hague in the centre of the English Channel make it one of the most difficult areas to represent in terms of hydrodynamics and dispersion. Controlled releases of tritium-in the form of HTO-are carried out in this area by the AREVA-NC plant, providing an excellent soluble tracer. A total of 14,493 measurements were acquired to track dispersion in the hours and days...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modelling; Data collection; Tritium; Dispersion; Tidal dynamics; English Channel.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Dissolved Radiotracers and Numerical Modeling in North European Continental Shelf Dispersion Studies (1982–2016): Databases, Methods and Applications ArchiMer
Bailly Du Bois, Pascal; Dumas, Franck; Voiseux, Claire; Morillon, Mehdi; Oms, Pierre-emmanuel; Solier, Luc.
Significant amounts of anthropogenic radionuclides were introduced in ocean waters following nuclear atmospheric tests and development of the nuclear industry. Dispersion of artificial dissolved radionuclides has been extensively measured for decades over the North-European continental shelf. In this area, the radionuclide measurement and release fluxes databases provided here between 1982 and 2016 represent an exceptional opportunity to validate dispersion hydrodynamic models. This work gives accessibility to these data in a comprehensive database. The MARS hydrodynamic model has been applied at different scales to reproduce the measured dispersion in realistic conditions. Specific methods have been developed to obtain qualitative and quantitative results...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Radionuclide; Tracer; Data collection; Antimony 125 (Sb-125); Tritium (H-3); Dispersion; Modeling; English Channel; North Sea; Biscay Bay.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Revisiting wild stocks of black lip oyster Pinctada margaritifera in the Tuamotu Archipelago: the case of Ahe and Takaroa atolls and implications for the cultured pearl industry ArchiMer
Andrefouet, Serge; Thomas, Yoann; Dumas, Franck; Lo, Cedrik.
Spat collecting of the black lip oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) is the foundation of cultured black pearl production, the second source of income for French Polynesia. To understand spat collecting temporal and spatial variations, larval supply and its origin need to be characterized. To achieve this, it is necessary to account for the stock of oysters, its distribution and population characteristics (size distribution, sex-ratio). While the farmed stock in concessions can be easily characterized, the wild stock is elusive. Here, we investigate the distribution and population structure of the wild stock of Ahe and Takaroa atolls using fine-scale bathymetry and in situ census data. Stocks were surprisingly low (∼666,000 and ∼1,030,000 oysters for Ahe and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Invertebrate population; Aquaculture; Spat collecting; French Polynesia; Atoll bathymetry; Wild stock assessment.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon. Troisième partie : le risque d’hypoxie pour l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013 ArchiMer
Stanisiere, Jean-yves; Mazurie, Joseph; Bouget, Jean-francois; Langlade, Aime; Gabellec, Raoul; Retho, Michael; Quinsat, Kevin; Leclerc, Emilie; Cugier, Philippe; Dussauze, Morgan; Menesguen, Alain; Dumas, Franck; Gohin, Francis; Augustin, Jean-marie; Ehrhold, Axel; Sinquin, Jean-marc; Goubert, Evelyne; Dreano, Alain.
The project “Risco”, supported by the “Pôle Mer” and funded by the Regional Council of Brittany, deals with specific risks of mortality of oysters, Crassostrea gigas, cultivated on the bottom, in a subtidal bay of South Brittany : the bay of Quiberon (56, France). Massive mortalities of oysters were reported in summer 2006 in this bay, exclusively located in the deep muddy area with a positive gradient eastward. A validated biogeochemical model was applied in order to simulate the dissolved oxygen over 2000-2006 : it revealed several episodes of hypoxia, more or less intense according to years, but with the same spatial distribution. This approach proved 2006 to be the most hypoxic year since 2000. The hypoxia was due to a rare conjunction of 3 factors :...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baie Quiberon; Crassostrea gigas; Huître; Mortalité; Croissance; Hypoxie; Oxygène; Modèle; Upwelling; Loire; Vilaine; Quiberon; Crassostrea gigas; Oyster; Mortality; Growth; Hypoxia; Oxygen; Model; DEB; Upwelling; Loire; Vilaine.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Modelling green macroalgal blooms on the coasts of Brittany, France to enhance water quality management ArchiMer
Perrot, Thierry; Rossi, Nadege; Menesguen, Alain; Dumas, Franck.
First recorded in the 1970s, massive green macroalgal blooms have since become an annual recurrence in Brittany, France. Eutrophication (in particular to anthropogenic nitrogen input) has been identified as the main factor controlling Ulva ‘green tide’ events. In this study, we modelled Ulva proliferation using a two-dimensional model by coupling hydrodynamic and biological models (coined ‘MARS-Ulves’) for five sites along the Brittany coastline (La Fresnaye Bay, Saint-Brieuc Bay, Lannion Bay, Guissény Bay and Douarnenez Bay). Calibration of the biological model was mainly based on the seasonal variation of the maximum nitrogen uptake rate (VmaxN) and the half-saturation constant for nitrogen (KN) to reproduce the internal nutrient quotas measured in situ...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: 2D model; Ulva; Eutrophication; Brittany coastal waters; Tracers; Nutrient reductions.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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