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Influence of the reactor shape on the kinetics of ethanol production in laboratory-scale batch fermentation tests carried out in unstirred vessels BABT
Borzani,Walter; Souza,Fabiana Saraguza de; Soyama,Claudia Yoshie; Furuko,Patricia Marie; Ferreira,Daniela Souza.
The influence of the shape of laboratory-scale unstirred reactors on the kinetics of ethanol production in batch ethanol fermentation was studied. Two reactors were used: a 1-L glass measuring cylinder and a 2-L Erlenmeyer flask. The volume of inoculated medium in each reactor was 1,000 mL. The above influence was affected by the ratio between the initial yeast cells concentration (X0: ~ 7 g/L, ~ 14 g/L, and ~ 21 g/L, dry matter) and the initial glucose concentration (S0: ~ 100 g/L, ~ 150 g/L and ~ 200 g/L). When X0/S0 increased from 0.038 to 0.219 the influence of the reactor shape decreased, and was not observed when X0/S0 = 0.22 to 0.24. The reactor shape practically did not affect the ethanol yield, the final yeast cells concentration and both the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Batch ethanol fermentation; Ethanol production kinetics; Reactor shape; Unstirred reactor.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Compostos bioativos presentes em amora-preta (Rubus spp.) Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Ferreira,Daniela Souza; Rosso,Veridiana Vera de; Mercadante,Adriana Zerlotti.
A amora-preta (Rubus spp.), pequena fruta de clima temperado, possui coloração atraente, variando do vermelho púrpura ao azul, devido ao elevado teor de antocianinas. As antocianinas, juntamente com os carotenoides, compõem os pigmentos naturais, majoritários encontrados em diversas frutas. Diversos estudos têm relatado a importância destes pigmentos naturais como protetores e/ou inibidores de doenças degenerativas, porém são escassos os estudos sobre compostos bioativos presentes em amora-preta cultivada no Brasil. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram identificar as antocianinas e os carotenoides presentes em amora-preta, determinar os conteúdos totais de compostos fenólicos, carotenoides, flavonoides, antocianinas totais, monoméricas, poliméricas e...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pigmentos; Antocianinas; Compostos fenólicos; Carotenoides; Atividade antioxidante.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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