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Expression of merlin, NDRG2, ERBB2, and c-MYC in meningiomas: relationship with tumor grade and recurrence BJMBR
Ongaratti,B.R.; Silva,C.B.O.; Trott,G.; Haag,T.; Leães,C.G.S.; Ferreira,N.P.; Oliveira,M.C.; Pereira-Lima,J.F.S..
Meningiomas are common, usually benign tumors of the central nervous system that have a high rate of post-surgical recurrence or regrowth. We determined expression of the proteins merlin, NDRG2, ERBB2, and c-MYC in meningiomas using immunohistochemistry and assessed relationships between protein expression and gender, age, tumor grade, and recurrence or regrowth. The study sample comprised 60 patients, (44 women and 16 men) with a mean age of 53.2±12.7 years. Tumors were classified as grade I (n=48) or grades II and III (n=12). Expression of merlin, NDRG2, ERBB2, and c-MYC was not significantly different statistically with relation to gender, age, or meningioma recurrence or regrowth. Merlin was expressed in 100% of the cases. No statistically significant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Meningioma; Merlin; NDRG2; ERBB2; C-MYC; Immunohistochemistry.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Measurement of Ki-67 antigen in 159 pituitary adenomas using the MIB-1 monoclonal antibody BJMBR
Pizarro,C.B.; Oliveira,M.C.; Coutinho,L.B.; Ferreira,N.P..
Pituitary adenomas sometimes show rapid growth and recurrence, and about one third invade the structures surrounding the sella turcica. In an attempt to determine aggressive behavior at an early stage, we used the MIB-1 antibody to identify the Ki-67 antigen. The present study was designed to evaluate pituitary adenomatous tissue in terms of secretion and proliferation and to correlate the Ki-67 index with hormone phenotype and invasive behavior. Material from 159 patients submitted to one or more resections of pituitary adenomas was evaluated. Forty-two non-secretory adenomas and 43 adenomas immunoreactive for growth hormone, 19 for prolactin, 18 for growth hormone and prolactin, 16 for adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and 21 cases of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pituitary adenoma; Invasive adenoma; Ki-67 antigen; MIB-1 antibody; Cell proliferation; Immunohistochemistry.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Expression of E-cadherin, Slug and NCAM and its relationship to tumor invasiveness in patients with acromegaly BJMBR
Mendes,G.A.; Haag,T.; Trott,G.; Rech,C.G.S.L.; Ferreira,N.P.; Oliveira,M.C.; Kohek,M.B.; Pereira-Lima,J.F.S..
Pituitary adenomas account for 10–15% of primary intracranial tumors. Growth hormone (GH)-secreting adenomas account for 13% of all pituitary adenomas and cause acromegaly. These tumors can be aggressive, invade surrounding structures and are highly recurrent. The objective of this study was to evaluate E-cadherin, Slug and neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) expression in GH-secreting pituitary adenomas and its relationship to tumor invasiveness. A cross–sectional study of patients who underwent hypophysectomy due to GH-secreting pituitary adenoma from April 2007 to December 2014 was carried out. The medical records were reviewed to collect clinical data. Immediately after surgery, tumor samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored in a biofreezer...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acromegaly; Pituitary neoplasms; Cadherins; Slug; Neural cell adhesion molecules.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Abundant immunohistochemical expression of dopamine D2 receptor and p53 protein in meningiomas: follow-up, relation to gender, age, tumor grade, and recurrence BJMBR
Trott,G.; Pereira-Lima,J.F.S.; Leães,C.G.S.; Ferreira,N.P.; Barbosa-Coutinho,L.M.; Oliveira,M.C..
Meningiomas are common, usually benign tumors, with a high postoperative recurrence rate. However, the genesis and development of these tumors remain controversial. We aimed to investigate the presence and implications of a mutated p53 protein and dopamine D2 receptor in a representative series of meningiomas and to correlate these findings with age, gender, tumor grade, and recurrence. Tumor tissue samples of 157 patients diagnosed with meningioma (37 males and 120 females, mean age 53.6±14.3 years) who underwent surgical resection between 2003 and 2012 at our institution were immunohistochemically evaluated for the presence of p53 protein and dopamine D2 receptor and were followed-up to analyze tumor recurrence or regrowth. Tumors were classified as...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Receptors; Dopamine D2; Immunohistochemistry; Meningioma; Tumor suppressor protein p53; Recurrence.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Expression of p53 protein in pituitary adenomas BJMBR
Oliveira,M.C.; Marroni,C.P.; Pizarro,C.B.; Pereira-Lima,J.F.; Barbosa-Coutinho,L.M.; Ferreira,N.P..
Inactivating mutations of TP53, a tumor suppressor gene, are associated with abnormal cell proliferation. Although p53 expression is common in many human malignancies, p53 protein has seldom been evaluated in pituitary tumors. When detected, the percentage of p53-positive cells is low, and, in general, it is exclusive for invasive lesions. The aim of the present study was to use immunohistochemistry to determine the presence of p53 protein in pituitary adenomas from tumor samples of 163 surgeries performed in 148 patients (40% male, 60% female). In 35% of the cases the adenoma was nonfunctional, while in the others it was associated with PRL, GH and/or ACTH endocrine hypersecretion syndrome. Macroadenomas were observed in 83.2% of the cases with available...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Pituitary; Pituitary adenoma; Invasive adenoma; P53; Immunohistochemistry.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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