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Evolution of the Arctic Ocean Salinity, 2007-08: Contrast between the Canadian and the Eurasian Basins ArchiMer
Lique, Camille; Garric, Gilles; Treguier, Anne-marie; Barnier, Bernard; Ferry, Nicolas; Testut, Charles-emmanuel; Ardhuin, Fanny.
The authors investigate the variability of salinity in the Arctic Ocean and in the Nordic and Labrador Seas over recent years to see how the freshwater balance in the Arctic and the exchanges with the North Atlantic have been affected by the recent important sea ice melting, especially during the 2007 sea ice extent minimum. The Global Ocean Reanalysis and Simulations (GLORYS1) global ocean reanalysis based on a global coupled ocean sea ice model with an average of 12-km grid resolution in the Arctic Ocean is used in this regard. Although no sea ice data and no data under sea ice are assimilated, simulation over the 2001-09 period is shown to represent fairly well the 2007 sea ice event and the different components accounting for the ocean and sea ice...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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