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Chronic renal failure in equine due to ascending pyelonephritis predisposed by cauda equina syndrome: case report Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Fonteque,J.H.; Granella,M.C.S.; Souza,A.F.; Mendes,R.P.; Schade,J.; Borelli,V.; Costa,A.; Costa,P.G..
ABSTRACT This report describes the case of a mare, of the Campeiro breed, used as an embryo donor, which had recurrent cystitis and urinary incontinence crisis. Clinical signs evolved to progressive weight loss, anorexia, apathy, and isolation from the group. Physical examination showed tail hypotonia, perineal hypalgesia, rectal and bladder sagging compatible with signs related to cauda equina syndrome. Complementary laboratory and sonographic assessment, and necropsy confirmed the diagnosis of chronic renal failure (CRF), which was attributed to the ascending pyelonephritis. The examination of urine culture showed growth of bacteria of the genus Streptococcus sp. This is a rare case in the equine species where the lower motor neuron dysfunction led the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Campeiro; Nephropathy; Neuropathy; Urinary tract.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Systemic toxic reaction due to multiple honeybee stings in equine: Case report Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Fonteque,J.H.; Mendes,R.P.; Souza,A.F.; Granella,M.C.S.; Schade,J.; Casa,M.S.; Yonezawa,L.A.; Volpato,J..
ABSTRACT Accidents caused by insects of the Hymenoptera are rarely described in large animals. The attacks caused by honeybee (Apis mellifera) may cause severe consequences and its intensity changes according to the number of stings. Local and systemic reactions can occur, including progression to death. This report describes a case of honeybee attack on an equine, which took place in the city of Lages, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. In the clinical assessment the horse showed apathy, anorexia, head and pectoral edemas, dyspnea, icteric mucosa, increased mandibular lymph nodes and darkened urine. The blood count showed anemia and serum biochemical tests suggested, muscular and hepatic lesions. The urinalysis test indicated hemoglobinuria and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Apis mellifera; Intoxication; Poison.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Estudo anatômico, ultrassonográfico e tomográfico do aparato podotroclear de equinos adultos Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Souza,L.P.; Bortolini,Z.; Müller,T.R.; Fonteque,J.H.; Schade,J.; Luciani,M.G.; Souza,D.S.; Vulcano,L.C..
RESUMO A síndrome do navicular é uma condição que envolve o aparato podotroclear e representa uma das causas mais comuns de claudicação dos membros torácicos de equinos. Portanto, o estudo complementar da região reveste-se de grande interesse quando se refere ao diagnóstico e tratamento das claudicações dos equinos. O objetivo deste estudo foi demonstrar as diferenças dos achados imagenológicos entre a ultrassonografia e a tomografia computadorizada na avaliação das estruturas palmares do aparato podotroclear de equinos adultos e hígidos, bem como a descrição das estruturas observadas nas imagens obtidas com essas técnicas. Para isso, foram realizadas imagens de quatro peças anatômicas, as quais foram posteriormente seccionadas e utilizadas para a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diagnóstico; Claudicação; Navicular; Tomografia computadorizada; Ultrassom.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Serum proteinogram of the Campeiro horse Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Souza,A.F.; Schade,J.; Ramos,A.F.; Albuquerque,M.S.M.; Fonteque,G.V.; Costa,D.; Muller,T.R.; Fonteque,J.H..
ABSTRACT The aim of this study to measure the fractions of the total serum proteins of the Campeiro horse and identify the influences of biological variants. Blood samples were taken in 138 horses of the breed Campeiro for measuring the concentration of total serum protein by the biuret method. Serum concentrations of protein fractions were measured by electrophoresis using agarose gel. Groups were formed according to age, sex and reproductive condition. The average values of serum fractions: albumin (2.85±0.36g/dl), alpha 1 (0.28±0.11g/dl), alpha 2 (0.26±0.08g/dL) beta 1 (0.57±0.15g/dl), beta 2 (0.89±0.28g/dL), gamaglobulinas (1.86±0.34g/dL), albumin/globulin ratio (0.75±0.18) and 2.5% percentile and 97.5% had slight differences in relation to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Albumin; Clinical patology; Globulins; Serum proteins.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Biometrics of hoof balance in equids Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Souza,A.F.; Kunz,J.R.; Laus,R.; Moreira,M.A.; Muller,T.R.; Fonteque,J.H..
ABSTRACT Differences in hoof balance between horses, mules and donkeys were identified in order to form more specific considerations for proper management of the animals. Measurements of the natural dimensions of hooves in sixty animals were used: 20 horses from the Crioulo breed, 20 mules and 20 donkeys from the Pêga breed. Liveweight was estimated using the correlation equations in each species by heart girth. Using a caliper rule, tape measure and hoof gauge, measurements of the length and width of the frog, hoof height, angle of heel, medial and lateral dorsal length, angle of the toe and crown circumference of the hooves of forelimbs and hindlimb were taken. Within each group the hooves of the hindlimbs exhibited narrower measurements than the hooves...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Mules; Donkeys; Hoof; Shoeing.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Perfil bioquímico sérico de equinos clinicamente sadios da raça Campeiro Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Souza,A.F.; Schade,J.; Kunz,J.R.; Ramos,A.F.; Albuquerque,M.S.M.; Fonteque,G.V.; Costa,D.; Saito,M.E.; Fonteque,J.H..
RESUMO Amostras de sangue foram obtidas de 138 equinos registrados da raça Campeiro, com idade média de 9,7±5,4 anos, sendo 14 machos (10,15%) e 124 fêmeas (89,85%). Observaram-se valores médios da atividade sérica de GGT: 13,73±4,08 U/L; AST: 246,34±72,87U/L; ALT: 5,13±1,18U/L; FA: 284,32±53,33UI/L; CK: 132,54±72,25U/L; LDH: 511,38±143,65U/L; e das concentrações séricas de ureia: 38,65±12,62mg/dL e de creatinina: 1,24±0,24mg/dL. Os valores médios de AST, FA, ALT, ureia e creatinina foram semelhantes aos propostos na literatura para outras raças. Os valores de CK, GGT e LDH foram superiores aos comumente utilizados como referências. Não houve diferença nas concentrações de nenhum dos componentes séricos avaliados nas diferentes idades analisadas. Maiores...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equino; Campeiro; Análises clínicas; Bioquímica sérica; Enzimas.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Stephanofilariasis in beef cattle - case report Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Schade,J.; Casa,M.S.; Lovatel,J.C.; Granella,M.C.S.; Cristo,T.G.; Casagrande,R.A.; Fonteque,J.H..
ABSTRACT Stephanofilariasis is an ulcerative dermatitis caused by nematodes that affect cattle in several countries in the world. However, it has not been described in beef cattle in Brazil. The objective of this study is to describe three cases of stephanofilariasis, which occurred in beef cows in the municipality of Ipê, RS, Brazil. The disease was characterized by pruritic, ulcerated and crusty seasonal lesions present in the cranial region of the udder. The diagnosis was confirmed by analyses of secretions stained smears and by direct optical microscopic examination of the sediment and the treatment was effectively carried out with topical trichlorphon. This report indicates that stephanofilariasis should be included as a differential diagnosis for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Dermatitis; Nematode; Stephanofilaria spp; Lactation ulcer.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Avaliação morfométrica de equinos do Esquadrão de Polícia Montada dos municípios de Lages, Joinville e Florianópolis-SC Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Schade,M. F.S .; Menegatti,J.; Schade,J.; Souza Júnior,V. A.; Fonteque,J.H..
RESUMOO objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar as características morfométricas de equinos utilizados no patrulhamento ostensivo pertencentes aos Esquadrões de Polícia Montada localizados nos municípios de Lages, Joinville e Florianópolis - SC. Foram utilizados 101 animais (78 machos castrados, um garanhão e 22 fêmeas), com idade média de 11,9 anos e massa corpórea de 490,82±53,51kg. Foram tomadas 20 medidas lineares individuais, por meio das quais foram determinados 13 índices zootécnicos. Os dados foram avaliados segundo análise descritiva, e a comparação simples entre médias pelo teste t de Student (P<0,05). Houve diferença significativa entre machos e fêmeas com relação ao comprimento de garupa, largura da anca, perímetro da canela e IDT nos...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Índices zootécnicos; Medidas lineares; Policiamento ostensivo.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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