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Reduction of exchangeable calcium and magnesium in soil with increasing pH BABT
Miyazawa,Mário; Pavan,Marcos A.; Ziglio,Cláudio O.; Franchini,Júlio C..
A laboratory study was conducted with soil samples and synthetic solutions to investigate possible mechanisms related with reduction in KCl exchangeable Ca and Mg with increasing pH. Increasing soil pH over 5.3 with CaCO3 added to the soil and with NaOH solution added to soil/KCl suspension increased adsorptions of Ca and Mg. The reduction of Mg was greater than Ca and was related to the concentration of soil exchangeable Al. The decreases of soluble Ca and Mg following addition of Al in synthetic solution were at pH > 7.5. The isomorphic coprecipitation reaction with Al compounds may be the most possible mechanism responsible for the decrease of exchangeable Ca and Mg with increasing pH. Possible chemical reactions are presented.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coprecipitation; Aluminum; Liming; Acid soils.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Redistribution of phosphorus in soil through cover crop roots BABT
Franchini,Júlio C.; Pavan,Marcos A.; Miyazawa,Mário.
The objective of this study was to evaluate if cover crops can absorb P from the upper layers and transport it in their roots to subsoil layers. Samples of an Oxisol were placed in PVC columns. Super phosphate fertilizer was applied to the 0-10 cm soil surface layers. The cover crops tested were: Avena strigosa, Avena sativa, Secale cereale, Pisum sativum subsp arvense, Pisum sativum, Vicia villosa, Vicia sativa, Lupinus angustifoliu, Lupinus albus, and Triticum aestivum. After a growth period of 80 days the cover crop shoots were cut off and the soil was divided into 10cm layers and the roots of each layer were washed out. The roots and shoots were analyzed separated for total P contribution to the soil. Considerable amount of P was present in the roots...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phosphorus nutrition; Soil phosphorus; Green manure; No-tillage.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Evaluation of Plant Residues on the Mobility of Surface Applied Lime BABT
Miyazawa,Mário; Pavan,Marcos A.; Franchini,Júlio C..
A baixa mobilidade do calcário aplicado na superfície do solo diminui sua eficiência na redução da acidez subsuperficial. Foram estudados os efeitos de alguns resíduos orgânicos sobre a mobilidade do calcário calcítico aplicado na superfície do solo em colunas de PVC (60 cm de altura por 15 cm de diâmetro). Avaliaram-se resíduos de aveia preta, trigo, centeio, mucuna cinza e leucena na dose equivalente a 40 Mg ha-1. Adicionaram-se os resíduos vegetais e o calcário na superfície do solo e, após um programa de irrigação equivalente a 1500 mm de chuva por ano, avaliaram-se o pH e os teores de Ca, Mg, K e Al trocáveis no solo e solúveis na água efluente. O efeito do calcário sem resíduos vegetais limitou-se aos primeiros 10 cm de profundidade. Os resíduos...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Subsoil acidity; Ca leaching; Green manure.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Soybean agronomic performance in response to seeding rate and phosphate and potassium fertilization AGRIAMBI
Ferreira,André S.; Balbinot Junior,Alvadi A.; Werner,Flávia; Franchini,Júlio C.; Zucareli,Claudemir.
ABSTRACT Most studies that found soybean high phenotypic plasticity under different seeding rates adopted the same fertilization levels used for the recommended seeding rates. Therefore, the interaction between these factors is little known. This study aims to assess the interaction between seeding rate and levels of phosphorus and potassium fertilization on soybean growth, grain yield and contents of protein and oil in the grains. The experiment was carried out under a randomized complete block design, in a split-plot scheme, with six replicates. Four seeding rates (150, 300, 440 and 560 thousand viable seeds ha-1) were used in the plots, and two levels of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were applied in the subplots to meet the export of 3 and 6 t...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glycine max (L.) Merrill; Plant spatial arrangement; Fertilization; Plant density.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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