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Calidad postcosecha de tomates almacenados en atmósferas controladas Horticultura Brasileira
Gómez,Perla A.; Camelo,Andrés F.L..
Las atmósferas controladas alargan la vida en estante del tomate, permitiendo su cosecha en estados de madurez más avanzados y a su vez afectando su calidad. El objetivo de este experimento fue estudiar los efectos que atmósferas controladas con bajas concentraciones de oxígeno y libres de dióxido de carbono y etileno, producen sobre el color, la firmeza y los principales componentes del sabor de frutos de tomate cultivar Diva. Durante abril de 1998, frutos cosechados con grado de color 3 (USDA) en INTA Balcarce (Argentina) fueron almacenados en frascos herméticos de 3 L a 12°C durante 36 días. El diseño fue completamente aleatorizado con tres repeticiones. Cada frasco poseía cuatro frutos, los que constituyeron la unidad experimental. Los tratamientos...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lycopersicon esculentum; Refrigeración; Oxígeno; Color; Firmeza.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Comparison of color indexes for tomato ripening Horticultura Brasileira
López Camelo,Andrés F.; Gómez,Perla A..
Color in tomato is the most important external characteristic to assess ripeness and postharvest life, and is a major factor in the consumer's purchase decision. Degree of ripening is usually estimated by color charts. Colorimeters, on the other hand, express colors in numerical terms along the L*, a* and b* axes (from white to black, green to red and blue to yellow, respectively) within the CIELAB color sphere which are usually mathematically combined to calculate the color indexes. Color indexes and their relationship to the visual color classification of tomato fruits vine ripened were compared. L*, a* and b* data (175 observations from eleven cultivars) from visually classified fruits at harvest in six ripening stages according to the USDA were used to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lycopersicon esculentum; Postharvest; Ripeness; Color changes.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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An approach for the evaluation of efficiency of onion packinghouse operations Horticultura Brasileira
Camelo,Andrés F.Lopes; Horvitz,Sandra; Gómez,Perla A..
The onion is a major export crop in Argentina and obtaining consistent quality is a matter of concern to remain competitive internationally. Grading is generally done according to Mercosur standards but quality assurance programs are necessary at the packinghouse level. The objective of this study was to develop a first approach for characterizing sorting and sizing efficiency. During the 1998 season five onion packinghouses located in the Valle Bonaerense del Río Colorado (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) were randomly selected. In all of them, variables measured were: sorting table width, bulb transport and rotation speed as well as number of bulbs/sorter/hour. Before and after sorting, samples of 100 bulbs of each size category were randomly taken and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Allium cepa; Packhouse; Sorting; Quality; Postharvest; Allium cepa; Beneficiamento; Clasificação; Qualidade; Pós colheita.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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