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Composição da ictiofauna do rio Quilombo, tributário do rio Mogi-Guaçu, bacia do alto rio Paraná, sudeste do Brasil Biota Neotropica
Apone,Fernando; Oliveira,Alexandre Kannebley de; Garavello,Julio Cesar.
Um estudo sobre a composição ictiofaunística do rio Quilombo foi realizado com o intuito de identificar quais espécies de peixes habitam a bacia, com que freqüência tais espécies são encontradas e verificar variações na distribuição longitudinal desta ictiofauna. Foram demarcados quatro pontos de coletas distribuídos na bacia, os quais foram visitados 21 vezes ao longo de um ano e dez meses (entre setembro de 2003 e junho de 2005), abrangendo os períodos seco e úmido que ocorrem anualmente na região estudada. Para coleta dos peixes foram utilizadas diferentes artes de pesca: tarrafas, redes de espera, rede de arrasto, peneiras, linha e anzol. Os peixes foram fixados em formalina 10%, conservados em etanol 70%, identificados e encontram-se depositados na...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Estado de São Paulo; Riachos; Peixes; Similaridade; Riqueza; Ecologia.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Longitudinal distribution of the ichthyofauna in a tributary of Tietê River with sources on the Basaltic Cuestas of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil Biota Neotropica
Cardoso,Rodrigo Torres; Oliveira,Alexandre Kannebley de; Garavello,Julio Cesar.
This work aimed to study the composition and distribution of fish species at four sites along Cabeça River, an affluent of Corumbataí River, tributary of Tietê River, intending to better understand the influence of local geomorphology on the occurrence of the species along the river. Using gill nets, trawl net, cast net and sieves, five samples were taken from each site every two months. These data were analyzed from constancy of occurrence, similarity index of Jaccard, rarefaction analysis and descriptive statistical analysis of richness. 4,532 fish individuals belonging to six different orders, 17 families and 65 species were captured. Differences in composition, richness (diversity), abundance and frequency were observed at these sites along the river....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Neotropical fish; Upper Paraná River; Richness of species; Composition; Waterfalls.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Fish fauna from Sapucaí-Mirim River, tributary of Grande River, upper Paraná River basin, Southeastern Brazil Biota Neotropica
Oliveira,Alexandre Kannebley de; Garavello,Julio Cesar; Cesario,Vinicius Vendramini; Cardoso,Rodrigo Torres.
The fish species composition of Sapucaí-Mirim River is herein reported and discussed in the faunistic context of Grande and Paranaíba river basins, both formers of the Paraná River. The Sapucaí-Mirim is an important tributary of this hydrographic system, flowing to the left bank of Grande River in a region occupied by the reservoir of the Porto Colombia hydroelectric power plant, at São Paulo state northeastern region, in southeastern Brazil. The poorly known fish diversity of the Sapucaí-Mirim River is presented on basis of sampling efforts conducted in the main river channel and three creeks located at the mid and lower sections of the basin, allowing comparisons of the fish fauna of these two sections in the light of available information of fish...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Neotropical region; Freshwater fishes; Composition; Biodiversity; Spatial distribution.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Reappraisal of Rhamdia branneri Haseman, 1911 and R. voulezi Haseman, 1911 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from the rio Iguaçu with notes on their morphometry and karyotype Neotropical Ichthyology
Garavello,Julio Cesar; Shibatta,Oscar Akio.
ABSTRACT The species Rhamdia branneri Haseman, 1911 and the subspecies Rhamdia branneri voulezi Haseman, 1911 from rio Iguaçu are currently recognized as synonyms of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824). However, recent karyotype and ecomorphology studies distinguish R. branneri and R. voulezi as different species. Examination of Rhamdia populations from rio Iguaçu, including type specimens, together with other congeners from rio Tibagi, allowed to properly reexamine the situation of these Haseman's taxa and references given to Rhamdia in the Iguaçu. The species R. branneri and R. voulezi have strong serrae with large basis on both margins of the pectoral-fin spine, uncommon in the remaining species of Rhamdia and different from the fine serrate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Endemism; Ostariophysi; Revision; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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A new species of the genus Pimelodus La Cépède, 1803 from the rio Iguaçu basin and a reappraisal of Pimelodus ortmanni Haseman, 1911 from the rio Paraná system, Brazil (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) Neotropical Ichthyology
Garavello,Julio Cesar; Shibatta,Oscar Akio.
A new species, Pimelodus britskii, is described from the rio Iguaçu in the rio Paraná drainage, on the border of Paraná and Santa Catarina states, Brazil. Specimens of this species were wrongly included in the type series of Pimelodus ortmanni. Pimelodus britskii is distinguished from its congeners by color pattern, having circular dark brown blotches usually smaller than one orbital diameter, regularly and scattered along the trunk. Differs from P. ortmanni by the following characters: body depth at posterior cleithral process greater than head length; lips not prominent; and maxillary barbel reaching or surpassing vertical drawn through median of adipose fin. Pimelodus britskii represents the second species of the genus Pimelodus from the rio Iguaçu basin.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Freshwater fishes Southern Brazil Taxonomy; Rio Iguaçu Pimelodus britskii.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Revision of genus Steindachneridion (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) Neotropical Ichthyology
Garavello,Julio Cesar.
After several years collecting in the type-localities and studying representative samples of genus Steindachneridion Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1919 from Brazilian and foreign museums, a taxonomic revision of the Recent species of the genus is presented, including the description of a new species from the rio Iguaçu, above the great falls. Steindachneridion species are large sized fishes, reaching 1000 mm total length or more, and sharing some anatomical characters that, at least tentatively, support the monophyly of the genus. In addition to the general features found in the Pimelodidae, the species S. amblyurum (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888), S. parahybae (Steindachner, 1877), S. doceanum (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889), S. scriptum...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sorubim catfish; Ostariophysi; Taxonomy; Endemic; Neotropics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A new species of Leporinus Agassiz, 1829 from the upper Rio Paraná basin (Characiformes, Anostomidae) with redescription of L. elongatus Valenciennes, 1850 and L. obtusidens (Valenciennes, 1837) Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Britski,Heraldo A.; Birindelli,José Luís O.; Garavello,Julio Cesar.
Leporinus obtusidens Valenciennes, 1837 and L. elongatus Valenciennes, 1850 are redescribed based on the type specimens, including those of their junior synonyms, and recently collected specimens. Leporinus obtusidens is considered to be widespread, occuring in the river drainages of La Plata, São Francisco, and Parnaíba. Leporinus aguapeiensis Campos, 1945, described from the upper Rio Paraná, and L. silvestrii Boulenger, 1902, described from the Rio Paraguay, are considered junior synonyms of L. obtusidens. Leporinus elongatus is endemic to the Rio Jequitinhonha and Rio Pardo, two eastern Brazilian river basins, and the locality cited for the lectotype, Rio São Fransico, likely to be erroneous. Leporinus crassilabris Borodin, 1929, and L. crassilabris...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anostomoidea; Ostariophysi; Systematics; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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