Registros recuperados: 28 | |
Gasset, Eric. |
Au cours de la saison 90-91, 2 cycles d'élevage larvaire de loups ont été effectués à la Station de Palavas. Ces 2 cycles représentent 1 fois 4 bassins de 2 m3 (cycle Lp/Ol/L/91) et 1 fois 2 bassins de 2 m3 (cyae Lp/04/L/91). Cette note a pour but de faire le point sur les normes d'élevage larvaire du loup utilisées au cours de ces élevages. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1991 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00342/45342/44805.pdf |
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Lemarie, Gilles; Dosdat, Antoine; Coves, Denis; Dutto, Gilbert; Gasset, Eric; Person, Jeannine. |
Chronic effects of ammonia were studied in juvenile seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax (mean weight= 11 g), exposed for 63 days to eight stable ammonia concentrations, ranging from 0.24 to 0.90 mg l(-1) unionised ammonia nitrogen (UIA-N), respectively, from 6.1 to 22.3 mg l(-1) total ammonia nitrogen (TA-N). Temperature (21.8 degreesC), pH (8.0), salinity (37.0 ppt), and oxygen concentration (over 80% saturation at the outlet) were maintained constant. Fish were fed using a self-feeder device, and they were starved during the last 8 days. Mortality of 28.9 and 42.6% occur-red within the first 8 days at the two highest UIA-N concentrations, respectively, 0.90 and 0.88 mg l(-1). From days 0 to 55, a 1.8-fold increase in weight gain was observed under the 0.90-mg... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Plasma ammonia; Growth; Seabass; Chronic toxicity; Ammonia. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2004/publication-628.pdf |
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Dosdat, Antoine; Person, Jeannine; Coves, Denis; Dutto, Gilbert; Gasset, Eric; Le Roux, Annick; Lemarie, Gilles. |
The chronic effects of exposing sea bass (average initial weight 100 g) to ammonia in water at 22 degreesC were first evaluated over a 61-day period (period 1, P1) during which nine different groups were submitted to nine ambient ammonia levels ranging from 0.014 to 0.493 mg 1(-1) NH3-N (0.53-16.11 mg 1(-1) total ammonia nitrogen (TA-N)) and fed using self-feeders. At the end of P1, the fish were starved for 10 days (P2). Their recovery capacity was tested over 43 days (P3) after which the exogenous ammonia supply was stopped in all treatments and the fish were allowed to feed. After 20 days of exposure a highly significant effect of ammonia was evident from the decrease in feeding activity, voluntary feed intake (VFI) and specific growth rate (SGR), and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sea bass; Self feeding; Compensatory growth; Chronic toxicity; Ammonia. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2003/publication-595.pdf |
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Maamaatuaiahutapu, Moana; Joufoques, Vaiana; Tamata, Thiery; Dupieux, Sylvain; Teissier, Alexandre; Rarahu, David; Remoissenet, Georges; Gasset, Eric; Knockaert, Camille; Gueguen, Yannick; Coves, Denis. |
Ce rapport traite de la poursuite de l’acquisition de connaissances, du début du transfert vers le secteur privé et des futurs travaux sur de l’élevage du Paraha peue (Platax orbicularis). Acquisition de connaissances porte sur (i) Grossissement en cages en fonction du site d’élevage, tests de produits immuno-stimulants, définition de traitements anti-parasitaires, mise au point des méthodes de transport d’alevins et la mise en cages précoces d’animaux de 1 g pour le transport par voie aérienne vers les îles (i.i.) Synchronisation des pontes et mise en place d’un plan de croisement de géniteurs diminuant le risque de consanguinité et permettant un progrès génétique par la domestication et/ou la sélection, ainsi que la mise au point d’outils de... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00128/23887/21820.pdf |
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Sammouth, Sophie; Roque D'Orbcastel, Emmanuelle; Gasset, Eric; Lemarie, Gilles; Breuil, Gilles; Marino, Giovanna; Coeurdacier, Jean-luc; Fivelstad, Sveinung; Blancheton, Jean-paul. |
Sea bass (Dicentrarchus tabrax) (135 +/- 4 g) were reared under tank-based recirculating aquaculture system for a 63-day period at four densities: 10, 40, 70, 100 kg m(-3). Fish performance, stress indicators (plasma cortisol, proteonemia plus other blood parameters-Na+, K+, glucose, pH, total CO2- and water quality were monitored. At the end of the 63-day period, resistance to infection was also studied by a nodavirus challenge. A 25-day test was performed on fish from two extreme densities (10 and 100 kg m(3)) and one intermediate density (40 kg m(3)). With regards to the different density treatments, there was no significant difference between the daily feed intake (DFI) and the specific growth rate (SGR) up to a density of 70 kg m(-3). No significant... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Welfare; Performance; European sea bass; Recirculating system; Density. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6761.pdf |
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Lemarie, Gilles; Gasset, Eric. |
The authors present the necessary to sort catfish and sea bream fries in order to limit cannibalism, to constitute homogeneous groups. In the same time they studied different sorters (bars sorter, grating sorter and the conception of an experimental sorter) and their effects on the juveniles (behaviour). Introduction: In hatchery, early sorting of Sea Bass or Sea Bream fry after weaning can become necessary for several reasons: a) To obtain homogeneous batches thus simplifying growing management by better controlling: - Specific water flow for precise ranges of size or weight, - Food distribution granularity, - Daily feeding rate. b) To limit cannibalism which can become high when population dispersion is spread out. This dispersion greatly increases... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Pisces; Nursery ponds; Juvenile stage; Sea bream; Catfish; Fry; Pisces; Stade juvénile; Dorade; Loup; Alevin. |
Ano: 1989 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1989/rapport-1751.pdf |
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Gasset, Eric; Aubry, J.p.; Blancheton, Jean-paul. |
La production Française du Silure glane stagne depuis plusieurs années pour plusieurs raisons principales: la qualité des alevins produits par les entreprises existantes n'est pas optimale, notamment pour un élevage intensif; les techniques de production extensives et semi-intensives en bassins de terre se heurtent à un profil d'évolution thermique naturelle inadapté à cette espèce d'origine continentale, ce qui ce traduit par des croissances aléatoires, des pathologies difficiles à maîtriser et une qualité de chair non optimale; les techniques intensives actuellement pratiquées ne permettent pas de produire économiquement des animaux de grande taiJJe dont la qualité de chair est optimale. L'entreprise « Les viviers de la Castillonne » maîtrise... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00119/23007/20837.pdf |
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Teulier, Loïc; Thoral, Elisa; Queiros, Quentin; Mckenzie, David; Roussel, Damien; Dutto, Gilbert; Gasset, Eric; Bourjea, Jerome; Saraux, Claire. |
We investigated links between swimming behavior and muscle bioenergetics in two emblematic Mediterranean fish species that have very different ecologies and activity levels. European sardines Sardina pilchardus are pelagic, they swim aerobically, school constantly and have high muscle fat content. Gilthead seabream Sparus aurata are bentho-pelagic, they show discontinuous spontaneous swimming patterns and store less fat in their muscle. Estimating the proportion of red and white muscle phenotypes, sardine exhibited a larger proportion of red muscle (~10% of the body mass) compared to gilthead seabream (~5% of the body mass). We firstly studied red and white muscle fiber bioenergetics, using high-resolution respirometers, showing a 4-fold higher oxidation... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Red muscle; Bioenergetics; Marine fishes; Lipids. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00502/61390/65054.pdf |
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Coeurdacier, Jean-luc; Dutto, Gilbert; Gasset, Eric; Blancheton, Jean-paul. |
Reared sea bass were submitted to six stressful situations: hyperoxia with or without hypercapnia, increased stocking density in an open flow or recirculating system, transfer to another tank and nodavirus injection. The potentially negative impact of these factors on the lives of sea bass was investigated by measuring 9 water parameters and 19 fish parameters including total serum protein (TSP). TSP has already been used to evaluate stress. The present study investigates data of previous and new experiments, concentrating on the potential use of TSP as a routine indicator to assess welfare in sea bass reared on fish farms. In the current experiment, oxygen and carbon dioxide were seen to affect levels of TSP, but alterations were too erratic to enable... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Fish stress; Fish welfare; Protein; Serum; Fish transfer; Nodavirus; Sea bass. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00043/15382/12740.pdf |
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Coeurdacier, Jean-luc; Gasset, Eric. |
Platax orbicularis est l’espèce sur laquelle est basé le développement de la pisciculture en Polynésie française. Ce choix a été guidé par le fort potentiel économique de l’espèce dû à sa notoriété sur le marché local du poisson lagonaire estimé à 100 tonnes/an et à la diminution de sa population sauvage. Depuis 2001, date du démarrage d’un programme de développement de la pisciculture lagonaire en Polynésie, les travaux de recherche et développement menés conjointement par le Service de la Pêche de Polynésie (SPE) et l’IFREMER se sont focalisés sur l’acquisition de connaissances et de savoir-faire relatifs à la maîtrise zootechnique et sanitaire de l’élevage de ce poisson. En 2011 ce programme a atteint la première étape de transfert vers le secteur privé... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00134/24490/22514.pdf |
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Saraux, Claire; Van Beveren, Elisabeth; Brosset, Pablo; Queiros, Quentin; Bourdeix, Jean-herve; Dutto, Gilbert; Gasset, Eric; Jac, Cyrielle; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Fromentin, Jean-marc. |
Around 2008, an ecosystem shift occurred in the Gulf of Lions, highlighted by considerable changes in biomass and fish mean weight of its two main small pelagic fish stocks (European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus; European sardine, Sardina pilchardus). Surprisingly these changes did not appear to be mediated by a decrease in fish recruitment rates (which remained high) or by a high fishing pressure (exploitation rates being extremely low). Here, we review the current knowledge on the population's dynamics and its potential causes. We used an integrative ecosystem approach exploring alternative hypotheses, ranging from bottom-up to top-down control, not forgetting epizootic diseases. First, the study of multiple population characteristics highlighted a... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Population dynamics; Top-down; Disease; Zooplankton; Exploited species; Bottom-up. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00427/53861/54903.pdf |
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Queiros, Quentin; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Gasset, Eric; Dutto, Gilbert; Huiban, Camille; Metral, Luisa; Leclerc, Lina; Schull, Quentin; Mckenzie, David; Saraux, Claire. |
Small pelagic fish are key components of marine ecosystems and fisheries worldwide. Despite the absence of recruitment failure and overfishing, pelagic fisheries have been in crisis for a decade in the Western Mediterranean Sea because of a marked decline in sardine size and condition. This situation most probably results from bottom-up control and changes in the plankton community toward smaller plankton. To understand such an unusual phenomenon, we developed an original and innovative experimental approach investigating the mechanisms induced by a reduction in the quantity and size of sardine prey. While experimentations offer the unique opportunity to integrate behavior and ecophysiology in understanding key demographic processes, they remain rarely... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Experimentation; Small pelagics; Sardina pilchardus; Body condition; Bottom-up control. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00505/61669/65585.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 28 | |