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Toxicological and pharmacological evaluation of Discaria americana Gillies & Hook (Rhamnaceae) in mice BJPS
Silva,Eliane Regina da; Diedrich,Denise; Bolzan,Rodrigo Cordeiro; Giacomelli,Sandro Rogério.
Medicinal plants (e.g. Discaria americana) have been used by populations for centuries. However, popular use is not enough to validate these plants as safe and effective medicinal products. The present study sought to evaluate the acute and subacute toxicity as well as the anxiolytic and antinociceptive effects of D. americana root bark and aerial parts extracts in mice. In acute toxicity studies, mice were treated with single intraperitoneal doses of the aforementioned extracts. Subacute toxicity studies were performed by oral administration of the extracts over 14 days. Anxiolytic studies consisted of the elevated plus maze method, and antinociceptive studies were based on the hot plate test. The LD50 value for D. americana aerial parts extract was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Discaria americana/phamacognosy; Medicinal plants; Discaria americana/toxicological analysis; Discaria americana/acute toxicity; Discaria americana/subacute toxicity; Discaria americana/anxiolytic effect; Discaria americana/antinociceptive effect.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Extração de ecdisterona em raízes de ginseng brasileiro Ciência Rural
Flores,Rejane; Nicoloso,Fernando Teixeira; Brondani,Daniela; Maldaner,Joseila; Cezarotto,Verciane; Giacomelli,Sandro Rogério.
Este estudo teve como objetivo otimizar a extração de ecdisterona em raízes de ginseng brasileiro. Primeiramente, para se avaliar a eficiência do solvente extrator, amostras de raízes dois acessos (BRA e JB-UFSM) de P. glomerata foram extraídas em Soxhlet com metanol e clorofórmio, separadamente, durante 4 horas. No segundo ensaio, com o intuito de se escolher o método extrator, a extração foi conduzida em Soxhlet e em ultrassom, utilizando metanol como solvente. Em P. tuberosa, as amostras foram extraídas com metanol, e a extração foi conduzida em Soxhlet e em banho ultrasônico. O conteúdo de ecdisterona foi determinado em Cromatógrafo Líquido de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). Em ambas as espécies, um maior conteúdo de ecdisterona foi detectado nas amostras...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pfaffia glomerata; Pfaffia tuberosa; Ecdisteróides; Fitoterápico; Controle de qualidade.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Oxygen introduction during extraction and the improvement of antioxidant activity of essential oils of basil, lemon and lemongrass Ciência Rural
Ferreira,Daniele de Freitas; Nora,Flávia Michelon Dalla; Lucas,Bruna Nichelle; Menezes,Cristiano Ragagnin de; Cichoski,Alexandre José; Giacomelli,Sandro Rogério; Wagner,Roger; Barin,Juliano Smanioto.
ABSTRACT: Essential oil extraction is commonly carried out by using the hydrodistillation method, which is described in official compendia of food quality control and medicinal plants. Despite the widespread use of this method, few studies have evaluated the effect of the atmosphere change during extraction on the composition and antioxidant activity of essentials oils. Therefore, a study of oxygen introduction influence during the extraction of essential oils from basil, lemongrass and lemon by hydrodistillation was performed. Total amount of oxygenated compounds (e.g., linalool, camphor, α-terpineol, neral, geranial, eugenol and α-muurolol) increased for all essential oils extracted under oxygen flow. Antioxidant activity evaluated by using the ORAC...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antioxidant activity; Chromatography; ORAC; Volatile oil.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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