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Lethal temperatures for Rhamdia quelen larvae (Pimelodidae) Ciência Rural
Chippari-Gomes,Adriana Regina; Gomes,Levy Carvalho; Baldisserotto,Bernardo.
The lower and upper lethal temperatures (LT50) of R. quelen larvae were determined. The larvae were obtained from two spawning periods with hatching temperatures of 21 and 26ºC respectively. Larvae were placed in tanks at which the temperatures were either increased 1ºC every 15min, or reduced 1ºC every 20min until larval movement ceased. This temperature was then maintained for 96h. Minimum mortality (29.0 ± 1.5%) was observed in the larvae held at hatching temperatures. The lower LT50 were 15.01 and 16.72ºC, and the upper LT50 were 29.25 and 27.83ºC for the larvae hatching at 21 and 26ºC, respectively. Thus, apparently there is no difference with relation to temperature change tolerance between larvae hatched in both temperatures.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rhamdia quelen; Larvae; Lethal temperatures; Hatching; Silver catfish.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Effects of manganese on fat snook Centropomus parallelus (Carangaria: Centropomidae) exposed to different temperatures Neotropical Ichthyology
Tuzuki,Bárbara Louise L.; Delunardo,Frederico Augusto C.; Ribeiro,Luciana N.; Melo,Caroliny P. de; Gomes,Levy Carvalho; Chippari-Gomes,Adriana Regina.
ABSTRACT This study evaluates the effects of exposure to manganese (Mn2+) for 96 hours at two different temperatures (24 and 27°C) on juveniles of Centropomus parallelus through the activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT), micronuclei test (MN) and comet assay. The GST activity did not show any significant difference between the groups exposed to Mn2+ and the respective control groups; in contrast, a major increase in the CAT activity was observed at 27°C in the group exposed to Mn2+ compared to the control group. The genotoxic analyses showed that in all animals exposed to Mn2+, the number of red cells with micronuclei increased significantly compared to the respective control groups. There was also a significant increase in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; DNA damage; Enzymes; Genotoxicity; Metal; Micronuclei.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Calcium fluxes in Hoplosternum littorale (tamoatá) exposed to different types of Amazonian waters Neotropical Ichthyology
Baldisserotto,Bernardo; Copatti,Carlos Eduardo; Gomes,Levy Carvalho; Chagas,Edsandra Campos; Brinn,Richard Philip; Roubach,Rodrigo.
Fishes that live in the Amazonian environment may be exposed to several kinds of waters: "black waters", containing high dissolved organic carbon and acidic pH, "white waters", with ten fold higher Ca2+ concentrations than black waters and neutral pH, and "clear waters", with two fold higher Ca2+ concentrations than black waters and also neutral pH. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyze Ca2+ fluxes in the facultative air-breather Hoplosternum littorale (tamoatá) exposed to different Amazonian waters. Fishes were acclimated in well water (similar to clear water) and later placed in individual chambers for Ca2+ fluxes measurements. After 4 h, water from the chambers was replaced by a different type of water. Transfer of tamoatás to ion-poor...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ion flux; Negro River; Amazon River; Acidic water.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Acute toxicity of the water-soluble fraction of diesel in Prochilodus vimboidesKner (Characiformes: Prochilodontidae) Neotropical Ichthyology
Santos,Celina Alcoforado; Lenz,Dominik; Brandão,Geisamanda Pedrini; Chippari-Gomes,Adriana Regina; Gomes,Levy Carvalho.
Diesel oil can be a source of contamination in aquatic environments, mainly as a result of spills. The effects of the water-soluble fraction of diesel (WSF) on Prochilodus vimboideswere assessed. Fish were exposed to three different WSF dilutions for up to 96 h and were compared to a control group. Damages in the fragments of DNA were analyzed using the Comet assay. The presence of erytrocyts abnormalities was assessed by micronucleus test. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity and the accumulation of copper in gills were also analyzed. Fish exposed for 96 h had higher rates of damage than those exposed for 24 h. There was no significant difference regarding the presence of micronuclei between exposed and control fish...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Comet assay; Curimba; Diesel; Micronucleus.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Crescimento e produtividade de juvenis de robalo-peva a diferentes temperaturas e taxas de alimentação PAB
Oliveira,Luiz Augusto Altenburg Gomes; Almeida,André Marafon; Pandolfo,Pablo Seagan Vaz; Souza,Rodrigo Matos de; Fernandes,Luiz Fernando Loureiro; Gomes,Levy Carvalho.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da temperatura e da taxa de alimentação sobre o crescimento e a produtividade de juvenis de robalo-peva (Centropomus parallelus). Utilizou-se experimento fatorial com duas temperaturas (25 e 28º C) e duas taxas de alimentação (3 e 6% da biomassa ao dia), com três repetições para cada combinação de temperatura e taxa. Os peixes (9,80±0,41 g; 9,86±0,14 cm) foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia durante 60 dias. A cada 15 dias, foram realizadas amostragens para corrigir a quantidade de ração oferecida. Não houve mortalidade durante o experimento. Maior crescimento em peso e comprimento foi obtido nos animais submetidos à temperatura de 28ºC. Ganho de peso, biomassa final, conversão alimentar aparente e taxa de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Centropomus parallelus; Aquicultura; Bem-estar animal; Desempenho produtivo; Qualidade da água.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Genotoxic effects of the diesel water-soluble fraction on the seahorse Hippocampus reidi (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) during acute exposure Rev. Bras. Zool.
Santos,Celina Alcoforado; Novaes,Larissa Simões; Gomes,Levy Carvalho.
The high toxicity of diesel components makes oil spills a threat to the biota in coastal marine environments. The genotoxic effect of the diesel water-soluble fraction (DWSF) on Hippocampus reidi (Ginsburg, 1933) was assessed. Fish were exposed to three different DWSF dilutions for up to 96 hours, and genotoxicity was analyzed using the micronuclei test and the comet assay. The micronuclei test revealed no significant differences between any of the DWSF dilutions and the control in the 24-hours period; however, micronuclei increased in fish exposed to 1:500 and 1:100 DWSF dilutions for 96 hours. For all dilutions, there was an increase in micronuclei in fish exposed for 96 hours when compared to those exposed for 24 hours. The tested dilutions increased...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Comet assay; Diesel; Marine fish; Micronuclei; Toxicity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Sensory, morphometric and proximate analyses of Nile tilapia reared in ponds and net-cages R. Bras. Zootec.
Rocha,Danielly Nunes; Simões,Larissa Novaes; Paiva,Genilson; Gomes,Levy Carvalho.
The present study evaluated the sensory, proximate and morphometric differences of pond and net-cage-reared Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Thirty samples from ponds and 30 samples from net-cages were used. Morphometric measurements were performed in fish and the fillets; proximate composition of the fillets was determined; and sensory analysis of the meat was performed. The fish reared in ponds exhibited similar weights and larger measurements than those reared in net-cages. Fillet measurement and weight were similar for both rearing techniques. The proximate composition analysis of the fillets showed that there was less lipid deposition (12.6 g/kg) and higher moisture retention (792.6 g/kg) in fish reared in the ponds compared with those reared in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fillet; Lipid; Oreochromis niloticus; Protein; Farming system.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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