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Växtnäringens flöde genom jordbruk och samhälle – vägar att sluta kretsloppen Organic Eprints
Granstedt, Artur.
I dag går större delen av den växtnäring som tillförs jordbruket förlorat till luft och vatten eller binds i marken. Detta innebär en kostnad för jordbruket och leder samtidigt till skador på den omgivande miljön. Jordbruket bedöms svara för över 40 procent av kväveläckaget till Östersjön. Kväveförlusterna till luften i form av ammoniak bidrar också till övergödningen och det sura nedfallet. Målsättningen att halvera kväveförlusterna från jordbruket har inte uppnåtts. Trots att det är endast en liten del av fosforöverskottet i jordbruket som läcker ut i vattendragen har även detta skadliga konsekvenser för miljön i form av övergödning av sjöar, vattendrag och hav. I föreliggande studie beskrivs växtnäringsflödena i jordbruket och orsakerna till dagens...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Material and methods Organic Eprints
Kahiluoto, Helena; Kakriainen, Salla; Granstedt, Artur; Sumelius, John.
This chapter introduces the cases and the disciplinary approaches and methods. The BERAS study had a case study approach, and this report presents the interdisciplinary synthesis of the multidisciplinary study. Ultimately, the BERAS study attempted to clarify the potential impacts of enhanced localisation and recycling rather than to compare the average status of the present local, organic food systems and organic farms with the dominant food systems and agriculture.
Tipo: Report chapter Palavras-chave: Markets and trade Recycling; Balancing and resource management.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Possibilities for developing combined recycling and renewable energy production in Juva and Järna Organic Eprints
Lehto, Tiina; Granstedt, Artur.
Two ways of local recycling of te solid fraction of biowaste, one of which is combined with the production of biogas, have been studied within the BERAS-project. On-farm biogas plant treatment in Juva could also support agriculture.
Tipo: Report chapter Palavras-chave: Environmental aspects.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Der Landwirtschaftsorganismus als Forschungsgegenstand. Langzeitversuche zum Biologisch-Dynamischen Anbau in Skandinavien 1958-1990 Organic Eprints
Granstedt, Artur; Kjellenberg, Lars.
Die Langzeitversuche in Järna, Schweden, zeigen: Kompostierung und der Einsatz der biologisch-dynamischen Präparate steigern den Humusgehalt. Anhand verschiedener Düngungsvarianten konnte gezeigt werden, dass Mistkompost und Präparate den Humusgehalt im Boden innerhalb von 14 Jahren um 10% steigerte. Dies zeigt, wie wertvoll der hofeigene Dünger, in Form von Festmist, für den Hoforganismus ist.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Soil quality; Composting and manuring; Environmental aspects.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Ecological Recycling Agriculture to Enhance Agro-Ecosystem Services in the Baltic Sea Region: Guidelines for Implementation Organic Eprints
Stein-Bachinger, Karin; Reckling, Moritz; Bachinger, Johann; Hufnagel, Johannes; Wijnand, Koker; Granstedt, Artur.
Eutrophication caused by agriculture is an increasing ecological threat to the Baltic Sea. Modern, resource-efficient farming systems based on integrated plant and animal production, effective nutrient recycling and low external inputs can enhance multiple agro-ecosystem services, resulting in reduced pollution. Practical examples of such farming systems are not widespread. Therefore, the Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society (BERAS) Implementation project aimed to foster this systemic shift. In this paper, agronomic strategies are described to improve nitrogen (N) efficiency for the conversion to ecological recycling agriculture (ERA). First, N farm gate balances of 22 farms in conversion are presented. They showed a large variation...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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The K-trial. A 33-years study of the connections between manuring, soils and crops Organic Eprints
Kjellenberg, Lars; Granstedt, Artur.
In 1958 started a comparative fertilization trial, called the K-trial, within the frames of Scandinavian Research Circle for Biodynamic Agriculture. The trial ended in 1990. This report accounts for the results that have been collected over this 33-year long trial-period. The ambition with the trial was to develop methods of analyses that could indicate foodstuff quality. The long-term trial-period also brought along, a possibility to study the correlation of fertilization, soil and crop. The difference between a cultivation that uses organic fertilizer compared to one that uses mineral fertilizer and where both achieves comparable yield-levels can according to the results from the K-trial be summarized as: Soil - higher enzyme-activity, soil...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Soil biology Soil quality Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Biogas aus Festmist – eine neue Technologie zu Schließung des Nährstoff- und Energiekreislaufes auf dem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb Organic Eprints
Schäfer, Winfried; Evers, Lars; Lehto, Marja; Sorvala, Sanna; Teye, Frederick; Granstedt, Artur.
The Biodynamic Research Institute in Järna developed at the farm Yttereneby a two phase biogas plant. The plant digests manure of dairy cattle and organic residues originating from the farm and the surrounding food processing units containing 17,7 - 19,6 % dry matter. A new technology for continuously filling and discharging the biogas reactor was developed and implemented. Digestion residues are separated into a solid fraction for composting and into a liquid fraction. The solid fraction is suitable for aerobic composting. Initial results show that anaerobic digestion and following aerobic composting of the solid fraction improves the nitrogen balance of the farm compared to mere aerobic composting. Composted biogas plant residues and effluent together...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general Dairy cattle Recycling; Balancing and resource management Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Nutrient balance of a two-phase solid manure biogas plant Organic Eprints
Schäfer, Winfried; Evers, Lars; Lehto, Marja; Sorvala, Sanna; Teye, Frederick; Granstedt, Artur.
So called "dry fermentation" prototype plants for anaerobic digestion of organic material containing 15-50 % total solids show added advantages compared to slurry digestion plants (Hoffman 2001): Less reactor volume, less process energy, less transport capacity, less odour emissions. However on-farm dry fermentation plants are not common and rarely commercially available. Recent on-farm research (Kusch & Oechsner 2004) and prototype research (Linke 2004) show promising technical solutions for dry fermentation batch reactors on-farm. The Biodynamic Research Institute in Järna developed a two-phase on-farm biogas plant. The plant digests manure of dairy cattle and organic residues originating from the farm and the surrounding food processing units...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farm nutrient management; Buildings and machinery; Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The potential of ecological recycling agriculture (ERA) for improved nature resource conservation and reduced environmental impacts in the Baltic Sea drainage area Organic Eprints
Granstedt, Artur; Schneider, Thomas; Seuri, Pentti; Thomsson, Olof.
By integrating crop and animal production on a farm or farms in closed cooperation combined with soil formation legume crops in balanced crop-rotations it will be possible to maximize the efficient use of nutrients in manure, minimize inputs of limited nutrient resources, minimize nutrient surpluses and reduce the input of nutrients to the Baltic Sea by more than 50 %. This will be the basis for recommendation to convert the agriculture in the Baltic drainage area.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Localisation and recycling in rural food systems - impact and solutions Organic Eprints
Kahiluoto, Helena; Granstedt, Artur; Bäckman, Stefan; Fischer, Holger; Hannula, Annamari; Kakriainen, Salla; Krumalova, Veronica; Larsson, Markus; Lehto, Tiina; Nousiainen, Marko; Pylkkänen, Päivi; Schneider, Thomas; Seppänen, Laura; Seuri, Pentti; Sumelius, John; Thomsson, Olof; Vesala, Kari; Vihma, Antto.
The aim of the study was to assess the impact of an increased share of local organic food based on local resources, especially on increased recycling (i.e. the impact of increased locality or localization), on sustainability of rural food systems around the Baltic Sea. Obstacles and solutions for sustainable localization and recycling were also identified. In addition to these main objectives, a methodological interest in developing interdisciplinary research processes was also incorporated. Case food systems in eight Baltic countries were studied on the basis of interviews and stakeholder workshops, as well as by analysis of environmental indicators and economic parameters at farm and food system level by a European multidisciplinary research group....
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Policy environments and social economy Recycling; Balancing and resource management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Biogas plant in Järna Organic Eprints
Schäfer, Winfried; Granstedt, Artur; Evers, Lars.
The Biodynamic Research Institute in Järna developed an on-farm biogas plant integrated within the highly self-supporting farm organism, Skilleby-Yttereneby, one of the farms studied in the BERAS project. The biogas plant digests dairy cattle manure and organic residues originating from the farm and the surrounding food processing units.
Tipo: Report chapter Palavras-chave: Environmental aspects; Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Two phase continuous digestion of solid manure on-farm: design, mass and nutrient balance Organic Eprints
Schäfer, Winfried; Evers, Lars; Lehto, Marja; Sorvala, Sanna; Teye, Frederick; Granstedt, Artur.
During the last decade some so called ‘dry fermentation’ prototype plants were developed for anaerobic digestion of organic material containing 15-50 % total solids. These plants show added advantages com-pared to slurry digestion plants: Less reactor volume, less process energy, less transport capacity, less odour emissions. However on-farm dry fermentation plants are not common and rarely commercially available. This paper reports about an innovative two phase prototype biogas plant designed for continuous digestion of solid dairy cattle manure.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farm nutrient management; Buildings and machinery; Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Effective recycling agriculture around the Baltic Sea: background report Organic Eprints
Granstedt, Artur; Seuri, Pentti; Thomsson, Olof.
In this report the historical background and present situation of the plant nutrient balances and surplus of plant nutrients within the agricultural sector in the eight countries of the Baltic Sea catchments area (Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Denmark, Germany and Russia) are presented and analysed. The Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society (BERAS) project is evaluating the consequences of converting the whole agricultural sector according to recycling principles. This analysis is being based on data from selected ecological recycling farms within the Baltic drainage area and will be presented in a series of project reports of which this is the first for Work Package 2, Effects on environment, natural resources and...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Recycling; Balancing and resource management.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Results of plant nutrient balances in the BERAS countries : Finland Organic Eprints
Granstedt, Artur; Seuri, Pentti.
The Finnish study was conducted on five BERAS-farms; two in the cereal-dominated south, one in the centre(Tampere), one in the animal-dominated north-west(Österbotten)and one in the east (Juva). In addition a more detailed study of eight farms located in the Juva region has been carried out.
Tipo: Report chapter Palavras-chave: Environmental aspects; Crop husbandry; Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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