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Variability of the western Mediterranean Sea surface temperature during the last 25,000 years and its connection with the Northern Hemisphere climatic changes ArchiMer
Cacho, I; Grimalt, Jo; Canals, M; Sbaffi, L; Shackleton, Nj; Schonfeld, J; Zahn, R.
Sea surface temperature (SST) profiles over the last 25 kyr derived from alkenone measurements are studied in four cores from a W-E latitudinal transect encompassing the Gulf of Cadiz (Atlantic Ocean), the Alboran Sea, and the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean). The results document the sensitivity of the Mediterranean region to the short climatic changes of the North Atlantic Ocean, particularly those involving the latitudinal position of the polar front. The amplitude of the SST oscillations increases toward the Tyrrhenian Sea, indicating an amplification effect of the Atlantic signal by the climatic regime of the Mediterranean region. All studied cores show a shelter cooling phase (700 years) for the Younger Dryas (YD) than that observed in...
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Ano: 2001 URL:
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Impact of iceberg melting on Mediterranean thermohaline circulation during Heinrich events ArchiMer
Sierro, Fj; Hodell, Da; Curtis, Jh; Flores, Ja; Reguera, I; Colmenero-hidalgo, E; Barcena, Ma; Grimalt, Jo; Cacho, I; Frigola, J; Canals, M.
Down-core samples of planktonic and benthic foraminifera were analyzed for oxygen and carbon isotopes in International Marine Past Global Changes Study (IMAGES) core MD99-2343 in order to study the interactions between climate change in the Northern Hemisphere and the western Mediterranean thermohaline circulation at times of Heinrich events (HE). Our results confirm the antiphase correlation between enhanced North Atlantic Deep Water formation and low ventilation in the Mediterranean. However, this study reveals that this antiphase relationship in deepwater formation between the North Atlantic and Mediterranean was interrupted during times of HE when the injection of large volumes of water from melting icebergs reached the entrance to the Mediterranean....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climatic change; Heinrich events; Mediterranean Sea; Carbon and oxygen isotopes; Thermohaline circulation; Pleistocene.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A latitudinal productivity band in the central North Atlantic over the last 270 kyr: An alkenone perspective ArchiMer
Villanueva, J; Calvo, E; Pelejero, C; Grimalt, Jo; Boelaert, A; Labeyrie, L.
Productivity changes in the central North Atlantic Ocean have been traced by means of the total C-37 alkenone contents along two sediment cores located at 43 degreesN and 37 degreesN. Both alkenone signals revealed the occurrence of discrete productivity events every 23 kyr. Spectral analyses highlight the presence of a dominant 23-kyr periodicity in the alkenone signal, which is highly coherent to the precession index. However, a close comparison revealed small but relevant differences in the timing of several of the productivity events recorded at both locations. These asynchronies suggest that the alkenone maxima do not necessarily reflect a general increase of productivity over the North Atlantic. We propose that the events are related to a latitudinal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biogeochemical cycles; Processes; And modeling Marine organic chemistry Organic and biogenic geochemistry.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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