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Impact of atrazine on somatic aneuploidy in cupped oysters, Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Bouilly, Karine; Leitao, Alexandra; Mccombie, Helen; Chaves, R.; Guedes Pinto, H; Boudry, Pierre; Lapegue, Sylvie.
In the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas hypodiploid aneuploid cells with 2n=19, 18 or 17 chromosomes have regularly been reported. There is a negative correlation between somatic aneuploidy and growth rate in oysters (Leitão et al., 2001a) as well as evidence for a genetic basis (Leitão et al., 2001b). Furthermore, non-random chromosome loss has been demonstrated in aneuploid karyotypes of C. gigas using the G-banding technique (Leitão et al., 2001c). This poster summarises different studies used to investigate the effects of the herbicide atrazine on the level of aneuploidy in this species
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Genetic; Aneuploidy; Toxicology; Impact; Atrazine; Crassostrea gigas; Pacific oysters.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Interspecific hybridization in oysters: Restriction enzyme digestion chromosome banding confirms Crassostrea angulata x Crassostrea gigas F1 hybrids ArchiMer
Leitao, A; Chaves, R; Santos, S; Guedes Pinto, H; Boudry, Pierre.
The taxonomic status of the two commercially important cupped oysters, Crassostrea angulata, the Portuguese oyster (Lamarck, 1819) and Crassostrea gigas, the Japanese oyster (Thunberg, 1793) has long been in question. The recent observation of the hybridization between C. gigas and C. angulata and the production of fertile F1s led us to search for cytogenetic evidence of both parental genomes in the interspecific hybrids. The cytogenetic characterization of the hybrids was performed by the use of restriction endonuclease treatments. This technique has recently shown the potential for individual chromosome identification by banding in oysters. Chromosomes of C. gigas, C. angulata and their hybrids were treated with two different restriction enzymes (ApaI...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Interspecific hybrids; In situ restriction enzyme banding; Crassostrea gigas; C. angulata; Chromosome banding.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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