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Leveraging Landscape Change: Instrument design for supporting the evolution of new natural resource industry niches AgEcon
Hatfield-Dodds, Steve; Binning, Carl; Dyack, Brenda.
This paper outlines how resource degradation in Australia could be reversed with innovative investment approaches that compensate for the main impediments to beneficial landscape change. We argue that the existing suite of policy responses is incomplete and there are benefits to be had by introducing some new approaches for encouraging innovative and creative, appropriate landscape change. We discuss two examples that address the need for instruments that encourage the evolution of new natural resource industry niches: 1. the proposal advanced by the Allen Consulting Group in its recommendations to the Business Leaders Roundtable in 2001 on options for leveraging private investment entitled Repairing the Country 2. a pilot project that is being undertaken...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q28; D7.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Beyond the ‘Double Dividend’: Modelling the impacts of deep cuts in Australian greenhouse gas emissions AgEcon
Hatfield-Dodds, Steve; Adams, Philip D..
Australian economic modelling of policy options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has to date given little attention to (i) crafting policy scenarios that use emissions revenues to target significant existing tax distortions, (ii) quantifying the effects of policy on the price and affordability of energy products, and (iii) communicating policy impacts on living standards relative to current levels, as well as relative to future levels in the reference case. Building on modelling undertaken for the Australian Business Roundtable on Climate Change -– which found that real consumption and income continue to grow strongly with emission reductions -– we find that smart tax reform could significantly reduce the economic impact of emissions reductions,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Greenhouse policy; Double dividend; Equity; Adaptive governance; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Adaptive Governance: An Introduction and Implications for Public Policy AgEcon
Hatfield-Dodds, Steve; Nelson, Rohan; Cook, David C..
Adaptive governance is a concept from institutional theory that deals with the evolution of institutions for the management of shared assets, particularly common pool resources and other forms of natural capital. This paper is the first of a set of four papers on adaptive governance, providing a brief overview of the history of the concept, the distinguishing features of the literature, and key insights provided for economists and policy advisors. We argue that adaptive governance provides an interesting lens for examining the political economy of policy responses – akin to the concept of market failure within economics, but applied to wider processes of social learning and collective choice, including collective choices about the scope and structure of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Adaptive governance; Public policy; Common pool resources; Natural resource management; Wicked problems; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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