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The AlpArray Seismic Network: A Large-Scale European Experiment to Image the Alpine Orogen ArchiMer
Hetenyi, Gyorgy; Molinari, Irene; Clinton, John; Bokelmann, Gotz; Bondar, Istvan; Crawford, Wayne C.; Dessa, Jean-xavier; Doubre, Cecile; Friederich, Wolfgang; Fuchs, Florian; Giardini, Domenico; Graczer, Zoltan; Handy, Mark R.; Herak, Marijan; Jia, Yan; Kissling, Edi; Kopp, Heidrun; Korn, Michael; Margheriti, Lucia; Meier, Thomas; Mucciarelli, Marco; Paul, Anne; Pesaresi, Damiano; Piromallo, Claudia; Plenefisch, Thomas; Plomerova, Jaroslava; Ritter, Joachim; Rumpker, Georg; Sipka, Vesna; Spallarossa, Daniele; Thomas, Christine; Tilmann, Frederik; Wassermann, Joachim; Weber, Michael; Weber, Zoltan; Wesztergom, Viktor; Zivcic, Mladen; Abreu, Rafael; Allegretti, Ivo; Apoloner, Maria-theresia; Aubert, Coralie; Besancon, Simon; De Berc, Maxime Bes; Brunel, Didier; Capello, Marco; Carman, Martina; Cavaliere, Adriano; Cheze, Jerome; Chiarabba, Claudio; Cougoulat, Glenn; Cristiano, Luigia; Czifra, Tibor; D'Alema, Ezio; Danesi, Stefania; Daniel, Romuald; Dannowski, Anke; Dasovic, Iva; Deschamps, Anne; Egdorf, Sven; Fiket, Tomislav; Fischer, Kasper; Funke, Sigward; Govoni, Aladino; Groschl, Gidera; Heimers, Stefan; Heit, Ben; Herak, Davorka; Huber, Johann; Jaric, Dejan; Jedlicka, Petr; Jund, Helene; Klingen, Stefan; Klotz, Bernhard; Kolinsky, Petr; Kotek, Josef; Kuhne, Lothar; Kuk, Kreso; Lange, Dietrich; Loos, Jurgen; Lovati, Sara; Malengros, Deny; Maron, Christophe; Martin, Xavier; Massa, Marco; Mazzarini, Francesco; Metral, Laurent; Moretti, Milena; Munzarova, Helena; Nardi, Anna; Pahor, Jurij; Pequegnat, Catherine; Petersen, Florian; Piccinini, Davide; Pondrelli, Silvia; Prevolnik, Snjezan; Racine, Roman; Regnier, Marc; Reiss, Miriam; Salimbeni, Simone; Santulin, Marco; Scherer, Werner; Schippkus, Sven; Schulte-kortnack, Detlef; Solarino, Stefano; Spieker, Kathrin; Stipcevic, Josip; Strollo, Angelo; Sule, Balint; Szanyi, Gyongyver; Szucs, Eszter; Thorwart, Martin; Ueding, Stefan; Vallocchia, Massimiliano; Vecsey, Ludek; Voigt, Rene; Weidle, Christian; Weyland, Gauthier; Wiemer, Stefan; Wolf, Felix; Wolyniec, David; Zieke, Thomas.
The AlpArray programme is a multinational, European consortium to advance our understanding of orogenesis and its relationship to mantle dynamics, plate reorganizations, surface processes and seismic hazard in the Alps-Apennines-Carpathians-Dinarides orogenic system. The AlpArray Seismic Network has been deployed with contributions from 36 institutions from 11 countries to map physical properties of the lithosphere and asthenosphere in 3D and thus to obtain new, high-resolution geophysical images of structures from the surface down to the base of the mantle transition zone. With over 600 broadband stations operated for 2 years, this seismic experiment is one of the largest simultaneously operated seismological networks in the academic domain, employing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seismology; Alps; Seismic network; Geodynamics; Seismic imaging; Mountain building.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Arrival angles of teleseismic fundamental mode Rayleigh waves across the AlpArray ArchiMer
Kolinsky, Petr; Bokelmann, Goetz; Hetenyi, Gyorgy; Abreu, Rafael; Allegretti, Ivo; Apoloner, Maria-theresia; Aubert, Coralie; Besancon, Simon; Bes De Berc, Maxime; Bokel-mann, Gotz; Brunel, Didier; Capello, Marco; Carman, Martina; Cavaliere, Adriano; Cheze, Jerome; Chiarabba, Claudio; Clinton, John; Cougoulat, Glenn; Crawford, Wayne C.; Cristiano, Luigia; Czifra, Tibor; D'Alema, Ezio; Danesi, Stefania; Daniel, Romuald; Dannowski, Anke; Dasovic, Iva; Deschamps, Anne; Dessa, Jean-xavier; Doubre, Cecile; Egdorf, Sven; Fiket, Tomislav; Fischer, Kasper; Friederich, Wolfgang; Fuchs, Florian; Funke, Sigward; Giardini, Domenico; Govoni, Aladino; Graczer, Zoltan; Groschl, Gidera; Heimers, Stefan; Heit, Ben; Herak, Davorka; Herak, Marijan; Huber, Johann; Jaric, Dejan; Jedlicka, Petr; Jia, Yan; Jund, Helene; Kissling, Edi; Klingen, Stefan; Klotz, Bernhard; Kolinsky, Petr; Kopp, Heidrun; Korn, Michael; Kotek, Josef; Kuhne, Lothar; Kuk, Kreso; Lange, Dietrich; Loos, Jurgen; Lovati, Sara; Malengros, Deny; Margheriti, Lucia; Maron, Christophe; Martin, Xavier; Massa, Marco; Mazzarini, Francesco; Meier, Thomas; Metral, Laurent; Molinari, Irene; Moretti, Milena; Nardi, Anna; Pahor, Jurij; Paul, Anne; Pequegnat, Catherine; Petersen, Daniel; Pesaresi, Damiano; Piccinini, Davide; Piromallo, Claudia; Plenefisch, Thomas; Plomerova, Jaroslava; Pondrelli, Silvia; Prevolnik, Snjezan; Racine, Roman; Regnier, Marc; Reiss, Miriam; Ritter, Joachim; Rumpker, Georg; Salimbeni, Simone; Santulin, Marco; Scherer, Werner; Schippkus, Sven; Schulte-kortnack, Detlef; Sipka, Vesna; Solarino, Stefano; Spallarossa, Daniele; Spieker, Kathrin; Stipcevic, Josip; Strollo, Angelo; Sule, Balint; Szanyi, Gyongyver; Szucs, Eszter; Thomas, Christine; Thorwart, Martin; Tilmann, Frederik; Ueding, Stefan; Vallocchia, Massimiliano; Vecsey, Ludek; Voigt, Rene; Wassermann, Joachim; Weber, Zoltan; Weidle, Christian; Wesztergom, Viktor; Weyland, Gauthier; Wiemer, Stefan; Wolf, Felix; Wolyniec, David; Zieke, Thomas; Zivcic, Mladen; Zlebcikova, Helena.
The dense AlpArray network allows studying seismic wave propagation with high spatial resolution. Here we introduce an array approach to measure arrival angles of teleseismic Rayleigh waves. The approach combines the advantages of phase correlation as in the two-station method with array beamforming to obtain the phase-velocity vector. 20 earthquakes from the first two years of the AlpArray project are selected, and spatial patterns of arrival-angle deviations across the AlpArray are shown in maps, depending on period and earthquake location. The cause of these intriguing spatial patterns is discussed. A simple wave-propagation modelling example using an isolated anomaly and a Gaussian beam solution suggests that much of the complexity can be explained as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Structure of the Earth; Europe; Time-series analysis; Surface waves and free oscillations; Wave propagation; Wave scattering and diffraction.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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