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The revival of the deep sea in OBIS ArchiMer
Appeltans, Ward; Provoost, Pieter; Reed, Greg; Vandepitte, Leen; Baker, Maria; Higgs, Nicholas; O'Hara, Timothy; Althaus, Franziska; Amon, Diva; Bilan, Meri; Blazewicz, Magdalena; Borremans, Catherine; Bourque, Jill; Brager, Stefan; Chapman, Abbie; Cobley, Amber; Cunha, Marina; Dahlgren, Thomas; Davies, Andrew; De Leo, Fabio; Dornback, Matt; Horton, Tammy; Ingels, Jeroen; Martini, Severine; Mcveigh, Doreen; Olson, Christopher; Polanco, Andrea; Ramos, Ana; Rastoin, Etienne; Ravara, Ascensão; Riehl, Torben; Roterman, Christopher; Sidi, Mohamed Mohamed Moctar.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Editorial: Extreme Benthic Communities in the Age of Global Change ArchiMer
Sandulli, Roberto; Ingels, Jeroen; Zeppilli, Daniela; Sweetman, Andrew Kvassnes; Hardy Mincks, Sarah; Mienis, Furu; Chin-lin, Wei.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthos; Global change; Extreme environment; Biodiversity; Ecosystem functioning.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Characteristics of meiofauna in extreme marine ecosystems: a review ArchiMer
Zeppilli, Daniela; Leduc, Daniel; Fontanier, Christophe; Fontaneto, Diego; Fuchs, Sandra; Gooday, Andrew J.; Goineau, Aurelie; Ingels, Jeroen; Ivanenko, Viatcheslav N.; Kristensen, Reinhardt Mobjerg; Neves, Ricardo Cardoso; Sanchez, Nuria; Sandulli, Roberto; Sarrazin, Jozee; Sorensen, Martin V.; Tasiemski, Aurelie; Vanreusel, Ann; Autret, Marine; Bourdonnay, Louis; Claireaux, Marion; Coquille, Valerie; De Wever, Lisa; Rachel, Durand; Marchant, James; Toomey, Lola; Fernandes, David.
Extreme marine environments cover more than 50% of the Earth’s surface and offer many opportunities for investigating the biological responses and adaptations of organisms to stressful life conditions. Extreme marine environments are sometimes associated with ephemeral and unstable ecosystems, but can host abundant, often endemic and well-adapted meiofaunal species. In this review, we present an integrated view of the biodiversity, ecology and physiological responses of marine meiofauna inhabiting several extreme marine environments (mangroves, submarine caves, Polar ecosystems, hypersaline areas, hypoxic/anoxic environments, hydrothermal vents, cold seeps, carcasses/sunken woods, deep-sea canyons, deep hypersaline anoxic basins [DHABs] and hadal zones)....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Extreme environments; Meiofauna; Mangroves; Submarine caves; Polar ecosystems; Melting ice; Hypersaline areas; Anoxic and hypoxic zones; Hydrothermal vents; Cold seeps; Carcasses and sunken woods; Deep sea; Submarine canyons; Deep hypersaline anoxic basins (DHABs); Hadal zones.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Possible effects of global environmental changes on Antarctic benthos: a synthesis across five major taxa ArchiMer
Ingels, Jeroen; Vanreusel, Ann; Brandt, Angelika; Catarino, Ana I.; David, Bruno; De Ridder, Chantal; Dubois, Philippe; Gooday, Andrew J.; Martin, Patrick; Pasotti, Francesca; Robert, Henri.
Because of the unique conditions that exist around the Antarctic continent, Southern Ocean (SO) ecosystems are very susceptible to the growing impact of global climate change and other anthropogenic influences. Consequently, there is an urgent need to understand how SO marine life will cope with expected future changes in the environment. Studies of Antarctic organisms have shown that individual species and higher taxa display different degrees of sensitivity to environmental shifts, making it difficult to predict overall community or ecosystem responses. This emphasizes the need for an improved understanding of the Antarctic benthic ecosystem response to global climate change using a multitaxon approach with consideration of different levels of biological...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Amphipoda; Echinoidea; Foraminifera; Global climate change; Isopoda; Nematoda; Southern Ocean; Zoobenthos.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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The contribution of deep-sea macrohabitat heterogeneity to global nematode diversity ArchiMer
Vanreusel, Ann; Fonseca, Gustavo; Danovaro, Roberto; Da Silva, Maria Cristina; Esteves, Andre M.; Ferrero, Tim; Gad, Gunnar; Galtsova, Valentina; Gambi, Cristina; Genevois, Veronica Da Fonseca; Ingels, Jeroen; Ingole, Baban; Lampadariou, Nikolaos; Merckx, Bea; Miljutin, Dmitry; Miljutina, Maria; Muthumbi, Agnes; Netto, Sergio; Portnova, Daria; Radziejewska, Teresa; Raes, Maarten; Tchesunov, Alexei; Vanaverbeke, Jan; Van Gaever, Saskia; Venekey, Virag; Bezerra, Tania Nara; Flint, Hannah; Copley, John; Pape, Ellen; Zeppilli, Daniela; Martinez, Pedro Arbizu; Galeron, Joelle.
The great variety of geological and hydrological conditions in the deep sea generates many different habitats. Some are only recently explored, although their true extent and geographical coverage are still not fully established. Both continental margins and mid-oceanic seafloors are much more complex ecologically, geologically, chemically and hydrodynamically than originally thought. As a result, fundamental patterns of species distribution first observed and explained in the context of relatively monotonous slopes and abyssal plains must now be re-evaluated in the light of this newly recognized habitat heterogeneity. Based on a global database of nematode genus composition, collected as part of the Census of Marine Life, we show that macrohabitat...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Census of marine life; Deep sea; Habitat heterogeneity; Meiofauna; Nematode genera.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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