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Effects of variety and plant spacing on weight, surface and yield of tobacco leaf (K326 and 347 Var.) 111
Azadbakht, Mohsen; Ghajarjazi, Ehsan; Kiapei, Ali; Jafari, Hassan; Salehi, Ebrahim; Pishgar, Reza.
Tobacco is one of the important agricultural and industrial products which plays a crucial role in economics and income of the producing countries and tobacco’s leaves are actually used commercially. In this study, the effects of two tobacco varieties K326 and 347 in three plant spacing of 30, 40, and 50 cm (with density of 33333, 25000 and 20000 plants/ha) on physical properties and weight of tobacco leaves are discussed. The results of variance analysis showed that the ¬¬¬effects of variety and plant spacing on leaf surface in 5% level were significant. Interaction effect of these two factors wasn’t significant. Also results showed that independent and interaction effects of plant spacing and different varieties of tobacco on leaf weight were significant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tobacco; Plant spacing; Leaf; Weight; Yield.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Analysis of exerted stresses of final drive in MF 285 tractor by Theoretical and Finite Element Method (FEM) 111
Azadbakht, Mohsen; Jafari, Hassan.
Gears is a rotating cylindrical wheel having tooth cut on it and which meshes with another toothed part to transmit the power or torque.. In this investigation, at first, bending stress and contact stress between sun gear and planet gear tooth were determined using of Lewis and Hertzian equations. Afterward, a 3D model of final drives gear was investigated via FEM method. According to the obtained results, maximum of bending stress and contact stress occurred in Gear 1 and low status of helping gear, according to the results that given in the table 3, maximum bending stress using of theoretical and FEM simulation methods were obtained 918.62 Mpa and 951.82 Mpa, respectively. Also, maximum contact stress in same status using of theoretical and FEM...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Final drive; Stress analysis; Lewis equation; Hertzian equation; Bending stress; Contact stress..
Ano: 2014 URL:
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