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Variability of energy density among mesozooplankton community: new insights in functional diversity to forage fish ArchiMer
Dessier, Aurelie; Dupuy, Christine; Kerric, Anais; Mornet, Francoise; Authier, Matthieu; Bustamante, Paco; Spitz, Jerome.
To explore some aspects of mesozooplankton functional diversity, this study quantified energy density during the springtime in the Bay of Biscay both between different species and between different size-classes. Energy densities of copepod species (Centropages typicus, Anomalocera patersoni, Calanus helgolandicus, and Labidocera wollastoni), as well as anchovy eggs (Engraulis encrasicolus) ranged from 0.5 to 6.7 kJ/g wet weight (ww). Considering size-classes, energy densities varied from 0.74 to 1.26 kJ/g ww. Energy density of C. helgolandicus exhibited a spatial pattern with the highest values in the plume of the Gironde estuary. In contrast, no spatial pattern of energy density has been detected considering size-classes. Our results showed that the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Profitability; Copepods; Prey-predator relationship; Fisheries.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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