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Mining of the biosynthetic mechanisms of Vibrio spp. polysaccharides and potential role in biofilm formation ArchiMer
Verrez-bagnis, Veronique; Soree, Marion; Passerini, Delphine; Kolypczuk, Laetitia; Marchand, Laetitia; Bonnetot, Sandrine; Fecamp, Florian; Lozach, Solen; Hervio Heath, Dominique; Delbarre Ladrat, Christine.
Vibrio spp. are ubiquitous marine bacteria that are ecologically and metabolically diverse members of planktonic and animal associated microbial communities. They encompass the ancient and well-studied human pathogen, Vibrio cholerae, and two other human pathogens, V. vulnificus and V. parahaemolyticus, as well as some less thoroughly characterized animal pathogens. Virulence is based on a wide diversity of mechanisms involved in motility and host colonization, in ability to persist and develop, and in damage generation. Polysaccharides may play major roles in virulence and are major components of extracellular polymeric matrix synthesized upon biofilm growth. They may also exhibit biological features, especially those similar to animal-derived...
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Characterization of biofilm extracts from two marine bacteria ArchiMer
Passerini, Delphine; Fecamp, Florian; Marchand, Laetitia; Kolypczuk, Laetitia; Bonnetot, Sandrine; Sinquin, Corinne; Verrez-bagnis, Veronique; Hervio Heath, Dominique; Colliec Jouault, Sylvia; Delbarre Ladrat, Christine.
In the marine environment, biofilm formation is an important lifestyle for microorganisms. A biofilm is comprised of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix that holds them close together and keeps the biofilm attached to the colonized surface. This predominant lifestyle and its main regulation pathway, namely quorum-sensing (QS), have been shown to induce specific bioactive metabolites. In this study, we investigated the biofilm formation by two marine bacteria belonging to the Vibrio species to discover potentially innovative bioactive compounds. We proposed a protocol to isolate biofilm extracts, to analyze their biochemical composition, and to compare them to planktonic cell extracts. Cells were grown attached to a plastic surface; extracts were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vibrio; Biofilm; Polysaccharide; Quorum-sensing; Activity.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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New Insight into Antimicrobial Compounds from Food and Marine-Sourced Carnobacterium Species through Phenotype and Genome Analyses ArchiMer
Begrem, Simon; Ivaniuk, Flora; Gigout Chevalier, Frederique; Kolypczuk, Laetitia; Bonnetot, Sandrine; Leroi, Francoise; Grovel, Olivier; Delbarre-ladrat, Christine; Passerini, Delphine.
Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and Carnobacterium divergens, isolated from food products, are lactic acid bacteria known to produce active and efficient bacteriocins. Other species, particularly those originating from marine sources, are less studied. The aim of the study is to select promising strains with antimicrobial potential by combining genomic and phenotypic approaches on large datasets comprising 12 Carnobacterium species. The biosynthetic gene cluster (BGCs) diversity of 39 publicly available Carnobacterium spp. genomes revealed 67 BGCs, distributed according to the species and ecological niches. From zero to six BGCs were predicted per strain and classified into four classes: terpene, NRPS (non-ribosomal peptide synthetase), NRPS-PKS (hybrid...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lactic acid bacteria; Antimicrobial activity; Carnobacteriumspp; Hydrogen peroxide; Bacteriocin; RiPP; NRPS; Terpene; Natural product; Genome mining.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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