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[Proceedings of the VII international symposium 'Cultural heritage in geosciences, mining and metallurgy : libraries, archives, museums' : "Museums and their collections" held at the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Leiden (The Netherlands), 19-23 May, 2003 / Cor F. Winkler Prins and Stephen K. Donovan (editors)]: Die privaten Kollektionen des XIX. Jahrhunderts in der Sammlung des Mineralogischen Museums der Universität St. Petersburg, Russland Naturalis
Anastasenko, G.F.; Krivovichev, V.G.; Golynskaya, O.A..
The Mineralogical Museum of the St.-Petersburg State University is housed in the building of the 'Twelve Colleges'. It accomodates some of the most ancient mineralogical collections of Russia. The university mineral collection took its origin from a Mineralogical Cabinet of a Teacher's Seminary, which was established in 1783. J.G. Georgi (1729-1802) was commissioned to collect minerals for the institute and he can be considered the founder of the museum. The history of enlarging and enriching the mineral collection is inextricably related with 19th century celebrities and their private collections. At the beginning of the 19th century, when the Seminary was transformed into a Pedagogical Institute, the collection of the Mineralogical Cabinet included in...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 38.59.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Die privaten Kollektionen des XIX. Jahrhunderts in der Sammlung des Mineralogischen Museums der Universität St. Petersburg, Russland Naturalis
Anastasenko, G.F.; Krivovichev, V.G.; Golynskaya, O.A..
The Mineralogical Museum of the St.-Petersburg State University is housed in the building of the ‘Twelve Colleges’. It accomodates some of the most ancient mineralogical collections of Russia. The university mineral collection took its origin from a Mineralogical Cabinet of a Teacher’s Seminary, which was established in 1783. J.G. Georgi (1729-1802) was commissioned to collect minerals for the institute and he can be considered the founder of the museum. The history of enlarging and enriching the mineral collection is inextricably related with 19th century celebrities and their private collections. At the beginning of the 19th century, when the Seminary was transformed into a Pedagogical Institute, the collection of the Mineralogical Cabinet included in...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Minerals; Collections; 38.30.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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