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Food limitation of juvenile marine fish in a coastal and estuarine nursery ArchiMer
Saulnier, E.; Le Bris, H.; Tableau, Adrien; Dauvin, J.c.; Brind'Amour, Anik.
Despite their importance for species conservation and sound management of exploited living resources, the density-dependent mechanisms that regulate wild populations are among the least understood process in ecology. In many marine fish species, there is strong evidence that regulation occurs at the juvenile stage, when individuals concentrate in spatially restricted nurseries. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms. Whether competition for food resources determines fish growth and survival is particularly controversial. We investigated whether food supply may have limited juvenile fish production (integrating both growth and survival) in a coastal and estuarine nursery in western Europe. Using a recent bioenergetics-based approach, we...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Food limitation; Nursery; Juvenile fish; Predatory invertebrates; Macrofauna; English channel.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Isotope and fatty acid trends along continental shelf depth gradients: Inshore versus offshore hydrological influences on benthic trophic functioning ArchiMer
Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Schaal, G.; Grall, J.; Pernet, Fabrice; Perdriau, M.; A-pernet, E. J.; Le Bris, H..
Anthropogenic activities and land-based inputs into the sea may influence the trophic structure and functioning of coastal and continental shelf ecosystems, despite the numerous opportunities and services the latter offer to humans and wildlife. In addition, hydrological structures and physical dynamics potentially influence the sources of organic matter (e.g., terrestrial versus marine, or fresh material versus detrital material) entering marine food webs. Understanding the significance of the processes that influence marine food webs and ecosystems (e.g., terrestrial inputs, physical dynamics) is crucially important because trophic dynamics are a vital part of ecosystem integrity. This can be achieved by identifying organic matter sources that enter food...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Influence of food availability on the spatial distribution of juvenile fish within soft sediment nursery habitats ArchiMer
Tableau, Adrien; Brind'Amour, Anik; Woillez, Mathieu; Le Bris, H..
Soft sediments in coastal shallow waters constitute nursery habitats for juveniles of several flatfishes. The quality of a nursery is defined by its capacity to optimize the growth and the survival of juvenile fish. The influence of biotic factors, such as food availability, is poorly studied at the scale of a nursery ground. Whether food availability limits juvenile survival is still uncertain. A spatial approach is used to understand the influence of food availability on the distribution of juvenile fish of various benthic and demersal species in the Bay of Vilaine (France), a productive nursery ground. We quantified the spatial overlap between benthic macro-invertebrates and their predators (juvenile fish) to assess if the latter were spatially covering...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Predator-prey relationship; Nursery habitat; Flatfish; Demersal fish; Benthic invertebrates; Spatial overlap; Food limitation.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Dynamics of an estuarine nursery ground: the spatio-temporal relationship between the river flow and the food web of the juvenile common sole (Solea solea, L.) as revealed by stable isotopes analysis ArchiMer
Kostecki, Caroline; Le Loc'H, F.; Roussel, J. -m.; Desroy, Nicolas; Huteau, D.; Riera, Pascal; Le Bris, H.; Le Pape, Olivier.
Estuaries are essential fish habitats because they provide nursery grounds for a number of marine species. Previous studies in the Bay of Vilaine (part of the Bay of Biscay, France) have underlined the estuarine dependence of juvenile common sole (Solea solea, L) and shown that the extent of sole nursery grounds was positively influenced by the variability of the river flow. In the present study, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were used to describe the trophic network until the young-of-the-year sole and to compare interannual variations in the dominant trophic pathways in the sole nursery areas in this bay. Particulate organic matter (POM), sediment organic matter (SOM), microphytobenthos, benthic invertebrate sole prey and young-of-the-year common...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Juvenile Common Sole; Stable Isotopes; Estuarine Nursery Grounds; Food Web; Eastern Atlantic.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Sources of organic matter for flatfish juveniles in coastal and estuarine nursery grounds: A meta-analysis for the common sole (Solea solea) in contrasted systems of Western Europe ArchiMer
Le Pape, Olivier; Moderan, J.; Beaunee, G.; Riera, Pascal; Nicolas, Delphine; Savoye, N.; Harmelin-vivien, M.; Darnaude, A. M.; Brind'Amour, Anik; Le Bris, H.; Cabral, H.; Vinagre, C.; Pasquaud, S.; Franca, S.; Kostecki, Caroline.
Coastal and estuarine nursery grounds are essential habitats for sustaining flatfish stocks since only these shallow and productive areas provide the high food supply that allows maximizing juvenile growth and survival in most flatfish species. However, the main organic matter sources at the basis of benthic food webs might differ drastically between estuarine nursery grounds under strong freshwater influences, where food webs are mainly supported by continental organic matter, and coastal ecosystems under limited freshwater influence, where the local marine primary production is the main source of carbon for the benthos. To better understand the links between continental inputs to the coastal zone and stock maintenance in the highly prized common sole,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nursery ground; Flatfish; Organic matter origin; Stable isotopes; Mixing model SIAR.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Available Benthic Energy Coefficient (ABEC): a generic tool to estimate the food profitability in coastal fish nurseries ArchiMer
Tableau, Adrien; Le Bris, H.; Brind'Amour, Anik.
The benthic production of prey seems to be one of the main drivers among many environmental factors that influence the quality of fish nurseries and potentially limit their carrying capacity. However, the contribution of food availability in the growth and survival of juveniles is still controversial. The Available Benthic Energy Coefficient (ABEC) aims to assess the trophic profitability of benthic invertebrate prey; this concept reflects the combination of energy richness and availability of prey. A value of the coefficient was associated with each prey species. This value was calculated from the product of 4 components: (1) mass energy, (2) productivity, (3) regeneration, and (4) accessibility. Thus, this coefficient is expressed as a quantity of energy...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Predator-prey relationship; Secondary production; Prey availability; Demersal fish; Nursery habitat; Carrying capacity; Bioenergetics.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Comparative study of isotopic trends in two coastal ecosystems of North Biscay: A multitrophic spatial gradient approach ArchiMer
Mortillaro, J. M.; Schaal, G.; Grall, Jacques; Nerot, C.; Brind'Amour, Anik; Marchais, V.; Perdriau, M.; Le Bris, H..
In coastal estuarine embayments, retention of water masses due to coastal topography may result in an increased contribution of continental organic matter in food webs. However, in megatidal embayments, the effect of topography can be counterbalanced by the process of tidal mixing. Large amounts of continental organic matter are exported each year by rivers to the oceans. The fate of terrestrial organic matter in food webs of coastal areas and on neighboring coastal benthic communities was therefore evaluated, at multi-trophic levels, from primary producers to primary consumers and predators. Two coastal areas of the French Atlantic coast, differing in the contributions from their watershed, tidal range and aperture degree, were compared using carbon and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Brest; Bay of Vilaine; Benthic; Filter-feeders; Stable isotopes; Organic matter.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Trophic ecology of juvenile flatfish in a coastal nursery ground: contributions of intertidal primary production and freshwater particulate organic matter ArchiMer
Kostecki, Caroline; Roussel, J. M.; Desroy, Nicolas; Roussel, G.; Lanshere, J.; Le Bris, H.; Le Pape, Olivier.
Coastal and estuarine nurseries are essential habitats for juvenile flatfish. These small but productive areas provide food supply and sustain adult fish populations. The Mont-Saint-Michel Bay (MSMB) supports an important flatfish nursery ground but differs from many other nursery habitats due to limited freshwater inputs. The objectives of the present study in the MSMB were to (1) use gut content analysis to identify prey of the 2 most abundant flatfish species (common sole Solea solea and plaice Pleuronectes platessa) for different juvenile age-classes (0-group and 1-group for sole, 0-group for plaice), (2) use C and N stable isotope analysis to model the production sources sustaining juvenile flatfish production, and (3) compare these results with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microphytobenthos; Organic matter origin; Benthic food web; Coastal nursery ground; Juvenile flatfish.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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