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Key factors affecting seed germination of Copaifera langsdorffii, a Neotropical tree Acta Botanica
Souza,Matheus Lopes; Silva,Dávila Regina Pacheco; Fantecelle,Laura Bubantz; Lemos Filho,José Pires de.
In natural conditions biotic and abiotic factors interact, synergistically affecting seed germination. In this study, we experimentally simulated natural conditions that occur during seed dispersal that can affect the germination of Copaifera langsdorffii. Specifically we evaluated the effect of aril removal by different dispersal agents (birds and ants) and fire on germination. The seeds were submitted to the following treatments: Control (seeds placed to germinate with aril intact); Acid (simulation of passage through the digestive tract of a bird); Aril removal (simulation of aril removed by ants); Fire (seeds exposed to fire). Germination percentage and time varied among treatments (X²=89.735, P<0.001; X²=16.225, P<0.001, respectively). None of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Copaifera langsdorffii; Fire; Plant-disperser interaction; Seed germination.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Morfologia do desenvolvimento pós-seminal de Syngonanthus elegans e S. niveus (Eriocaulaceae): Eriocaulaceae Acta Botanica
Scatena,Vera Lúcia; Lemos Filho,José Pires de; Lima,Ana Amélia Araújo.
As espécies S. elegans (Bong.) Ruhl. e S. niveus (Kunth.) Ruhl. (Eriocaulaceae) são conhecidas como sempre-vivas e ocorrem nos campos rupestres da Serra do Cipó - MG. Devido a sua utilização como ornamental, ressalta-se a importância dos dados sobre sua germinação e desenvolvimento pós-seminal. As sementes foram colocadas para germinar em câmara de germinação, em condições controladas, e no ambiente de laboratório no claro e no escuro. Para cada tratamento foram utilizadas 4 repetições com 25 sementes em placas de Petri com papel de filtro umedecido. Os resultados mostraram que as sementes de S. elegans e S. niveus são fotoblásticas positivas. As etapas do desenvolvimento pós-seminal são semelhantes para ambas espécies e, na germinação, observa-se a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Germinação; Desenvolvimento pós-seminal; Syngonanthus.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Fenologia reprodutiva de espécies de bromélias na Serra da Piedade, MG, Brasil Acta Botanica
Marques,Andréa Rodrigues; Lemos Filho,José Pires de.
O presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar a fenologia reprodutiva das espécies de Bromeliaceae da Serra da Piedade. Das dezoito espécies estudadas, 72% floresceram na estação chuvosa e 28% na estação seca. Observou-se que a floração das bromélias ao longo do gradiente altitudinal da Serra da Piedade foi seqüencial e influenciada pela sazonalidade das chuvas. A maioria das espécies que ocorrem no habitat xérico pedregoso (acima de 1.400 m de altitude) apresentou a floração na estação chuvosa, enquanto que três das cinco espécies que ocorrem no ambiente mésico florestal (abaixo de 1.300 m de altitude) floresceram na estação seca. Espécies simpátricas com características florais semelhantes, como Tillandsia stricta, T. gardneri, Vriesea crassa e V. citrina,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bromeliaceae; Floração; Frutificação; Dispersão.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The effects of sooty mold on photosynthesis and mesophyll structure of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King., Meliaceae) Bragantia
Lemos Filho,José Pires de; Paiva,Élder Antônio Sousa.
The aim of present study was to evaluate the effects of the sooty mold on anatomy and photochemical activity of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) leaves. The photochemical features of shade-developed leaves with or without sooty mold were compared to those of sun leaves using chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements. Leaf anatomy was also evaluated using conventional techniques. The degree of blockage of the photosynthetic active photon flux density (PPFD) by sooty mold and its effect on photochemistry were evaluated. Sun leaves showed thick mesophyll with palisade parenchyma disposed in a uniseriate layer, whereas shade leaves showed narrow mesophyll, independently of sooty mold presence. The effective quantum yield (deltaF/Fm') and the apparent electron...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chlorophyll fluorescence; Leaf anatomy; Photochemical activity.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Seed reserves partition and light compensation point of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) seedlings growth under low photosynthetic active radiation BABT
Lemos Filho,José Pires de; Duarte,Ricardo Jenner.
The aim of this study was to verify the dry mass partition of the seed reserves during the initial growth of Swietenia macrophylla seedlings, in the dark, and at low levels of photosynthetically active radiation: 0.125; 3.12 and 52 µ mol.m-2.s-1. After 50 days, the dry mass of the seed reserves did not differ with treatments, but the total dry mass and leaf area were higher in the seedlings under higher light treatment. No difference in root/shoot ratio was observed between treatments, but the leaf area ratio was lower at higher light. Only the seedlings grown at 52 µ mol.m-2.s-1 showed a positive dry mass increase in relation to the mobilized seed reserves. With the values of the net increase of the seedling mass, a linear equation was adjusted in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Swietenia macrophylla; Dry mass partition; Light compensation point; Shade adaptation.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Populational approach in ecophysiological studies: the case of Plathymenia reticulata, a tree from Cerrado and Atlantic Forest Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Lemos Filho,José Pires de; Goulart,Maíra Figueiredo; Lovato,Maria Bernadete.
The variability of ecophysiological traits among populations can be a result of selection in response to environmental pressure and/or due to random factors, like the genetic drift. The analysis of both genetic and phenotypic variation within populations can lead to better understanding of adaptation in order to colonize different habitats. In the last years we have developed several studies with an widely ecogeographic distributed legume tree species, Plathymenia reticulata, which were focused on identifying specific morphological and physiological traits related to adaptation to the habitats of origin of each studied population. We studied populations from Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and ecotonal sites in relation to phenology, seed morphological traits and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ecotypes; Evolutionary ecophysiology; Intraspecific variation; Local adaptation.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Comparative stomatal conductance and chlorophyll a fluorescence in leaves vs. fruits of the cerrado legume tree, Dalbergia miscolobium Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Lemos Filho,José Pires de; Isaias,Rosy Mary dos Santos.
The aim of this study was to compare water vapor conductance and chlorophyll a fluorescence between leaflets and fruits of Dalbergia miscolobium, the Jacaranda tree. The frequency of stomata on the leaflets was 20 times higher than that observed on the fruits, and this was related with the lower conductance of the fruits in comparison with the leaflets. The potential quantum yield of PSII (Fv /Fmax) was significantly lower in fruits than in leaflets. The Fv /Fmax values for leaflets increased to over 0.8 during the afternoon, indicating the occurrence of dynamic photoinhibition. In contrast, Fv /Fmax values for fruits remained low even at early morning, indicating the occurrence of chronic photoinhibition. The maximum values of effective quantum yield...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Jacaranda tree; Stomata; Quantum efficiency of PSII; Water vapor conductance.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of Dalbergia nigra (Fabaceae), a threatened and endemic tree of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Genet. Mol. Biol.
Buzatti,Renata Santiago de Oliveira; Ribeiro,Renata Acácio; Lemos Filho,José Pires de; Lovato,Maria Bernadete.
The Atlantic Forest is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world and considered a hotspot of biodiversity conservation. Dalbergia nigra (Fabaceae) is a tree endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and has become threatened due to overexploitation of its valuable timber. In the present study, we analyzed the genetic diversity and fine-scale spatial genetic structure of D. nigra in an area of primary forest of a large reserve. All adult individuals (N = 112) were sampled in a 9.3 ha plot, and genotyped for microsatellite loci. Our results indicated high diversity with a mean of 8.6 alleles per locus, and expected heterozygosity equal to 0.74. The co-ancestry coefficients were significant for distances among trees up to 80 m. The Sp value was equal to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dalbergia nigra; Atlantic Forest; Conservation genetics; Fine-scale spatial genetic structure; Sp statistic.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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