Dutreuil, Vincent; Le Reste, Serge; Thierry, Virginie; Andre, Xavier; Lenault, Yannick; Renaut, Corentin; Brault, Patrice; Sagot, Jerome; David, Arnaud. |
Deep-Arvor was designed by Ifremer to achieve more than 150 profiles from 4,000 meters depth, with CTD continuously pumping and oxygen measurements. After the validation of two first models at the sea, the industrialization has been entrusted to NKE. The first constructed prototypes of Deep-Arvor have been deployed successfully in May 2014. Thanks to its light weight, Deep-Arvor maintains the self-ballasting feature of Provor/Arvor and the easy deployment of Arvor. High resolution profiles are transmitted by the Iridium satellite system. |
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Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00222/33347/31748.pdf |
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Leon, Pierre; Drogou, Jean-francois; Chenot, Damien; Leveque, C.; Martinossi, Henri; Massol, Alain; Rigaud, Vincent; Santarelli, Dominique; Valdy, Pierre; Gojak, Carl; Bernardet, Karim; Hafidi, Zouhir; Lenault, Yannick; Mahiouz, Karim; Deschamps, Anne; Hello, Y.; Lefevre, D.; Tamburini, C.; Destelle, J. J.. |
Recently the ANTARES Neutrino telescope's Infrastructure in the deep Mediterranean Sea, has been extended by a Secondary Junction Box. The main emphasis has been to provide basic power and communications capability for new scientific cabled observatories. This new infrastructure provides unprecedented amounts of power and two-way bandwidth to access and control instrument networks in the oceans. This new development allows cabled observatory to connect the seafloor to the Internet via real-time, two-way highspeed communications. This design gives researchers new capabilities beyond the reach of traditional oceanography. Ocean scientists can run deep-water experiments from labs and universities anywhere around the world. Three different underwater... |
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Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00050/16173/13658.pdf |
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Del Rio, Joaquin; Auffret, Yves; Mihai Toma, Daniel; Shariat, Shahram; Andre, Xavier; Barbot, Stephane; Menut, Eric; Lenault, Yannick; Manuel, Antoni; Kassem Zein, Oussama; Champeau, Joel; Kerjean, Dominique. |
In order to be able to use all the marine sensors currently available in the market, a new module has to be built to implement the smart sensor standard IEEE-1451 as well as other services used in marine measurements. The smart module is aimed to be used in ALL observatory configurations: autonomous, cabled and buoy-based observatories. This module can also be used for low power data acquisition and control applications in new instrument design such as Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) or any other instrument where data logging, clock synchronization, and plug and play capabilities are important. Therefore, the power consumption of the smart module has to be minimized for batteries based observatories and autonomous instruments. |
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Palavras-chave: Smart Sensor; Instrument Interoperability; IEEE1451; IEEE1588; OBS (Ocean Bottom Seismometer); Clock synchronization; Time stamping services. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00219/32999/31456.pdf |
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