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Caracteristiques ultrastructurales du spermatozoide de la coquille Saint-Jacques, Pecten maximus (Mollusque, Bivalve) ArchiMer
Dorange, G; Lepennec, M.
The spermatozoon of Pecten maximus is of the primitive type usually associated with species having external fertilization or emitting the sperm in the water. The size of the nucleus is reduced. The middle piece is similar to that reported for several Bivalves. It contains glycogen. But the spermatozoon of P. maximus exhibits its own ultrastructural characteristics: the short acrosome differs in size, shape, position and ultrastructure or by a combination of these from that of many bivalves. No axial rods was observed in contrast to several species of Mytilidae, Veneridae and Ostreidae. These originalities could go to the genus level.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pecten maximus; Bivalvia; Ultrastructure; Sperm.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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The role of the digestive-tract of calyptogena-laubieri and calyptogena-phaseoliformis, vesicomyid bivalves of the subduction zones of japan ArchiMer
Lepennec, M; Fialamedioni, A.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Anatomie, structure et ultrastructure de la branchie d'un Mytilidae des sites hydrothermaux du Pacifique oriental ArchiMer
Lepennec, M; Hily, A.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1984 URL:
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L'elevage de la palourde, programme national de recherche sur la maladie de l'anneau brun ArchiMer
Flassch, Jean-pierre; Barret, Jean; Mazurie, Joseph; Maes, P; Nicolas, J; Noel, Thierry; Paillard, C; Lepennec, M.
A national program started in 1989 to drive researches on Ruditapes philippinarum brown ring disease correlated with a vibrio called P1. The researches have concerned epidemiological surveys on spats and adults, treatment methods, diagnostic techniques, and anatomical and functional studies about the vibrio-clam relations. The transmissions of the disease appeared mainly related to contaminated manila clam seeds, with secondary horizontal propagation. The brown ring formation appeared to be caused by a periostracum deterioration. Taking into account some of these results, an adapted cultural technique including special care of seeds and decreased densities was proposed to the farmers.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ANE; France; Brittany Ruditapes philippinarum Bivalvia Marine molluscs Vibriosis Research programmes Adults Spat Diseases Clam culture Rearing.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Ecophysiologie de la reproduction chez l'huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Pouvreau, Stephane; Lepennec, M.
The reproductive cycle of Megathura crenulata was documented and quantification of oocyte lipid reserves with lipo-specific stains was explored in both this species and in Crassostrea gigas. The necessity of providing food to female broodstock C. gigas in spring was re-evaluated, because subsequent larval and post-larval rearing performance was not affected by broodstock starvation during conditioning. Developmental study of the organs responsible of particle processing in C. gigas allowed the identification of critical stages related to the ontogenesis of each organ, as well as a better understanding of the evolution of these organs, highly-modified in the Ostreidae. Ciliary type identification and mucocyte mapping from post-larval to adult stage showed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mucocytes; Mantle; Gill; Larvae postlarvae juveniles; Feeding; Crassostrea gigas; Megathura crenulata; Development; Reproduction; Mucocytes; Manteau; Branchie; Larves post larves juvéniles; Alimentation; Crassostrea gigas; Megathura crenulata; Développement; Reproduction.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Trophic relationships gonad-intestinal loop in Pecten maximus . ArchiMer
Lepennec, M; Dorange, G; Beninger, P; Donval, A; Widowati, I.
Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural studies were performed on the region of the gonad traversed by the intestine in Pecten maximus . The results indicate a digestive and absorptive function of intestine epithelial cells and a transfer of metabolites to the surrounding gonad tissue. Several possible mechanisms of translocation are presented, including diffusion into the haemolymph and transfer via vacuolated cells of the gonad interstitial connective tissue.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pecten maximus; Bivalvia; Histology; Haemolymph; Histochemistry; Cells; Metabolites; Epithelia; Intestines; Ultrastructure; Animal reproductive organs.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Structural adaptations in the gill of the japanese subduction zone bivalves (vesicomyidae) calyptogena-phaseoliformis and calyptogena-laubieri ArchiMer
Fialamedioni, A; Lepennec, M.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1988 URL:
Registros recuperados: 7
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