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Wu,X.M; Yu,Y.L; Li,M; Long,Y.H; Fang,H; Li,S.N.
An incubation test was conducted to investigate the effect of aging on bioavailability of chlorpyrifos in soil and to assess the feasibility of chemical extraction techniques for predicting bioavailability of chlorpyrifos in soil. Chlorpyrifos was spiked into sterilized soil and aged in microcosms for up to 120 days. The earthworms were incubated in the spiked soils, at 0, 7, 14, 30, 60, and 120 days after spiking, for a period of 7 days. After exposure, chlorpyrifos concentrations in the earthworm tissues were determined. Change in chemical extractability of soil-chlorpyrifos was measured using a several solvent systems including methanol, methanol-water (9:1), acetone-water (5:3), and water. The results show that chemical extractability and earthworm...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Chlorpyrifos; Residue; Soil; Earthworm; Bioavailability; Prediction.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Detection of shellfish toxins from scallops in Guangzhou seafood market J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis.
Huazhang,L; Wen-xue,L; Quan-xin,Z; Guang-yu,Y; Jun-tao,L; Li,M; Wei,Z.
To evaluate scallop safety in the Guangzhou seafood market, contents of shellfish toxins in adductor muscle, mantle skirts, gills and visceral mass of scallops were examined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and mouse unit assay. The results showed that: paralytic shellfish poisoning contents were up to 37.44 μg/100 g by ELISA and 319.99 MU/100 g by mouse unit assay, which did not exceed the limits of national standards (80 μg/100g and 400 MU/100 g); the contents of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning were 142.04 μg/100g and 0.2 MU/100 g, which exceeded the national standard limits (60 μg/100g); neurotoxic shellfish poisoning was undetectable; the contents of amnesic shellfish poisoning reached 220.12 μg/100g (no limit value could be referred to)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Paralytic shellfish poisoning; Diarrheic shellfish poisoning; Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning; Amnesic shellfish poisoning; Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; Mouse unit assay.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Relationships between the bioactive compound content and environmental variables in Glycyrrhiza uralensis populations in different habitats of North China Phyton
Zhang,JT; Xu,B; Li,M.
The content of active compounds in Glycyrrhiza uralensis may vary among populations in different regions, and be influenced by environmental variables. We determined the effects of soil and climate on contents of glycyrrhizic acid and liquiritin in various populations of Glycyrrhiza uralensis. Fifty individuals from 5 rangeland populations in arid and semi-arid regions of North China were collected and analyzed. The contents of glycyrrhizic acid and liquiritin were determined using the HPLC method. Contents of glycyrrhizic acid and liquiritin varied significantly among populations as follows: Chifeng > Hangjinqi > Minqin > Aletai > Kashi. These contents were significantly correlated with soil nutrients (e.g. P, K, N), organic matter, and annual...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Licorice; Glycyrrhizic acid; Liquiritin; Soil nutrients; Precipitation; Glycyrrhiza uralensis; China.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Effects of Heat Stress on the Daily Behavior of Wenchang Chickens Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Li,M; Wu,J; Chen,Z.
ABSTRACT One-day old chicks were randomly distributed into acute heat stress (AHS) or persistent heat stress (PHS) groups. Each group was further divided into control (CK), and three AHS ages (1, 2,or 3 weeks of age) experimental subgroups. The chicks in AHS subgroups were submitted to acute heat stress (40oC for two hours between 12:00 and 14:00 hours during the weekend) and the effects of heat stress on several daily behaviors were observed. At 8 days of age, the chicks of PHS subgroups were submitted to heat stress (40oC daily). The heat treatment ceased during the weekends and the effects on the behavior were observed three times daily for three consecutive days. The results showed that, compared with the CK group, the duration and frequency of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Heat stress; Broiler behavior; Behavioral observations; Wenchang chicken.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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