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Appendicular fractures of traumatic etiology in dogs: 955 cases (2004-2013) Ciência Rural
Libardoni,Renato do Nascimento; Serafini,Gabriele Maria Callegaro; Oliveira,Carla de; Schimites,Paula Ivanir; Chaves,Rafael Oliveira; Feranti,João Pedro Scussel; Costa,Cesar Augusto Soares; Amaral,Anne Santos do; Raiser,Alceu Gaspar; Soares,André Vasconcelos.
ABSTRACT: Orthopedic diseases are common in dogs and cats, especially, those caused by traumatic injury. Overall, among the significant changes in this group, the fractures are the major cause of pain and dysfunction in dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds. Therefore, a retrospective study of dogs examined between January 2004 and December 2013 at the University Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, was conducted aiming to identify and determine the prevalence of appendicular fractures caused by trauma and characterizing the population/etiology. In a population of 1,200 dogs with suspected traumatic orthopedic diseases in the locomotor system, 955 (79.6%) had appendicular fractures. Of the dogs 23.5% had fractures on the femur (n=225),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Orthopedics; Retrospective study; Appendicular fractures; Bones; Dog..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Classification, fixation techniques, complications and outcomes of femur fractures in dogs and cats: 61 cases (2015-2016) Ciência Rural
Libardoni,Renato do Nascimento; Costa,Diego da; Menezes,Felipe Barretos; Cavalli,Lucas Geraldo; Pedrotti,Luís Fernando; Kohlrausch,Patrícia Regina; Minto,Bruno Watanabe; Silva,Marco Augusto Machado.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the frequency of femur fractures in dogs and cats in the routine of a school hospital, determining their classification, fixation methods, complications, and outcomes. A total of 61 animals, 50 (82.0%) dogs and 11 (18.0%) cats, had femoral fractures that were submitted to osteosynthesis. Sixty-two femoral fractures were evaluated. Single fractures in the distal epiphysis (n=25) were the most frequent (P=0.0001). Intramedullary pins were used in association with cerclage and tension band for osteosynthesis in proximal fractures. In diaphyseal fractures, bone plates and screws, two intramedullary pins (insulated or with cerclage) and Tie-In configuration were used. In distal fractures, modified...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Small animals; Casuistry; Retrospective study; Distal fractures.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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LESS ovariohysterectomy in cats using a new homemade multiport Ciência Rural
Costa,Diego da; Libardoni,Renato do Nascimento; Schmitt,Júlia Tramontini; Padilha,Aline Spode; Schulz Júnior,Francisco Jorge; Ataíde,Michelli Westphal de; Menezes,Felipe Barreto; Allievi,Karina; Brun,Mauricio Veloso; Teixeira,Pedro Paulo Maia; Silva,Marco Augusto Machado.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to assess the use of a homemade multiport for LESS (laparoendoscopic single-site surgery) ovariohysterectomy (OVH) in cats. Intra and postoperative variables of the surgery steps, technical challenges, complications and evolution of surgical time by a surgeon in training were evaluated. Twenty queens were selected for LESS OVH. The multiport device was manufactured of a conical-shaped ethylene polytereftalate (PET) bottle, urethral catheter no. 8, latex balloon no. 11, a 3.5mm and a 6mm laparoscopic trocars. Hemostasis was carried out using bipolar diathermy. Mean total surgical time was 14.54±5.12 minutes. Approach to right and left ovarian pedicles and abdominal access for insertion of the multiport device were the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: OVH; Single-port access; Domestic felines; Endosurgery..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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