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Time series analysis of interrupted long-term data set (1961-1991) of zooplankton abundance in Gulf of Maine (northern Atlantic, USA) ArchiMer
Licandro, P; Conversi, A; Ibanez, F; Jossi, J.
The main interannual and seasonal signals have been extracted from a multi-decadal data set of zooplankton collected with the Continuous Plankton Recorder in the Gulf of Maine, from January 1961 to December 1991. The monthly abundances of seven species or genera of copepods representing the dominant biomass in the area were considered. The presence of a large consecutive gap (35 months) prevented the use of statistical methods for the prediction of missing data. The eigen-vector filtering (EVF) method was then used on the original time series, while retaining the missing values. For each zooplankton taxon, two principal modes of variability (F-1 and F-2) were extracted, representing the interannual and seasonal variations, respectively. Results of EVF...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calanus finmarchicus; Golfe du Maine; Données manquantes; Séries temporelles; Zooplancton; Calanus finmarchicus; Gulf of Maine; Missing data; Time series analysis; Zooplankton.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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