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Resistance induction for Meloidogyne incognita in sugarcane through mineral organic fertilizers BABT
Chaves,Andréa; Pedrosa,Elvira Maria Régis; Pimentel,Rejane Magalhães de Mendonça; Coelho,Rildo Sartori Barbosa; Guimarães,Lílian Margarete Paes; Maranhão,Sandra Roberta Vaz Lira.
The effects of Coda Radimax (CR), Coda Humus-PK (CH) and Coda Vit (CV) on the induction of resistance for Meloidogyne incognita in sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) varieties (RB92579, RB863129, RB867515) through nematode reproduction, plant development and root anatomy analysis, emphasizing the differences of the lignin deposition, and cortex-vascular cylinder proportions were investigated. In 90 days after inoculation with eggs of M. incognita, CR reduced the number of eggs per root system in all the sugarcane varieties; CH and CV reduced eggs density in RB867515; CR increased stalk number in RB92579 and fresh weight of shoots in RB863129 and RB92579; CH increased plant height in RB92579 and fresh weight of shoots in RB92579 and RB867515, CV affected fresh weigh...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Saccharum spp.; Phosphites; Root-knot nematode; Root anatomy; Meloidogyne.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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