Loyd, S. J.; Sample, J.; Tripati, R. E.; Defliese, W. F.; Brooks, K.; Hovland, M.; Torres, M.; Marlow, J.; Hancock, L. G.; Martin, R.; Lyons, T.; Tripati, A. E.. |
Methane cold seep systems typically exhibit extensive buildups of authigenic carbonate minerals, resulting from local increases in alkalinity driven by methane oxidation. Here, we demonstrate that modern seep authigenic carbonates exhibit anomalously low clumped isotope values (Delta(47)), as much as similar to 0.2 parts per thousand lower than expected values. In modern seeps, this range of disequilibrium translates into apparent temperatures that are always warmer than ambient temperatures, by up to 50 degrees C. We examine various mechanisms that may induce disequilibrium behaviour in modern seep carbonates, and suggest that the observed values result from several factors including kinetic isotopic effects during methane oxidation, mixing of inorganic... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00349/45991/45664.pdf |
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Jeannet, A.; Martin, R.. |
Den Anlass zu der vorliegenden Arbeit bildete eine Sammlung neogener und quartärer Echiniden, welche von Herrn Dr. J. Cosijn bei Modjokerto (Java) gesammelt wurden und mit deren Bearbeitung mich im Frühjahr 1932 Herr Dr. I. M. van der Vlerk, Konservator am „Rijksmuseum van Geologie en Mineralogie” zu Leiden, beauftragte. Diese Sammlung wurde schon bald Anlass zu einer Revision der in Leiden befindlichen fossilen Echiniden des Indischen Archipels. Ausserdem erwies es sich als wünschenswert, auch die Echiniden der Selenka-Trinil-Expedition aus dem Geologisch-Palaeontologischen Museum der Universität Berlin einer Neubearbeitung zu unterziehen. Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Janensch möchte ich an dieser Stelle meinen verbindlichsten Dank aussprechen für das Ausleihen und... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1937 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505801 |
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Martin, R.; Sitter-Koomans, C. de. |
In a previous note on “Americanites” (Martin, 1934) from Colombia and Peru, the writer came to the conclusion, on the basis solely of published data, that it was very likely that these so-called tectites are in reality obsidian of terrestrial origin. He stated, however, that “before it is possible to separate the americanites definitely from the tectites, a detailed field examination is required and also a minute determination of the chemical composition of the americanites and of the indubitable volcanic rocks from the neighbourhood.” A generous contribution from the Molengraaff-Fonds enabled the writer in the summer of 1934 to make a special study of tectites, in the course of which he visited the Mineralogical Institute at Jena, (Germany, where he had... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1955 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505638 |
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Nielsen, J.R.; Martin, R.. |
South Africa has a coastline over 3,000 km long and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles, constituting an area which contains a huge variety of fish species. The wholesale value of the fishing industry is worth R1.7 billion which represents 0.5% of South Africa’s GNP and 1.5% of the GRP of the Western Cape province. The fishing industry, which employs 27,000 people1, is mainly based in the Western Cape, and close to 90% of all South African landings are made in Cape harbours. The industry is extremely complex, and there is a great diversity in catching techniques, processing, marketing, capital investment, equipment and infrastructure. However, the industrialised hake sector dominates the industry. Recreational fishing is very popular in... |
Tipo: Working Paper |
Palavras-chave: Fishery policy. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/429 |
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