Silva, Viviane Santos da; Bronadani, Ivan Luiz; Alves Filho, Dari Celestino; Paula, Perla Cordeiro de; Martini, Ana Paula Machado; Moura, Amanda Farias de. |
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of oat or ryegrass over seeding on the productive characteristics and morphological composition of Tifton85 grass under continuous grazing. The three studied treatments were: Oat + Tifton85, Ryegrass + Tifton85 and Tifton85, distributed in a completely randomized design, constituting four replications of area per treatment. The Ryegrass + Tifton85 treatment presented a forage mass 27% superior to the Oat + Tifton85 treatment. The leaf percentage of Tifton85 was superior for the treatment Oat + Tifton85 (41%), while the percentage of stem + sheath was superior in the treatment Ryegrass + Tifton85 (64%). There was a higher percentage of Tifton85 leaves in the treatment Oat + Tifton85, while the Ryegrass + Tifton85... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Zootecnia e Recursos Pesqueiros. forage; Grazing; Oat; Ryegrass; Tropical pasture.. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciAnimSci/article/view/36363 |
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