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An Osteometric Evaluation of the Foramen Spinosum and Venosum International Journal of Morphology
Lazarus,L; Naidoo,N; Satyapal,K. S.
The foramen spinosum (FS) and foramen venosum (of Vesalius) (FV) are alisphenoid apertures situated within the hub of the middle cranial fossa in close proximity to foramen ovale (FO). The FS and FV provide a passage to important neurovascular structures. An accurate knowledge of the morphometric details of the FS and FV including their shape, incidence, relation to other foramina and/or presence of any anomalies may represent a reliable anatomical landmark during surgical explorative maneuvers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the morphologic and morphometric features of the FS and FV. The study was conducted on 100 dry human skulls (n= 200) obtained from the osteological bank at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, to produce a database...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Foramen spinosum; Foramen venosum; Foramen of Vesalius; Middle cranial fossa; Greater wing of sphenoid bone.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Arterial Variations of the Subclavian-Axillary Arterial Tree: Its Association with the Supply of the Rotator Cuff Muscles International Journal of Morphology
Naidoo,N; Lazarus,L; De Gama,B. Z; Ajayi,N. O; Satyapal,K. S.
The subclavian-axillary arterial tree is responsible for the arterial supply to the rotator cuff muscles as well as other shoulder muscles. This study comprised the bilateral dissection of the shoulder and upper arm region in thirty-one adult and nineteen fetal cadaveric specimens. The variable origins and branching patterns of the axillary, subscapular, circumflex scapular, thoracodorsal, posterior circumflex humeral and suprascapular arteries identified in this study corroborated the findings of previous studies. In addition, unique variations that are unreported in the literature were also observed. The precise anatomy of the arterial distribution to the rotator cuff muscles is important to the surgeon and radiologist. It will aid proper interpretation...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Subclavian-axillary arterial tree; Variations; Supply; Rotator cuff muscles.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Arterial Supply to the Rotator Cuff Muscles International Journal of Morphology
Naidoo,N; Lazarus,L; De Gama,B. Z; Ajayi,N. O; Satyapal,K. S.
The arterial supply to the rotator cuff muscles is generally provided by the subscapular, circumflex scapular, posterior circumflex humeral and suprascapular arteries. This study involved the bilateral dissection of the scapulohumeral region of 31 adult and 19 fetal cadaveric specimens. The subscapularis muscle was supplied by the subscapular, suprascapular and circumflex scapular arteries. The supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles were supplied by the suprascapular artery. The infraspinatus and teres minor muscles were found to be supplied by the circumflex scapular artery. In addition to the branches of these parent arteries, the rotator cuff muscles were found to be supplied by the dorsal scapular, lateral thoracic, thoracodorsal and posterior...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Arterial supply; Variations; Rotator cuff muscles; Parent arteries.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The Rotator Cuff Footprint: A Cadaveric Study of the Morphometry and Morphology International Journal of Morphology
Naidoo,N; Lazarus,L; Satyapal,K. S.
The musculotendinous hood of the rotator cuff muscle complex is formed by four tendons which thicken and merge with the underlying glenohumeral capsule as they insert onto the respective regions of the humeral head. This insertional anatomy has been reported to exhibit several pathological patterns which serve as the basis for the operative repair of cuff tears. Since previous literature concentrated on macro-evaluations of tears specific to the supraspinatus tendon, the present study aimed to investigate the macro- morphological and morphometric parameters of all four rotator cuff tendons. Observation of the insertion site configurations and computation of the relative tendon morphometry were performed once the glenohumeral region in forty adult cadaveric...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Rotator cuff; Footprint; Insertion; Morphology; Morphometry.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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The Histological Analysis of the Glenohumeral "Critical Zone" International Journal of Morphology
Naidoo,N; Lazarus,L; Satyapal,K. S.
The arterial integrity of the "critical zone" of the rotator cuff has led to much uncertainty regarding rotator cuff tendinopathy. As the region of the supraspinatus tendon is the most common area affected by impingement, its central aspect is situated approximately 10 mm from the insertion at the greater humeral tubercle. Although many studies have investigated the vascularity of the "critical zone", there still appears to be lack of consensus regarding its extent. Through the employment of gross dissection and standard histology analysis of twenty-five adult bilateral cadaveric scapulo-humeral regions (n = 50), this study aimed to quantify the degree of vascularity, or lack thereof, within the "critical zone" by evaluating its relative morphometric...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: "Critical zone"; Arterioles; Vascularity; Morphometric parameters.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Osteometry and Morphology of the Human Fibula: A South African Study International Journal of Morphology
Naidoo,N; Ishwarkumar,S; Lazarus,L; Pillay,P; Satyapal,K. S.
Recent studies have regarded the fibula flap as the benchmark for the reconstruction and treatment of compound wounds and lesions. Owing to its postero-lateral location within the leg, the application of the fibula flap is deemed aesthetically advantageous as the donor scar can be easily hidden. Since the fibula is anatomically characterized by a shaft and two extremities, this study aimed to investigate the nutrient foramen morphology and the relative fibular osteometry. Osteometric and morphological evaluation of 104 dry human fibulae, representing male and female individuals of the Black and Caucasian population groups that are native to South Africa, were conducted (Age range: 15 ­ 81 years old). The presence of single, double and six nutrient foramina...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Fibula; Osteometry; Morphology; Nutrient foramen.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Acromial Morphology and Subacromial Architecture in a South African Population International Journal of Morphology
Naidoo,N; Lazarus,L; Osman,S. A; Satyapal,K. S.
The acromion is classically described as one of the three scapular processes. Its antero-inferior aspect has been identified as the prime region of rotator cuff pathology. The purpose of this study was to determine the morphologic state of the acromion and the relative subacromial architecture within a South African population. The sample series comprised the morphological observation of one hundred and eighty-two scapulae specimens (n= 182). The classification scheme as stated by Bigliani et al. (1986) was employed. The morphometric architecture of the subacromial space was also investigated (n= 120). (a) Acromial Type: (i) Type I (flat inferior surface) 34.6%; (ii) Type II (curved inferior surface) 51.1%; (iii) Type III (hooked inferior surface) 14%. (b)...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Acromion; Morphology; Subacromial architecture; Morphometry.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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An Osteometric Evaluation of the Jugular Foramen International Journal of Morphology
Ishwarkumar,S; Naidoo,N; Lazarus,L; Pillay,P; Satyapal,K. S.
The jugular foramina (JF) are bilateral openings situated between the lateral part of the occipital bone and the petrous part of the temporal bones in the human skull. It is a bony canal transmitting neurovascular structures from the posterior cranial fossa through the base of the skull to the carotid space. Since the JF depicts variations in shape, size, height and volume between different racial and gender groups, along with distinctive differences in laterality from its intracranial to extracranial openings, knowledge of the JF may be necessary to understand intracranial pathologies. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the morphometric measurements of the jugular foramen. Various morphometric parameters of the JF and its relation to...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Jugular foramen; Morphometry; Surrounding structures.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Anthropometry of the Black Adult Tibia: A South African Study International Journal of Morphology
Naidoo,N; Lazarus,L; Ajayi,N. O; Satyapal,K. S.
The tibia is the medial long bone of the leg and is characterized by a shaft and two expanded extremities. Despite the recent advent of tibial bone graft harvesting, the tibia has also been confirmed to be of great forensic significance. As this appears to be the only tibial dry bone study done in Southern Africa, this study aimed to investigate morphological and morphometric parameters that are of clinical and anthropometric importance. Morphological and morphometric examination of 302 adult tibial bone specimens of Black South Africans obtained from the osteological bank of the Discipline of Clinical Anatomy at the University of KwaZulu-Natal was performed. The sample consisted of 168 males and 134 females with an age range of 15 to 87 years old. The...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Tibia; Nutrient Foramen; Soleal Line; Morphometry.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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