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Low Greenhouse Gas Agriculture: Mitigation and Adaptation Potential of Sustainable Farming Systems Organic Eprints
Niggli, U.; Fließbach, A.; Hepperly, P.; Scialabba, N..
Is low greenhouse gas emission (GHG) agriculture possible? Is it, in fact, desirable? In seeking answers to these two basic but extremely relevant questions, this study examines current farming practices, and incorporates scientific databases from longterm field experiments as case studies for low GHG agriculture. Further, the study examines the changes that will be needed for low greenhouse gas agriculture systems to become a reality. It also elucidates the adaptive capacity of agro-ecological farming system approaches, using organic system case studies from the scientific literature. Each year, agriculture emits 10 to 12 percent of the total estimated GHG emissions, some 5.1 to 6.1 Gt CO2 equivalents per year. Smith, et al. (2007) and Bellarby, et al....
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Environmental aspects; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A call for innovations tht change the (organic) world Organic Eprints
James, K.; Akyüz, M.; Niggli, U.; Ramprasad, V.; Chable, V..
Recent developments in organic farming and consumption show dynamic growth in markets; new uptake of Organic Agriculture by farmers, however, has been slow. Hindrances appear to be production problems or lack of trust by the farmers that organic methods can solve farming problems, such as fertilization, plant protection, animal health, efficient use of workforce, marketing diversity etc. While in some cases those problems can be solved through learning existing and regionally practiced methods, innovations are imperative to make organic farming competitive and a viable alternative farming system. OFIA, the Organic Farming Innovation Award, part of the Organic World Congress, highlights outstanding innovations and publishes priorities for innovative...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies – Organic Agriculture Organic Eprints
Fließbach, A.; Mäder, P.; Dioup, A.; Hepperly, P.; Luttikholt, L.; Scialabba, N.; Niggli, U..
This psoter presents information on the following - The concept of organic farming in the context of climate change - Carbon sequestration on organic farms - Consequences of an area-wide conversion to organic agriculture
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Gesellschaftliche Leistungen der biologischen Landwirtschaft Organic Eprints
Niggli, U.; Schmid, O.; Stolze, M.; Sanders, J.; Schader, C.; Fließbach, A.; Mäder, P.; Klocke, P.; Wyss, G.; Balmer, O.; Pfiffner, L.; Wyss, E..
Zusammenfassuung: In diesem Bericht werden die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse nationaler und internationaler Studien zu den gesellschaftlichen Leistungen des Biolandbaus zusammengefasst. Als Referenzen werden dabei sowohl die konventionelle wie auch die integrierte Landwirtschaft herangezogen. Es ist den Autoren bewusst, dass alle Landwirtschaftsmethoden in der Schweiz und im Ausland eine grosse Streubreite aufweisen, da der Einfluss der regionalen sozioökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen, der Standortfaktoren, der Betriebsleiter und der unterschiedlichen staatlichen und privaten Regulierungen gross ist. Trotzdem ergeben sich für die verschiedenen Landwirtschaftsmethoden klare Unterschiede, die bei den agrarpolitischen Massnahmen berücksichtigt werden...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Environmental aspects; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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EHEC – kein spezifisches Problem nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft - [EHEC – A problem not specific to sustainable agriculture] [La EHEC – no es un problema específico de la agricultura sostenible] - [EHEC – Non è un problema specifi-co dell’agricoltura biologica] - [ECEH n’est pas un problème dû à l’agriculture durable] - [EHEC – nem speciálisan a fenntartható mezőgazdaság gondja] - [ECEH n’est pas un problème dû à l’agriculture durable] Organic Eprints
Niggli, U.; Gattinger, A.; Kretzschmar, U.; Landau, B.; Koller, M.; Klocke, P.; Notz, C.; Forster, J..
DEUTSCH Über den EHEC-Erreger, der in Deutschland zu über dreissig tragischen Todesfällen geführt hat, ist viel spekuliert worden. Unterdessen konnten die Verbreitungswege nahezu aufgeklärt werden, während die Entstehung des Krankheitserregers noch weitgehend unklar ist. Im Zusammenhang mit dem EHEC-Ausbruch wurde auch die Frage erörtert, ob bestimmte Landwirtschaftsmethoden (zum Beispiel gemischte Betriebe mit Tierhaltung und Pflanzenbau oder die organische Düngung von Gemüse) oder ob gewisse Hygienisierungsmethoden für frische, konsumfähige Produkte(wie zum Beispiel die Verwendung von schonenden, weniger Rückstände verursachenden organischen Säuren) das Risiko erhöhen könnten. Diese Dokumentation geht nicht auf die aktuellen Fälle von EHEC in...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Organic Agriculture can norish the world: Eco-internsification and productivity devvelopment Organic Eprints
Marquez, T.; Niggli, U..
FAO and Agriculture leaders recognize the contribution of Organic Agriculture to environmental and social issues, but they question that organic could produce enough affordable food for the growing demand of the population if it were a global agriculture strategy. Ecological and social intensification has been the concept of IFOAM and the Organic Movement to address these doubts. While the IAASTD report stated in 2008 that "business as usual is not an option anymore", industrial, strategies reminiscent of the so-called Green Revolution are still pushed in the concept for the UN Year of Family Farming (2014). The benefits of Organic agriculture over the present conventional paradigm, with regard to providing nourishment to all, are not yet universally...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Does Organic Farming have Greater Potential to Adapt to Climate Change? Organic Eprints
Niggli, U.; Hepperly, P.; Fliessbach, A.; Maeder, P..
Agricultural production in most parts of the world will face less predictable weather conditions than mankind experienced during the intensification of agriculture over the last century. Especially South Asia and Southern Africa could suffer negative impact on several crops when no investments will be made into improved adaptiveness of the production systems. Besides specific technical measures (irrigation, breeding for drought improved or heat tolerant crops), the resilience of whole production systems is a very important focus. Organic agriculture is a highly knowledge-based technique for manipulating complex agro-ecosystems, for breeding locally adjusted seeds and livestock, and for producing on-farm fertilizers and inexpensive nature-derived...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Environmental aspects; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Sustainability of Organic Agriculture. Achievements and shortcomings Organic Eprints
Scialabba, N.E.-H.; Henderson, E.; Huber, B.; John, M.; Niggli, U.; Savory, A..
IFOAM and FiBL publish global statistics on the Organic World every year. The Organic Sector has grown to over US$ 60 billion in turnover, 1.6 million farmers and 80 million ha of certified land. Non-certified Organic Agriculture is not even included. However, market shares are still low. The present main driver of development of Organic Agriculture is the demand from consumers ready to pay a premium. After the Organic World Congress 2011, a number of leading organic stakeholders under the initiative of IFOAM built the Sustainable Organic Agriculture Action Network (SOAAN). In the meantime they have described a sustainability vision in a reference document for all who are working in the Organic World. IFOAM plans to bring this document to a membership...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Wheat quality in organic and conventional farming: results of a 21 year field experiment Organic Eprints
Mäder, P.; Hahn, D.; Dubois, D.; Gunst, L.; Alföldi, T.; Bergmann, H.; Oehme, M.; Amadô, R.; Schneider, H.; Graf, U.; Velimirov, A.; Fließbach, A.; Niggli, U..
Consumers have become more aware of healthy and safe food produced with low environmental impact. Organic agriculture is of particular interest in this respect, as manifested by 5.768 million hectares managed pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 in Europe. However, there can be a considerable risk that the avoidance of chemical inputs in organic farming will result in poor food quality. Here the results of a study on the quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a 21 year agrosystem comparison between organic and conventional farming in central Europe are reported. Wheat was grown in a ley (grass/clover) rotation. The 71% lower addition of plant-available nitrogen and the reduced input of other means of production to the organic field plots...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Effect of three farming systems (bio-dynamic, bio-organic, conventional) on yield and quality of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. var. esculenta L.) in a seven year crop rotation Organic Eprints
Mäder, P.; Pfiffner, L.; Niggli, U.; Balzer, U.; Balzer, F.; Plochberger, A.; Velimirov, A.; Besson, J.-M..
In a long-term field trial in Therwil, Switzerland, the bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional farming systems were compared (DOC trial). The present paper focuses on long-term yield development and on product quality of beetroot. Due to the favourable climate and soil, beetroot yields were generally high. The yield of beetroot in both biological systems was about 75 % that of the conventional system, but the input of nitrogen and potassium was about 60 % lower.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Production systems; Farming Systems; Soil.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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