Registros recuperados: 20 | |
Veron, Gerard; Miossec, Dominique; Noel, Philippe. |
L'étude de Projet relative aux ressources halieutiques du site de la centrale thermonucléaire de Flamanville a mis en évidence l'intérêt de la pêcherie des crustacés du nord-ouest Cotentin pour la flottille de petites unités travaillant au casier dans ce secteur. En raison de cet intérêt et en accord avec l'Institut des Pêches maritimes, l'Electricité de France a décidé de poursuivre les observations sur cette pêcherie durant une période plus longue que celle à laquelle elle était tenue par les textes réglementaires. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1985 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00081/19250/16845.pdf |
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Khripounoff, Alexis; Caprais, Jean-claude; Decker, Carole; Le Bruchec, J.; Noel, Philippe; Husson, Berengere. |
We studied bivalves (vesicomyids and mytilids) inhabiting four different areas of high sulfide and methane production: 1) in the Gulf of Guinea, two pockmarks (650 m and 3150 m depth) and one site rich in organic sediments in the deepest zone (4950 m average depth), 2) at the Azores Triple Junction on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, one hydrothermal site (Lucky Strike vent field, 1700 m depth). Two types of Calmar benthic chambers were deployed, either directly set into the sediment (standard Calmar chamber) or fitted with a tank to isolate organisms from the sediment (modified Calmar chamber), to assess gas and solute exchanges in relation to bivalve bed metabolism. Fluxes of oxygen, total carbon dioxide, ammonium and methane were measured. At the site with... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Deep-sea; Benthic chamber; Vesicomyid and Mytilid bivalves; Respiration rate; Cold seep; Hydrothermal vent. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00341/45204/44614.pdf |
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Rabouille, C.; Olu, Karine; Baudin, F.; Khripounoff, Alexis; Dennielou, Bernard; Arnaud-haond, Sophie; Babonneau, Nathalie; Bayle, Christophe; Beckler, J.; Bessette, Sandrine; Bombled, B.; Bourgeois, S.; Brandily, Christophe; Caprais, Jean-claude; Cathalot, Cecile; Charlier, K.; Corvaisier, R.; Croguennec, Chantal; Cruaud, Perrine; Decker, Carole; Droz, L.; Gayet, Nicolas; Godfroy, Anne; Hourdez, S.; Le Bruchec, J.; Saout, Johan; Le Saout, Marie-helene; Lesongeur, Francoise; Martinez, P.; Mejanelle, L.; Michalopoulos, P.; Mouchel, Olivier; Noel, Philippe; Pastor, Lucie; Picot, M.; Pignet, Patricia; Pozzato, L.; Pruski, A. M.; Rabiller, Manuella; Raimonet, M.; Ragueneau, O.; Reyss, J. L.; Rodier, Philippe; Ruesch, Blandine; Ruffine, Livio; Savignac, F.; Senyarich, C.; Schnyder, J.; Sen, Arunima; Stetten, E.; Sun, Ming Yi; Taillefert, M.; Teixeira, S.; Tisnerat-laborde, N.; Toffin, Laurent; Tourolle, Julie; Toussaint, F.; Vetion, G.; Jouanneau, J. M.; Bez, M.. |
The presently active region of the Congo deep-sea fan (around 330 000 km2), called the terminal lobes or lobe complex, covers an area of 2500 km2 at 4700–5100 m water depth and 750–800 km offshore. It is a unique sedimentary area in the world ocean fed by a submarine canyon and a channel-levee system which presently deliver large amounts of organic carbon originating from the Congo River by turbidity currents. This particularity is due to the deep incision of the shelf by the Congo canyon, up to 30 km into the estuary, which funnels the Congo River sediments into the deep-sea. The connection between the river and the canyon is unique for major world rivers. In 2011, two cruises (WACS leg 2 and Congolobe) were conducted to simultaneously investigate the... |
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Palavras-chave: Chemosynthetic habitats; Congo deep-sea fan; Fine sediment; Sedimentation rate; Seafloor morphology; Turbidite; Vesicomyidae. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00335/44580/44298.pdf |
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Khripounoff, Alexis; Caprais, Jean-claude; Decker, Carole; Essirard, Mikael; Le Bruchec, Julie; Noel, Philippe; Olu, Karine. |
We have studied two species of vesicomyid bivalves inhabiting different areas of sulfide-rich sediments in association with methane seepage at two pockmarks located at about 650 m and 3150 m depth, respectively, along the Gabon-Congo margin, and organic-rich sediments in the deepest zone (4950 m depth) of the Congo deep-sea fan. Benthic chambers Calmar were deployed on three study sites to assess gas and solute exchanges at the water-sediment interface. We recorded in situ measurements of oxygen, total carbon dioxide, ammonium, methane, and sulfide in two clam beds at each site. At all sites, irrespective of which the vesicomyid species are present, oxygen consumption was high and variable (28–433 mmol m−2 d−1) as was total carbon dioxide emission (36–1857... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Benthic chamber; Cold-seep ecosystem; Reduced sediment; Gas fluxes; Vesicomyid bivalves; Gulf of Guinea. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00226/33746/32160.pdf |
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Becheler, Ronan; Cassone, Anne-laure; Noel, Philippe; Mouchel, Olivier; Morrison, Cheryl L.; Arnaud-haond, Sophie. |
Sampling in the deep sea is a technical challenge, which has hindered the acquisition of robust datasets that are necessary to determine the fine-grained biological patterns and processes that may shape genetic diversity. Estimates of the extent of clonality in deep-sea species, despite the importance of clonality in shaping the local dynamics and evolutionary trajectories, have been largely obscured by such limitations. Cold-water coral reefs along European margins are formed mainly by two reef-building species, Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata. Here we present a fine-grained analysis of the genotypic and genetic composition of reefs occurring in the Bay of Biscay, based on an innovative deep-sea sampling protocol. This strategy was designed to be... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Cold-water coral; Lophelia pertusa; Madrepora oculata; Clonality; Fine-grained spatial genetic structure; Standardized sampling. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00300/41117/40291.pdf |
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Ritt, Benedicte; Sarrazin, Jozee; Caprais, Jean-claude; Noel, Philippe; Gauthier, Olivier; Pierre, Catherine; Henry, Pierre; Desbruyeres, Daniel. |
A brackish-water cold seep on the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in the Marmara Sea was investigated with the Nautile submersible during the MarNaut cruise in 2007. This active zone has already been surveyed and revealed evidence of active seeping on the seafloor, such as bubble emissions, patches of reduced sediments, microbial mats and authigenic carbonate crusts. MarNaut was the first opportunity to sample benthic communities in the three most common microhabitats (bioturbated and reduced sediments, carbonate crust) and to examine their relationships with environmental conditions. To do so, faunal communities were sampled and chemical measurements were taken close to the organisms. According to diversity indices, the bioturbated microhabitat exhibited the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Marmara Sea; Cold seep; Benthic fauna; Biological diversity; Environmental conditions; Chemosynthetic. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00014/12506/9528.pdf |
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Khripounoff, Alexis; Caprais, Jean-claude; Le Bruchec, Julie; Rodier, Philippe; Noel, Philippe; Cathalot, Cecile. |
The submarine canyons of the Brittany continental slope (Bay of Biscay–Northeast Atlantic) were studied to describe the conditions in which cold-water corals occur in these areas and their consequences for coral metabolism. Near-bottom current, oxygen, temperature, and particle flux, simultaneously measured for 2 yr at 850 m depth, revealed by spectral analysis the presence of several frequencies with a dominant semidiurnal tidal cycle and a current direction determined exclusively by the canyon topography. Sediment trap data also showed a seasonal input of material with a large peak of particles and carbon fluxes at the end of winter. Daily particle and carbon fluxes at 20 m above the bottom were 2.49 g m−2 d−1 and 20 mg C m−2 d−1, respectively. At the... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00173/28380/26695.pdf |
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Fabri, Marie-claire; Noel, Philippe; Ciausu, Viorel; Artzner, Laurent. |
Ce document s'intéresse à la charge utile "Prélèvement". Il est réalisé avec l'objectif d'informer le groupe de travail scientifique du H-ROV de l'avancement des décisions qui ont été prises par les ingénieurs de développement et qui influent sur les équipements de prélèvement futurs (tels que le volume et la forme du panier, la capacité d'emport, etc.). Il propose un bilan des différentes charges utiles existantes et embarquables sur un engin sous-marin, ainsi que leurs évolutions possibles et/ou nécessaires. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: H-ROV; Prélèvements. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00232/34374/32747.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 20 | |