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SEASTAR: A Mission to Study Ocean Submesoscale Dynamics and Small-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Processes in Coastal, Shelf and Polar Seas ArchiMer
Gommenginger, Christine; Chapron, Bertrand; Hogg, Andy; Buckingham, Christian; Fox-kemper, Baylor; Eriksson, Leif; Soulat, Francois; Ubelmann, Clément; Ocampo-torres, Francisco; Nardelli, Bruno Buongiorno; Griffin, David; Lopez-dekker, Paco; Knudsen, Per; Andersen, Ole; Stenseng, Lars; Stapleton, Neil; Perrie, William; Violante-carvalho, Nelson; Schulz-stellenfleth, Johannes; Woolf, David; Isern-fontanet, Jordi; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Klein, Patrice; Mouche, Alexis; Pascual, Ananda; Capet, Xavier; Hauser, Daniele; Stoffelen, Ad; Morrow, Rosemary; Aouf, Lotfi; Breivik, Øyvind; Fu, Lee-lueng; Johannessen, Johnny A.; Aksenov, Yevgeny; Bricheno, Lucy; Hirschi, Joel; Martin, Adrien Ch; Martin, Adiran P; Nurser, George; Polton, Jeff; Wolf, Judith; Johnsen, Harald; Soloviev, Alexander; Jacobs, Gregg A.; Collard, Fabrice; Groom, Steve; Kudryavtsev, Vladimir; Wilkin, John; Navarro, Victor; Babanin, Alex; Martin, Matthew; Siddorn, John; Saulter, Andrew; Rippeth, Tom; Emery, Bill; Maximenko, Nikolai; Romeiser, Roland; Graber, Hans; Azcarate, Aida Alvera; Hughes, Chris W.; Vandemark, Doug; Silva, Jose Da; Leeuwen, Peter Jan Van; Naveira-garabato, Alberto; Gemmrich, Johannes; Mahadevan, Amala; Marquez, Jose; Munro, Yvonne; Doody, Sam; Burbidge, Geoff.
High-resolution satellite images of ocean color and sea surface temperature reveal an abundance of ocean fronts, vortices and filaments at scales below 10 km but measurements of ocean surface dynamics at these scales are rare. There is increasing recognition of the role played by small scale ocean processes in ocean-atmosphere coupling, upper-ocean mixing and ocean vertical transports, with advanced numerical models and in situ observations highlighting fundamental changes in dynamics when scales reach 1 km. Numerous scientific publications highlight the global impact of small oceanic scales on marine ecosystems, operational forecasts and long-term climate projections through strong ageostrophic circulations, large vertical ocean velocities and mixed layer...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Satellite; Air sea interactions; Upper ocean dynamics; Submesoscale; Coastal; Marginal ice zone; Radar; Along-track interferometry.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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