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Particle passage kinetics and neutral detergent fiber degradability of silage of pineapple waste (aerial parts) under different packing densities R. Bras. Zootec.
Caetano,Graciele Araújo de Oliveira; Villela,Severino Delmar Junqueira; Oliveira,Margarida Maria Nascimento Figueiredo de; Leonel,Fernando de Paula; Tamy,Wagner Pessanha.
The objective of this study was to determine the kinetics of in situ degradability parameters of the dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and the passage of materials originating from the ensilage of the waste from pineapple cultivation (aerial parts). The four treatments utilized were silage of pineapple waste compacted at 600, 700, 900 and 1000 kg/m³. After ensiling the material from the pineapple cultivation, the particle-transit and rumen-degradation kinetics were analyzed. For the analysis of particle transit, chromium was utilized as a marker to mark the fiber. Passage rates were determined by retrieving the markers in the feces of the animals. In the degradation assay, samples were incubated in nylon bags for 0, 6, 18, 48 and 96 hours....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Compaction; Mean retention time in the rumen; Pineapple silage; Rumen fill.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Embryo development and follicular status of Toggenburg does fed urea diet R. Bras. Zootec.
Amorim,Lincoln da Silva; Torres,Ciro Alexandre Alves; Siqueira,Luiz Gustavo Bruno; Fonseca,Jeferson Ferreira da; Guimarães,José Domingos; Carvalho,Giovanni Ribeiro de; Alves,Nadja Gomes; Oliveira,Margarida Maria Nascimento Figueiredo de.
The effects of feeding urea on embryo production, quality and developmental stages and follicular status at the beginning of a superovulatory treatment of Toggenburg does fed urea diet were investigated in this study. Eighteen females were randomly allocated to receive diets with: no urea (control, n=8), and 2.4% urea dietary dry matter (n=10) UDM. The embryo recovery was performed at day 7 or 8 of estrus cycle by transcervical technique and classified according to quality and developmental stage. The follicular status was determined by transrectal ultrasonography at the first day of FSH injection. The number and quality of embryos were not affected by dietary urea concentration. Embryos from does treated with 2.4% UDM were recovered at advanced stage....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Embryo; Follicle; Goat; Superovulation; Urea.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Uréia para vacas leiteiras no pós-parto: teor plasmático de uréia e pH uterino R. Bras. Zootec.
Oliveira,Margarida Maria Nascimento Figueiredo de; Torres,Ciro Alexandre Alves; Costa,Eduardo Paulino da; Carvalho,Giovanni Ribeiro de.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar os efeitos de níveis crescentes de uréia nas dietas de vacas leiteiras no pós-parto sobre os teores plasmáticos de N-uréia (NUP) e o pH uterino no estro e na fase luteal. Utilizaram-se dezesseis vacas mestiças (Holandês-zebu) com escore corporal ao parto entre 3,5 e 4,0 (escala 1 a 5), que foram alocadas em quatro tratamentos constituídos de dietas contendo volumoso (silagem de milho) e concentrado, na proporção 60:40: T1 = 0,0; T2 = 0,7; T3 = 1,4; e T4 = 2,1% de uréia na matéria seca total. No estro e na fase luteal, do segundo ou terceiro ciclo estral pós-parto, realizou-se a medição do pH uterino quatro horas após o fornecimento da dieta e; simultaneamente foram coletadas amostras de sangue para determinação dos...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovinos; Compostos nitrogenados-não protéicos; Reprodução.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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