Donald, Julian; Roy, Mélanie; Suescun, Uxue; Iribar, Amaia; Manzi, Sophie; Péllissier, Léonie; Gaucher, Philippe; Chave, Jérôme. |
1.Community assembly theory assumes that ecological communities are spatially delimited into patches. Within these patches, coexistence results from environmental filtering, competition, and immigration. Truly delineated communities exist in laboratory studies of microbial cultures in Petri dishes, yet empirical tests conducted in continuous environments often use patches defined by convention as opposed to realised boundaries. 2.Here we perform a test of ecological community assembly rules using foliar endophyte communities from a tropical rainforest, where leaves are considered as patches for both fungal and bacterial communities. We determined the diversity of fungal and bacterial endophytes using environmental DNA sequencing of 365 top‐canopy leaves,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Distribution; French Guiana; Fungi; Metabarcoding; Plant–pathogen interactions; Rainforest. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00606/71808/70296.pdf |
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