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Morphogenesis and structure of Tifton 85 cultivated in subtropical climate and fertilized with nitrogen Animal Sciences
Tiecher, Diego Daniel; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Pötter, Luciana; Salvador, Paulo Roberto; Bergoli, Tuani Lopes; Milanesi, Gabriela Descovi.
The experiment evaluated the morphogenesis and structure of Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) cultivated in subtropical climate and fertilized with nitrogen (N). The experiment was a completely randomized design with four levels of N (Zero; 75; 150 or 225 kg ha-1) in nine replicates per area. The experimental animals were Suffolk female lambs. The grazing method was continuous to maintain the sward height at 15 cm ± 10%. The stem expansion increased by 0.000027 cm degree-days-1 to each kg N applied (linear model). According to nonlinear model, the highest stem expansion (0.0226 cm degree-days-1) was observed with the use 220.1 kg ha-1 N. The leaf lifespan fitted a linear regression model, with increase of 50 degree-days leaf -1, comparing the levels zero and 225 kg...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zootecnia; Medicina Veterinária; Agronomia Cynodon spp.; Phyllochron; Marked tillers; Urea.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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eaf tissue flows in ryegrass managed under different stocking rates Animal Sciences
Silva, Mônique Foggiato da; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Pötter, Luciana; Sichonany, Maria José de Oliveira; Ribeiro, Laila Arruda; Hundertmarck, Anelise Pereira.
Morphogenetic, structural variables and leaf biomass flows of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) were evaluated under two stocking rates: ‘Low’ and ‘High’. These rates were determined by heifers exclusively on pasture or on pasture and supplemented with corn grain. The experimental design was completely randomized following a repeated measure arrangement, two stocking rates, two and four replications of area for the stocking rates ‘low’ and ‘high’, respectively. The morphogenetic variables, the number of green leaves and tiller density were similar in both stocking rates. Leaf senescence rate was higher with low stocking rate. Heifers grazed with similar intensity and frequency in both stocking rates. The increase by 33.6% in the stocking rate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: forage intake; Frequency of defoliation; Intensity of defoliation; Morphogenesis; Supplementation..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Performance of beef heifers supplemented with extruded fat on italian ryegrass pasture Animal Sciences
Roso, Dalton; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Pötter, Luciana; Sichonany, Maria José Oliveira; Rosa, Aline Tatiane Nunes da; Souza, Alexandre Nunes Motta de.
 Productive and reproductive performance of beef heifers grazing on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) were analyzed, comprising animals exclusively on pasture and supplemented animals with extruded fat (0.15 or 0.30% of body weight). The grazing method was continuous with variable stocking rate. The experimental design was completely randomized following a repeated measure arrangement. Variables related to pasture were similar when the heifers received different supplementation levels, with similar grazing conditions. Mean values of forage mass and canopy height were 1,500 kg DM ha-1 and 17 cm, respectively. Heifers ingested forage with a similar content of crude protein (21.90%) and neutral detergent fiber (49.30%), regardless of supplementation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave:; Angus heifers; Continuous grazing; Lolium multiflorum Lam..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Leaf tissue flows and defoliation patterns of Alexandergrass grazed by heifers receiving energy supplement Animal Sciences
Severo, Paula de Oliveira; Pötter, Luciana; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Negrini, Mateus; Martini, Amanda Carneiro; Rosa, Vanessa Bayer da.
The study was carried out to evaluate defoliation patterns and to quantify leaf tissue flows in Alexandergrass (Urochloa plantaginea (Link.) Hitch) grazed by beef heifers receiving whole rice bran in three levels of supplementation (0, 0.5 and 1 % of body weight). A rotational stocking grazing method and two area replications were utilized. The experimental design was completely randomized following a repeated measure arrangement. The supply of rice bran to heifers grazing Alexandergrass increased the stocking rate by 13%. Regardless of the feeding system, the heifers grazed the expanding leaf blades in the top stratum of the canopy more frequently compared to other types of leaf. Leaf tissue flows, leaf blade intake and grazing intensity have not been...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Defoliation intensity; Defoliation frequency; Urochloa plantaginea stocking rate..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Patterns of use of time by heifers with or without supplementation at different phenological stages of winter grasses Animal Sciences
Sichonany, Maria José de Oliveira; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Pötter, Luciana; Salvador, Paulo Roberto; Bergoli, Tuani Lopes; Moterle, Paulo Henrique.
A joint data analysis was performed to characterize forage intake rate and patterns of use of time by grazing heifers in cold season pastures. Heifers received or not energetic supplementation at different phenological stages of grasses (vegetative, pre-flowering and flowering). Experiments involved 360 heifers with initial age of eight months and average body weight of 145 ± 17 kg, on continuous grazing method and variable number of animals.  Supplementaed heifers consumed 17.0% less forage and 22.2% less leaf blades than heifers exclusively on pasture. Grazing activity was concentrated in the afternoon shift, regardless of the feeding system and phenological stages evaluated, with the longest event of rumination during the night. Forage intake rate is...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: phenological stages; Lolium multiflorum Lam.; Forage intake rate.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Methods to determine forage intake by lambs on Italian ryegrass Animal Sciences
Rosa, Aline Tatiane Nunes da; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Pötter, Luciana; Graminho, Larissa Arnhold; Bergoli, Tuani Lopes; Moterle, Paulo Henrique.
This study was conducted to evaluate the use of chromium oxide and the content of fecal nitrogen to estimate forage intake by female lambs on Italian ryegrass pasture. The pasture was managed under different forage allowances (FA): 6, 9 and 12% BW. The experiment was a randomized split-split plot design, in which the forage allowances were considered as main plots, the phenological stages as subplots and methods to determine intake as sub-subplots. Forage intake, in the ryegrass vegetative stage, is independent of forage allowance. Lower allowances limit forage intake from the pre-flowering stage, while at the reproductive stage, intake was lower in FA6, intermediate in FA9 and higher in FA12. The estimation of organic matter intake by lambs on Italian...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave:;; Lolium multiflorum Lam.; Fecal nitrogen; Lambs; Chromium oxide; Intermittent grazing..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Efficiency of the use of ryegrass by heifers in response to the receival of supplement Animal Sciences
Ribeiro, Laila Arruda; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Pötter, Luciana; Sichonany, Maria José de Oliveira; Silva, Mônique Foggiato da; Hundertmarck, Anelise Pereira.
The intensity and frequency of defoliation of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) by beef heifers exclusively grazing or receiving corn grain or extruded commercial product with fat as supplement were evaluated. The grazing method was put-and-take stocking. The experimental design was completely randomized following a repeated measure arrangement, three treatments and two area replications. The phyllochron of ryegrass was 140.1 and 303.4°GD the leaf lifespan. The intensity (67.0 %) and the frequency of defoliation (6.4 days) were similar, regardless of supply or no of energetic supplement for grazing heifers. The defoliation frequency indicates that the heifers can return about 3.3 times to the same tiller during the leaf lifespan. Considering the different...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: frequency of defoliation; Corn grain; Extruded fat; Intensity of defoliation; Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Defoliation patterns and tillering dynamics in Italian ryegrass under different herbage allowances Animal Sciences
Graminho, Larissa Arnhold; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Pötter, Luciana; Rosa, Aline Tatiane Nunes da; Bergoli, Tuani Lopes; Machado, Marcela.
This work was carried out in order to generate information on the tillering process and to contribute for the understanding of the defoliation process on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) grazed by lambs under different herbage allowances: 6, 8 and12 kg  of dry matter  per100 kg of animal live weight  per day. The grazing method was intermittent. The experimental design was completely randomized following a repeated measure arrangement, with three treatments and two area replications. The intensity of defoliation is greater at 6 and 9% herbage allowances. The defoliation interval is higher at 12% herbage allowance, intermediate at 9% and lower at 6%. The rates of tiller emergence, survival and death, stability index the tiller population are...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zootecnia / Pastagens e forragicultura accumulated thermal sum; Intermittent grazing; Defoliation intensity; Defoliation interval; Lambs; Lolium multiflorum.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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