Gomes, Karina Aurora Rodrigues; Valentim, Jean Kaique; Lemke, Sara Santana Ramos; Dallago, Gabriel Machado; Vargas, Ricardo Cruz; Paiva, Andre Luíz da Costa. |
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the behavior of lactating Saanen dairy goats housed with or without the use of environmental enrichment technique. Twelve animals were split into two equal groups and assign to one of two treatments: stall with or without enrichment. Five objects were used to enrich the stalls: plastic PET bottles suspended and freely on the floor (both filled with corn as a visual and auditory stimuli), general cleaning brushes fixed to the wall of the stall, suspended tire, and a tree trunk for climbing. The behavior of the goats was observed during two hours for 10 consecutive days. The behaviors were recorded using focal-animal sampling method, observing each animal during 10-minute period. Descriptive statistics were... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Zootecnia caprinocultura bem-estar animal etologia animal welfare; Dairy goat; Environmental enrichment; Ethology; Stereotyping.. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciAnimSci/article/view/42454 |
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