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A new enzymatic process for the treatment of phenolic pollutants BABT
Palma,Mauri Sergio Alves; Horn,Harald; Zilli,Mario; Pigatto,Gisele; Converti,Attilio.
This work aimed to develop a new economic enzymatic process to treat the phenolic pollutants using pure tyrosinase in stirred vessel and adopting temperature (T), pH, rotational speed (N), initial phenol (C P,o) and enzyme (C T) concentrations as independent variables. Experimental data of the residual phenol concentration (C P) were used to calculate the oxidation efficiency (η), initial oxidation rate (-r o) and time required to reach the end of reaction (t) that were selected as the responses. Under the optimal conditions (T = 45°C, pH 6.6, N = 400 rpm, C P,o = 100 ppm and C T = 50 U/mL), η was 88.1%, -r o = 10.2 mg L-1 min-1, t = 40 min. These results suggested that tyrosinase-rich crude extracts from vegetable byproducts could be quite promising.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phenols; Tyrosinase; Wastes; Enzymatic treatment.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Tetracycline: production, waste treatment and environmental impact assessment BJPS
Borghi,Alexandre Augusto; Palma,Mauri Sergio Alves.
The frequent occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment requires an assessment of their environmental impact and their negative effects in humans. Among the drugs with high harmful potential to the environment are the antibiotics that reach the environment not only, as may be expected, through the effluents from chemical and pharmaceutical industries, but mainly through the sewage and livestock; because around 25 to 75% of the ingested drugs are excreted in unchanged form after the passage through the Gastro-Intestinal Tract. Tetracycline has high world consumption, representing a human consumption of about 23 kg/day in Brazil in 2007. At the moment, researches are being made to develop new tetracycline that incorporate heavy metals (Hg, Cd,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tetracyclines/production; Tetracyclines/waste/tratament; Tetracyclines/waste/environmental impact; Environmental contamination; Domestic sewage/treatment; Industrial wastewater/treatment; Advanced oxidation processes/wastewater treatment.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Environmental contamination by fluoroquinolones BJPS
Frade,Verônica Maria Fadário; Dias,Meriellen; Teixeira,Antonio Carlos Silva Costa; Palma,Mauri Sergio Alves.
Over the past few decades, a high number of pharmaceuticals have been detected in surface, ground and drinking waters. This contamination comes from domestic sewage, livestock, hospitals and chemical-pharmaceutical industries. Typical examples of these pollutants are the fluoroquinolones - powerful antibiotics used in human and veterinary medicine. The presence of fluoroquinolones in the environment can pose a serious threat to the ecosystem and to human health due to their high consumption globally: in 1998, around 120 tons were produced. Even at low environmental concentrations, antibiotics stimulate bacterial resistance. The consequences of the presence of fluoroquinolones in the environment are not fully understood, but are known to be toxic to plants...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fluoroquinolones/waste/environmental impact; Fluoroquinolones/waste/environmental contamination; Environmental contamination; Advanced oxidation processes/wastewater treatment.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Development and validation of analytical methodology with focus on the qualification of powder mixers BJPS
Fiorante,Pedro de Freitas; Martins,Rodrigo Dias; Palma,Mauri Sergio Alves.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Powder mixers/analytical validation; Spectrophotometry; Ferric oxide/quantification; Lactose monohydrate/quantitative analysis.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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