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NEREIS (Nutrient Export Role on Eutrophication. Indicators and model Scenarios) - Rapport Seine-Aval ArchiMer
Garnier, Josette; Le Gendre, Romain; Passy, Paul; Paris, Francois; Billen, Gilles; Callens, Julie; Cugier, Philippe; Tronquart, Olivier; Romero, Estela; Riou, Philippe.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Eutrophication modelling chain for improved management strategies to prevent algal blooms in the Bay of Seine ArchiMer
Passy, Paul; Le Gendre, Romain; Garnier, Josette; Cugier, Philippe; Callens, Julie; Paris, Francois; Billen, Gilles; Riou, Philippe; Romero, Estela.
Eutrophication of the Seine estuary and the Bay of the Seine is a crucial environmental issue for the management of ecosystems and economic activities related to fisheries and tourism. A large quantity of nutrients, especially nitrogen, is brought to the coastal zone by the Seine River, the main input of that area, but also by smaller rivers along the Normandy coast. This large delivery of nitrogen leads to an imbalance between nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and silica (Si), which affects the growth of planktonic organisms and can exacerbate the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs). These events can be damaging for shellfish fisheries, an important economic resource for the region. The study describes a new modelling chain coupling a riverine and a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eutrophication; Harmful algal blooms; Nutrient load; Modelling; Water quality; Seine.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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EMOSEM Final Report - Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management In the North Atlantic Ocean ArchiMer
Desmit, Xavier; Lacroix, Geneviève; Thieu, Vincent; Menesguen, Alain; Dulière, Valerie; Campuzano, Francisco; Billen, Gilles; Neves, Ramiro; Lancelot, Christiane; Gypens, Nathalie; Dussauze, Morgan; Garnier, Josette; Silvestre, Marie; Passy, Paul; Lassaletta, Luis; Guittard, Gabriel; Théry, Sylvain; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Garcia, Carla; Pinto, Ligia; Sobrinho, Joao; Mateus, Marco; Ascione Kenov, Isabella.
One of the leading challenges in marine science and governance is to improve scientific guidance of management measures to mitigate eutrophication nuisances in the EU seas. Too few approaches integrate the eutrophication process in space (continuum river-ocean) and in time (past, present and future status). A strong need remains for (i) knowledge/identification of all the processes that control eutrophication and its consequences, (ii) consistent and harmonized reference levels assigned to each eutrophication-related indicator, (iii) identification of the main rivers directly or indirectly responsible for eutrophication nuisances in specific areas, (iv) an integrated transboundary approach and (v) realistic short term and long term nutrient reduction...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Coupling a watershed model of the Seine river with a 3D ecological model of the English Channel in order to study eutrophication problems ArchiMer
Cugier, Philippe; Passy, Paul; Callens, Julie; Garnier, Josette; Riou, Philippe; Billen, Gilles; Le Gendre, Romain; Paris, Francois.
Eutrophication of the Seine river/estuary/bay continuum of the French coast of the English Channel is a subject of growing concern. Because of huge nutrient inputs from the Seine river, with an excess of nitrogen over phosphorus and silica, chlorophyll concentrations reach very high level and episodic blooms of toxic dinoflagellates are regularly observed. In order to better understand the relationship between these ecological processes and the human activities in the Seine watershed, two models have been developed and used in connection : 1/ a model describing nutrient (N, P, Si) transfer processes at the scale of the whole Seine Basin (SENEQUE/RIVERSTRAHLER, Thieu et al, 2009), allowing human activity (agricultural practices, waterscape management, urban...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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