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Optimization of triploid induction by the use of 6-DMAP for the oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) ArchiMer
Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Peignon, Jean-marie; Ledu, Christophe.
A novel method using 6-dimcthylaminopurinc (6-0MAP) has recently been demonstrated to be a good triploid inductor for bivalve molluscs. The effects of 6-DMAP concentration, timing of treatment after fertilization and treatment duration on survival and triploid induction of Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) embryos were examined. An influence of sperm concentration was also detected and discussed. Survival to D-stage was inversely related to 6-DMAP concentration and the percentage of triploids was shown to be 6-DMAP dose dependent. Two optimal moments for treatment application were determined corresponding to extrusions of the first and second polar bodies. Optimal treatment of 450 µmol/l 6-DMAP beginning 15 min after fertilization over a 10 min period yielded...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Genetic; Triploid induction; Crassostrea gigas; 6 DMAP; Triploid; Oysters.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Foraminiferal assemblages: tools for assessment of shrimp pond conditions ArchiMer
Debenay, Jean-pierre; Della Patrona, Luc; Herbland, Alain; Goguenheim, Hemitti; Peignon, Jean-marie.
Meiofauna is a functional group made of small benthic metazoans 45 to 500µm in size. Although protista, foraminifera living in this kind of environment are often put in to the meiofauna. Meiofauna has been studied in New Caledonia for its double role as biological indicator for monitoring pond health status and as shrimp forage. Suitability of EOM (easily oxidized material), SOD(sediment oxygen demand),as new biochemical tools for monitoring shrimp pond health was assessed in an environmental survey aiming to assess the role of the water/sediment interface in the occurrence of the summer syndrome vibriosis. EOM, SOD and redox were correlated with shrimp survivals. Lowest meiofauna biomass and abundance were concomitantly found in the most polluted station....
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Ano: 2009 URL:
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Salinité et confort physiologique - Application pratique en élevage larvaire ArchiMer
Pham, Dominique; Mailliez, Jean-rene; Peignon, Jean-marie; Broutoi, Francis; Marteau, Anne-laure; Wabete, Nelly.
The caledonian blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris is the second largest export commodity in New Caledonia. This industry is based on 19 production farms but also four hatcheries, two feed production units and two packing plants. The maximum production was reached in 2005 with 2400 tons. Supply of juveniles by hatchery is the bottle neck of the production chain because this species is not present in the natural environment. Recent problems of larval survival led some scientists to work on eco-physiology to propose adaptations of larval rearing protocol. Salinity of the rearing environment is taken as an example to study the influence of abiotic parameters on the animal physiology according to its development stage. The influence of salinity on survival...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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REGEMO Réseau Génétique Mollusques. Compte rendu de la réunion des 13 et 14 décembre 1993 - Nantes ArchiMer
Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Peignon, Jean-marie; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Baud, Jean-pierre; Nourry, Max; Haure, Joel; Coatanea, Denis; Oheix, Jocelyne; Vercelli, Catherine; Chabirand, Jean-michel; Borel, Michel; Maurer, Daniele; Heurtebise, Serge; Garnier, Jacqueline; Martin, Anne-genevieve; Tige, Gilbert; Mazurie, Joseph; Langlade, Aime.
Cette réunion des membres du Réseau Génétique Mollusques avait pour objet de faire un bilan provisoire des actions en cours et surtout de mettre en place les protocoles et les calendriers du début de l'année 1994. La première demi-journée a été réservée à un exposé de Yamama NACIRI sur les bases de la Génétique Quantitative et ses applications dans le cadre des programmes de sélection des mollusques.La deuxième demi-journée a été consacrée au bilan des actions de 1993. Les représentants de chaque site, intervenant dans une opération du réseau en 1993, ont fait une présentation orale de leurs résultats. Un résumé de chaque intervention vous est fourni dans ce document. Il est important de souligner que tous ces bilans sont provisoires, en premier lieu parce...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Génétique; Sélection génétique; Huître plate; Ostrea edulis; Croissance; Génétique population.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Essai d'acclimatation de Crassostrea virginica et performances biologiques comparées avec Crassostrea gigas (2ème partie) ArchiMer
Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Peignon, Jean-marie; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Baud, Jean-pierre; Heurtebise, Serge; Nourry, Max; Renault, Tristan; Cochennec, Nathalie; Zanette, Yvan; Blachier, Philippe.
Deuxième volet du programme d'essai d'acclimatation de l'huître américaine Crassostrea virginica, ce rapport présente les actions et les résultats de l'année 1993 qui a été consacrée au suivi des performances comparées de croissance des populations de C. gigas et C. virginica produites en 1992, ceci en trois sites différents: • dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron en claire et sur estran, à la station IFREMER de Bouin en élevage intensif, au CREAA sur l'Ile d'Oléron en marais extensif. Au terme de cette seconde année d'étude, il est d'ores et déjà possible d'affirmer que que la souche anglaise de C. virginica étudiée ne présente pas de caractéristiques de croissance susceptibles de la rendre compétitive par rapport au témoin Crassostrea gigas et cela d'autant...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusques; Acclimatation; Crassostrea virginica; Crassostrea gigas; Génétique; Pathologie.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Compte rendu de la réunion des 14 et 15 Avril 1993 - La Tremblade - Réseau Génétique Mollusques (REGEMO) ArchiMer
Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Coatanea, Denis; Martin, Anne-genevieve; Barret, Jean; Claude, Serge; Heurtebise, Serge; Devauchelle, Nicole; Joly, Jean-pierre; Goulletquer, Philippe; Baud, Jean-pierre; Nourry, Max; Bougrier, Serge; Renault, Tristan; Cochennec, Nathalie; Chollet, Bruno; Le Deuff, Rose-marie; Peignon, Jean-marie.
La discussion générale organisée à la fin de la deuxième journée a fait ressortir les points suivants: 1- Les participants se sont déclarés satisfaits de la tenue de la réunion, tant dans son déroulement, que dans les échanges d'informations auxquels elle a donné lieu. La quantité et la qualité des résultats présentés a permis de mettre en évidence la puissance d'analyse que représente le travail en réseau. 2-L'importance de la valorisation des résultats a été soulignée à plusieurs reprises. La diffusion de l'information devrait se faire dans un premier temps par la voie de rapport internes à la DRV, puis par la voie d'articles publiés dans des revues scientifiques. Sur le programme "C. gigas triploïdes", une première diffusion des résultats obtenus en...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Génétique; Sélection génétique; Huître plate; Ostrea edulis; Génétique population; Croissance.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Image analysis : a new method for estimating triploidy in commercial bivalves ArchiMer
Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Peignon, Jean-marie; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Noiret, Christophe; Peudenier, Isabelle; Grizel, Henri.
For determination of ploidy levels in bivalves, three techniques are now routinely used: karyological determination. microfluorimetry and flow cytometry. This paper proposes an alternative technique which is based on determination of the optical density (OD) of stained nuclei using image analysis. A karyological and image analysis comparative experiment conducted on juveniles of Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) and Ruditapes philippinarum (Adam & Reeve) is described and highlights the advantages of the image analysis technique. Initially developed on C. gigas and R. philippinarum, the image analysis method was easily extended to other bivalve species and to different developmental stages, as demonstrated by two experiments conducted on Ostrea edulis (L.)....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Estimation bivalve triploidy; Image analysis; Triploid; Genetic; Crassostrea gigas; Oysters.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Projet Déduction 2007-2010. Bilan par action et annexes ArchiMer
Beliaeff, Benoit; Laugier, Thierry; Chim, Liet; Coatanea, Denis; Della Patrona, Luc; Goyard, Emmanuel; Herlin, Jose; Labreuche, Yannick; Lemaire, Pierrette; Lemonnier, Hugues; Morvan, Patrice; Patrois, Jacques; Peignon, Jean-marie; Pham, Dominique; Soulard, Benoit; Wabete, Nelly; Walling, Emilie; Ansquer, Dominique; Castex, Mathieu; Lucas, Ronan; Reynaud, Yann; Ifremer, LEAD-NC,.
Ce document constitue le bilan détaillé des résultats du projet DEDUCTION (2007-2010) , action par action. Le projet DEDUCTION "DEveloppement DUrable de la Crevetticulture, Traitement de l’Information et Observatoire du système en Nouvelle-Calédonie" est un projet de recherche et de développement en soutien à la filière crevetticole néo-calédonienne. C'est un programme très horizontal et pluridisciplinaire en poursuivant et développant les ouvertures scientifiques, techniques et thématiques établies à la faveur de DESANS. Son ossature s’articule autour de 4 actions : 3 actions de recherche et une action transversale devant faciliter les interfaces entre la recherche et sa finalité, entre les chercheurs et les partenaires locaux (GFA, Provinces,...
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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Cross breeding of different domesticated lines as a simple way for genetic improvement in small aquaculture industries: Heterosis and inbreeding effects on growth and survival rates of the Pacific blue shrimp Penaeus (Litopenaeus) stylirostris ArchiMer
Goyard, Emmanuel; Goarant, Cyrille; Ansquer, Dominique; Brun, Pierre; De Decker, Sophie; Dufour, Robert; Galinie, C; Peignon, Jean-marie; Pham, Dominique; Vourey, Elodie; Harache, Yves; Patrois, Jacques.
Two populations of the Latin American shrimp Penaeus (Litopenaeus)stylirostris domesticated in Hawaii and in New Caledonia were previously shown to be genetically differentiated and proven highly inbred. In New Caledonia, where different Vibriosis affect shrimp production and antibiotic use is banned in growing ponds, the Hawaiian population was introduced to increase the allelic variability available for local shrimp farmers and start a genetic improvement program. Growth and survival rates of the two pure populations and the two-way F-1-hybrids obtained by breeding Hawaiian animals with New Caledonian animals were assessed in several simple experiments (earthen ponds, floating cages and experimental infection challenges) during two years on two...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vibriosis; Survival; Growth; Penaeus Litopenaeus stylirostris; Shrimp; Cross breeding; Genetic improvement.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Induced triploidy in the European clam, Ruditapes decussatus (L.) and performance of triploid larvae ArchiMer
Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Noiret, Christophe; Ledu, Christophe; Peignon, Jean-marie.
For the first time, effective treatments using cytochalasin B were developed to induce triploidy in the European clam, Ruditapes decussatus (L.). The percentage of triploid embrios was assessed by karyological or image analysis. Two treatments (O.5 or 1 mg of cytochasin B (CB per ml of dimethylsulfoxide in 1 l of sea water) were applied at different times after fertilization (10 to 25 mn), for two different periods (15 and 20 min). Best results were obtained for a CB concentration of 1 mg/l. When treatment was applied 15 min after fertilization for a 20 min period, 94% and 95% of triploid embryos were obtained in two repeated experiments. At metamorphosis, the treated larvae appeared to be no smaller than the control larvae in all experiments. Thowever, in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Genetic; Ruditapes decussatus; Clam; Induced triploidy.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Performance of triploid Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) reared in high carrying capacity ecosystem : survival, growth and proximate biochemical composition ArchiMer
Goulletquer, Philippe; Joly, Jean-pierre; Gerard, Andre; Le Gagneur, Eric; Moriceau, Jacques; Peignon, Jean-marie; Heurtebise, Serge; Phelipot, Pascal.
Triploid oysters Crassllstrea gigas were: produced in 1990 by treating fertilized eggs with cytochalasin B (CS). Triploids, treated diploids, and controls were deployed early 1991 in a high carrying capacity ecosystem on the Eastern Coast of Normandy (France). A monthly monitoring in 1992 showed that triploids yielded significantly higher growth rate and biochemical composition. However, growth was more heterogeneous. No evidence was found for a length or weight bimodal frequency distribution within triploid groups after a 26 months rearing cycle. Triploids showed retardation of gametogenesis. Carbohydrates content in triploids remained almost constant (40%) from June to September. Their survival rates were significantly lower than controls. Moreover...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biochemical compostion; Survival; Carrying capacity; Triploid; Growth; Oysters; Crassostrea gigas; Composition biochimique; Survie; Capacité trophque; Triploïdes; Croissance; Huîtres; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Salinity tolerance, ontogeny of osmoregulation and zootechnical improvement in the larval rearing of the Caledonian Blue Shrimp, Litopenaeus stylirostris (Decapoda, Penaeidae) ArchiMer
Pham, Dominique; Charmantier, Guy; Wabete, Nelly; Boulo, Viviane; Broutoi, Francis; Mailliez, Jean-rene; Peignon, Jean-marie; Charmantier-daures, Mireille.
The ontogeny of osmoregulationwas investigated in Litopenaeus stylirostris by studying salinity tolerance and osmoregulatory capacity. Shrimp at different larval and postlarval stages were exposed to various salinities and survival was monitored for 24 h. Survival rates exceeded 80% at salinity over 25 ppt (750 at all the stages. At salinities below to 25 ppt, salinity tolerance was higher in nauplii and zoeae than in mysis larvae. Postlarval stages were able to withstand lower salinities, e.g. 6.0 ppt (176 at PL9 stage, but they were more sensitive than larvae to salinities over 35 ppt (1035 Zoea and mysis larvae slightly hyper-regulated at all tested salinities. After metamorphosis, postlarvae progressively...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeid; Litopenaeus stylirostris; Ontogeny; Osmoregulation; Growth.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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L’élevage de la crevette bleue en Nouvelle -Calédonie ArchiMer
Della Patrona, Luc; Brun, Pierre; Peignon, Jean-marie.
Ce poster présente l'ouvrage homonyme qui représente une somme de connaissances considérable sur l’élevage de la crevette bleue Litopenaeus stylirostris en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Les différents aspects de l’élevage y sont détaillés avec de nombreux exemples très concrets et une iconographie abondante, 320 pages,101 figures, 49 photos, 85 tableaux, près de 500 références bibliographiques. Cet ouvrage satisfera naturellement les professionnels de la crevetticulture en Nouvelle-Calédonie et au delà, mais également constitue un modèle particulièrement original de restitution d’une expérience aquacole, intéressant ainsi un large public.
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Ano: 2009 URL:
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DEDUCTION : A research project for shrimp farming sustainability in New-Caledonia ArchiMer
Beliaeff, Benoit; Chim, Liet; Della Patrona, Luc; Goyard, Emmanuel; Herlin, Jose; Labreuche, Yannick; Walling, Emilie; Ansquer, Dominique; Brun, Pierre; Castex, Mathieu; Coatanea, Denis; Courties, Claude; De Lorgeril, Julien; Dufour, Robert; Frappier, Julie; Goarant, Cyrille; Huber, Matthias; Lemaire, Pierrette; Lemonnier, Hugues; Loubersac, Lionel; Le Roux, Frederique; Lucas, Ronan; Patrois, Jacques; Peignon, Jean-marie; Pham, Dominique; Ramage, Yannick; Soulard, Benoit; Vic, Marlene; Vourey, Elodie; Wabete, Nelly.
New Caledonian shrimp farming feasibility studies started in the mid-seventies. Today ca. 2000 tons of Litopenaeus stylirostris, introduced in 1978, are semi-intensively produced each year. Since fifteen years, production has been impacted by two seasonal vibriosis, the “Summer” syndrome caused by Vibrio nigripulchritudo in relation to pond bottom and water column quality, and the “Winter Syndrome” caused by Vibrio penaeicida in relation to drastic temperature drops . With the ambition of elucidating processes possibly leading to mortality outbreaks in ponds, Ifremer has been conducting a research program since 2003 under the DESANS project (2003-2006) and the present DEDUCTION project, equally funded by the South and North Provinces and by the Government...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Shrimp farming; Technical and scientific support; Vibriosis; Water quality; Pathology; Ecophysiology; Genetics; Zoosanitary monitoring and procedures; Multifactorial and multidisciplinary approach.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Obtention de souches conchylicoles performantes par polyploïdisation (5ème partie) ArchiMer
Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Peignon, Jean-marie; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Baud, Jean-pierre; Nourry, Max; Haure, Joel; Heurtebise, Serge; Garnier, Jacqueline; Martin, Anne-genevieve; Claude, Serge; Langlade, Aime; Joly, Jean-pierre; Goulletquer, Philippe; Ruelle, Francois; Coatanea, Denis; Oheix, Jocelyne; Vercelli, Catherine; Chabirand, Jean-michel; Maurer, Daniele; Borel, Michel; Cardinal, Mireille; Cornet, Josiane; Le Pennec, Marcel; Le Mercier, A..
This fifth part of the polyploidisation program reports the experiments that were conducted in 1993 and that were devoted to : - monitoring growth performance of Ostrea edulis diploids and triploids in La Trinité sur Mer and Palavas - monitoring growth performance of Crassostrea gigas diploids and triploids in Port en Bessin, Marennes Oleron (2 locations), Arcachon and Palavas - comparative study of gametogenesis for C. gigas diploids and triploids - comparative study of C. gigas diploids and triploids using sensorial analysis At the end of fifth year, it was clear that triploids are advantageous although such a statement must be moderated according to locations. The gametogenesis stydy showed that triploidy is associated with partial to complete...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Ostrea edulis; Cytogenetics; Polyploidy; Crassostra gigas; Ostrea edulis; Cytogénétique; Polyploïdie.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Analysis of shell colour determinism in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum ArchiMer
Peignon, Jean-marie; Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal.
The Manila clam presents a large polymorphism for shell colours and patterns. No experiment has been conducted to study the determinism of such a polymorphism which has been well known for a long time. The aim of this study was firstly to determine the genetic variation for shell colour and secondly to produce some homozygous lines for the shell colouring. These lines could then be used as controls for laboratory experiments. The colouring is defined by three characters: asymmetry, ornamentation and hue. Clams with asymmetrical colouring are not fully pigmented, except for a posterior band on the left valve. Clams with symmetrical colouring are fully pigmented on the two valves. Four cross series were conducted between the different characters: Asymmetry...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusque; Bivalve; Palourde; Ruditapes philippinarum; Génétique; Hérédité mendélienne; Coloration; Asymétrie; Mollusc; Bivalve; Manila clam; Ruditapes philippinarum; Genetics; Mendelian inheritance; Colouration; Asymmetry.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Amélioration génétique expérimentale de la crevette d'élevage de Nouvelle-Calédonie : Sélection d'une population de L. stylirostris résistante à la bactérie pathogène Vibrio penaeicida. Rapport final pour le Ministère de l'Outre-Mer ArchiMer
Goyard, Emmanuel; Goarant, Cyrille; Bachere, Evelyne; De Lorgeril, Julien; Mugnier, Chantal; Ansquer, Dominique; Broutoi, Francis; Brun, Pierre; Imbert, Frederic; Justou, Carole; Maillez, Jean-rene; Patrois, Jacques; Pham, Dominique; Peignon, Jean-marie.
The New-Caledonian shrimp industry is based on the controlled reproduction of the shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris, a species which was introduced in the 80s. The major difficulty to which the industry has been faced for 10 years is the occurrence of the "syndrome 93", which corresponds to mortality phases when the temperature falls down in April-May-June. This mortality is associated to the pathogenic bacteria Vibrio penaecida and is expressed at different levels which are variable from year ta year and from pond to pond. No resistance to this pathology has been developed spontaneously. This is likely due to the protocole used to rear spawners, which does not allow to implement an efficient selective pressure at each generation An experimental selection...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Amélioration génétique; P. styliroslris; Résistance; Syndrome 93; Lyzozyme; Genetic improvement; P. styliroslris; Résistance; Syndrome 93; Lyzozyme.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Sécurisation des souches de crevettes d’élevage en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Résultats de la quarantaine et du conservatoire expérimental. Eléments pour la définition d’une stratégie de sécurisation des souches de crevettes en Nouvelle-Calédonie ArchiMer
Patrois, Jacques; Goyard, Emmanuel; Peignon, Jean-marie; Dufour, Robert; Ansquer, Dominique.
A new strain of L. stylirostris was introduced in New Caledonia. Quarantine facilities were set up inland using RAS and artificial seawater. After 5 months of rearing, all the 16 initial families were still represented with a 50% average survival. Three samplings for known pathogens were made during that period, all of them negative. Half the animals were taken to outdoor ponds for rearing to reproduction size when the rest was used to test different arrangements for a biosecure rearing until reproduction. Numerous spawnings and nauplii were obtained but larval rearings could not be completed. Different options are considered for the set up of a biosecure facility allowing the rearing and the breeding of pathogen free strains of shrimp.
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Ano: 2007 URL:
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Essai d'acclimatation de Crassostrea virginica et performances biologiques comparées avec Crassostrea gigas (1ère partie) ArchiMer
Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Peignon, Jean-marie; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Baud, Jean-pierre; Nourry, Max; Renault, Tristan; Cochennec, Nathalie.
Premier volet du programme d'essai d'acclimatation de l'huître américaine Crassostrea virginica, ce rapport présente les actions et les résultats de l'année 1992 qui a été consacrée à : • l'importation selon les normes du CIEM d'un lot de 50 huîtres en provenance d'Angleterre, • leur élevage en salle de quarantaine et leur conditionnement en vue d'une accélération de la maturation sexuelle, • l'obtention d'une première génération, ainsi que son suivi en élevage larvaire et en micronurserie à l'URGE-La Tremblade, • au contrôle des performances comparées des deux populations de C. virginica et de C. gigas en nurserie de prégrossissement à l'URRA-Bouin pendant toute la période automnale et hivernale. Au terme de cette première année d'étude il apparait que la...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusques; Acclimatation; Crassostrea virginica; Crassostrea gigas; Génétique; Pathologie.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Obtention de souches conchylicoles performantes par polyploïdisation (4ème partie) ArchiMer
Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Peignon, Jean-marie; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Bodoy, Alain; Heurtebise, Serge; Garnier, Jacqueline; Baud, Jean-pierre; Nourry, Max; Haure, Joel; Martin, Anne-genevieve; Claude, Serge; Barret, Jean; Devauchelle, Nicole; Joly, Jean-pierre; Goulletquer, Philippe; Coatanea, Denis; Oheix, Jocelyne; Zanette, Yvan; Blachier, Philippe.
This fourth part of the polyploidisation program reports the experiments that were conducted in 1992 and that were devoted to : - the acquiring of a new method using an epifluroescent microscope - the development o a new technique for inducing polyploidy - the triploidy induction for the Europena clam Ruditapes decussatus - the settlement of performance controls conducted on diploid and triploid populations of Ostrea edulis - results of performance controls conducted on diploid and triploid populations of Crassostrea gigas and Ruditapes philippinarum
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes decussatus; Ruditapes philippinarum; Ostrea edulis; Crassostra gigas; Cytongenetics; Polyploidy; Ruditapes decussatus; Ruditapes philippinarum; Ostrea edulis; Crassostrea gigas; Cytogénétique; Polyploïdie.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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